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Search results

  1. Western Work Ethic

    I should note that that was tongue-in-cheek. I don't really believe in the myth that INTPs are lazy. As a side note, P-ness is a great word.
  2. Hello.

    I know exactly what you mean, zombie Hitler. I think people have a deep disdain for people who act in a truly free fashion, because when they observe that, suddenly all their values, compromises and rules they made for themselves which turn them into voluntary slaves – all those suddenly lose...
  3. Your IQ & Occupation

    This was definitely a test in patience more than anything. 124 with clicking randomly on the last 5 or so. Occupation: applied-mathematician.
  4. Ask an ESFJ

    Question: what is the greatest compliment you can give to an ESFJ and what is the biggest insult.
  5. Hobby to replace gaming addiction

    Another suggestion: start making ASMR videos.
  6. Hardest things to learn (topics/subjects)

    From what I understand, quantum physics satisfies your criteria. I don't know much about it though. One can probably argue some sub-fields of mathematics also satisfy the criteria. I mean, I've learned stuff like measure theory, which can be quite abstract but it's not really...
  7. Western Work Ethic

    Did you just ask about work ethic on an INTP forum? :rolleyes: Anyway, to me, it's about mindset and just getting used to it. It's about thinking in terms of getting things done, as opposed to just showing up for the required number of hours. Things like alcohol have to be avoided, though.
  8. Ask an ESFJ

  9. Cured my depression

    This seems to be a repeating pattern. Someone found use of some self-help thing out there, and although these things are in limitless supply and in all kinds of forms, the person is somehow convinced that this one thing is the treatment, and starts spreading it around indiscriminately, posting...
  10. Recent papers you have read

    Billings, Darse, et al. "Approximating game-theoretic optimal strategies for full-scale poker." IJCAI. 2003. Interesting in the sense that it provides a computable method for obtaining Nash equilibria for "full-scale" poker. This is basically done by grouping a bunch of cases together to reduce...
  11. Let's talk about art!

    I think of art as something that makes you experience certain ideas. For example If you want to depict greed, you don't just paint someone being greedy or try to explain what greed is, but make a painting that makes you feel and experience greed and make you conscious of it. In that sense it is...
  12. Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    I give it a default score of 10/10 since I can't see what it is.
  13. What is your IQ?

    I find IQ overall a very bizarre concept. It's like talking about how much weight you can lift by using some super-vague predictor like the circumference of your grandfather's bicep. I'm more interested in whether you have actually ever lifted a weight and how heavy it was.
  14. INTP and Chronic Depression plus an Autoimmune Disease

    @Nebulous there are many ways to be skinny despite eating regularly. For example if you eat a lot of lean food low on carbs, or if you drink a lot of caffeine, etc. But I know the feeling – the unknowing and all the speculation can drive one insane. I'm a hypochondriac too sometimes.
  15. What is your IQ?

    I'd rather jerk off than take an IQ test, although they are approximately the same thing.
  16. Hobby to replace gaming addiction

    I suggest BDSM.
  17. Going to therapy?

    What!? But.. I thought we had something special, Crystabelle!
  18. Chatbox Archives

    Gotta live in the moment bro
  19. INTP and INTJ thinking styles

    If you give me a project I care about, I'm the most intense and hard-working mofo you'll find. But then there will be periods where I'm just a lazy slug. Maybe that's the thing. INTPs swing between periods of intense focus and complete relaxation.
  20. Going to therapy?

    Don't make it short. If it's short it looks like you just decided to do it and don't care about his opinion. In general, if you want someone to do something they don't want to do, either plant the seed inception style and make it look like their decision, or tell them you need their help...
  21. Effective Communication via Rhythm-Entrainment

    In most cases, people don't even listen to the words you speak. They rather perceive messages they anticipate in the moments before the actual words are spoken. So yes, I think this rhythm you refer to is hugely important in communication. I don't necessarily think it is important in...
  22. Great typology test

    For me, it's not really pressures and stresses. It's just that I have spent quite some time now, since I was in my late teens (I'm 27 now) going in the opposite direction – towards the ESFJ immersion if you will. For example I was huge on going out, partying, etc in my early 20s. I think it has...
  23. Work and me. What's my best option?

    I understand that your post might not be a perfect representation of your situation, Cogitant, but to me there is a pattern in your thinking. You say "I want to do writing" but then you say you are too spineless to do it. You say you want to go to university but then there is that anxiety...
  24. Great typology test

    Not sure. It feels authentic somehow. Edit: actually, come to think of it, it's just an arbitrary choice. Existence precedes essence.
  25. Great typology test

    I think that would work, although nowadays I'm trying to become a hermit and sink deeper into my INTPness.
  26. Extreme ST-Types

    I think INTPs and ESFJs have a common language. I don't know about ISTPs – never been one. But I was actually thinking of Se-dominants when I wrote that. I have very good friends who are ISTPs for example.
  27. ENTP or INTP? Plus an introduction.

    Tommy Hilfiger? What sort of cheapskate stuff is that? I only wear tailored suits.
  28. Extreme ST-Types

    When I talk with that kind of people, I just try paste together sentences I know they are familiar with. Otherwise it's like we're talking in two different languages.
  29. Great typology test

    This didn't make any sense whatsoever. If you assume that a test can identify your dominant function by asking a single question, then of course that's better than more questions. But why would you assume that is the case?
  30. INTP and INTJ thinking styles

    In my experience, INTJ-style thinkers are very prone to confirmation bias and superficial analysis of things. If they find one piece of evidence or argument to support their theory, they have zero doubts about the validity of the theory. Nor are they very interested in looking at all the...
  31. Possible careers for those that have 'Logical Intelligence'

    That's not necessarily true. Some of mathematics is pure deduction. But a lot of it requires a certain kind of problem-solving skills that is much more than just logic. I'm not sure what it is exactly, but it seems to be some combination of intuition and creativity.
  32. Great typology test

    Some behaviors are definitely quite stable over time, but it is a well known fact that the brain can physically change based on what sort of activities you engage in. Areas used for certain tasks grow in physical size when used more, for example. So it seems obvious to me that one's MBTI type is...
  33. Great typology test

    showers are not too bad, because one can think while showering.
  34. Great typology test

    Right, that is pretty much the essence of MBTI. If you have an active Ne, then by definition you are an ENTP. So it's a contradiction to say for example that you are an INTP with an active Ne. But clearly, the activity of one's Ne is not constant, so in that sense it should be possible for me to...
  35. Great typology test

    Quite cool. I ended up as ENTP although I see why – the first question tries to identify your dominant function, so if you have a quite active Ne you can easily end up as that. The usual MBTI test doesn't have this "sensitivity" to initial conditions because it doesn't work in a sequential...
  36. Would God Ponder Meaning of his Existence?

    As some have pointed out, it doesn't even make sense to think of this god as something that can engage in sequences of actions, because by definition, this entity doesn't have a temporal dimension. So either he knows all he can know, or he knows nothing at all.
  37. Going to therapy?

    You have clearly exhausted all your options. Yes, you need therapy and medication ASAP. Get diagnosed with something, play around with it. You have the whole DSM at your fingertips.
  38. My impression so far: Cogitant is a top-quality INTP

    My impression so far: Cogitant is a top-quality INTP
  39. Recent papers you have read

    B. Mandelbrot – The variation of certain Speculative Prices, 1963 Mandelbrot shows in this paper the inadequacy of the Normal distribution as a model for financial returns, and proposes an alternative model – the stable distribution. It's quite an experience reading this paper. Mandelbrot...
  40. What 'hurts' you?

    It hurts me to interact with all the stupidity out there. Does this mean I consider myself to be a genius or something? Well, yes, but I think being a genius just comes down to valuing the right ideas.
  41. MBTI cartoons

    Brilliant stuff :D
  42. Another Cyberattack,,

    https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/27/technology/global-ransomware-hack-what-we-know-and-dont-know.html Sorry to be blunt here, but come on.. who are these dumb people getting infected with this thing? It's exactly the same vulnerability as for the Wannacry attack. That one was acceptable...
  43. The Random Thoughts Thread

    The slave trades his freedom for predictability of his future. Somehow he considers that a good trade even when the future entails him being a slave. This is called employment nowadays.
  44. Important Philosophies to Live By

    Absurdism – revolt against the meaninglessness of life.
  45. Time Management

    I have consistently said "fuck you" to any sort of circumstances that imposes structure on my time. In high school, I was notorious for bing late to school every single day. In university I almost never attended anything that had a schedule. And showing up to work at 9 AM every day...
  46. What's the deal with cereals?

    I have a similar view on sandwiches. I prefer to eat bread and cheese separately, for example. I want to taste the individual products, na mean? Besides, it's too much work to prepare an actual sandwich.
  47. Small steps cover large distances

    The only thing that indicates trolling to me here is that OP claims to know a brilliant INTJ. [/spoiler]
  48. Small steps cover large distances

    Not to be rude, but it just sounds like you have read too many inspirational quotes. There is zero specificity to your concepts – it's all just a bunch of feel-good gibberish, and by virtue of being that it will never lead anywhere. This is constructive criticism by the way.
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