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Search results

  1. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    ^ The book made more sense / was a better experience. Jackson got kind of Jackson-y in this, unfortunately; it was distracting and too much in places. Saoirse Ronan is always worth a watch though even when she's in a shit movie (like "The Host"); she's always had real talent even from a young...
  2. Jennywocky

    Karma System

    Since I have the most posts, does this mean I'd have ultimate rep power?
  3. Jennywocky

    Avatar Experiment

    Interestingly, the artist (and I think she might also be the subject?) is a professional makeup artist, and she has a photo feed somewhere of various makeups for lots of different things, like vampires and ghouls and other clowns, etc. I think she has also done tutorials. So these are part of...
  4. Jennywocky

    So apparently im not an intp

    My thoughts here are pretty similar to Hado's. I don't really much care to tell people what they are and aren't, but your posting behavior has seemed far more divergent in approach, and when I read/relate to your posts, it seems more how I read/relate to Ne doms versus Ni doms. *shrug*
  5. Jennywocky

    Avatar Experiment

    yeah, and it showed up as part of the "INTP forum President" contest, so it was kind of a spoof on hyperserious patriotism. Cog does a lot of transhumanism and/or android stuff, I like his avatars generally and I like how there's an identifiable theme. I like that she's enigmatic plus there's...
  6. Jennywocky

    Avatar Experiment

    I can't use an avatar for very long that I can't identify with somehow. Which means I don't do vague abstractions either. It has to evoke something personally. I would often use Death of the Endless (I have a number I've found over the years) as my av. I seem to really like this macabre girl...
  7. Jennywocky

    Avatar Experiment

    it's good to be the king, err, president...
  8. Jennywocky

    Male Financial Abortions

    in the USA (or at least some notable states), religious pressures and legislation driven by them essentially force women to carry fetuses to term as much as possible and subject women to shame campaigns about abortion, even early first trimester abortions. to put it bluntly, women don't...
  9. Jennywocky

    We are invited!!!

    Obviously you wanted to do it all along, so just do it.
  10. Jennywocky

    We are invited!!!

    Probably RB overall, but I will still be happy if QT goes. Winners all around!
  11. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    It seemed to get a lot of buzz but I couldn't tell what was buzz vs real. Then again, after seeing Oculus, I was willing to chance it. They are not related, there's just too many ouija movies out there. Ouija (2014) was the original movie. Ouija: Origin of Evil (2016) is the prequel that...
  12. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    Oculus is a decent movie, directed by Mike Flanagan whose star has been rising -- if you liked this, you can check out some other movies he has done including: - Absentia (2011) - Hush (2016) - Before I Wake (2016) - Ouija: Origin of Evil (2016) Hush got a lot of buzz on Netflix. I saw Ouija...
  13. Jennywocky

    men violence against women

    #NotAllMales? Yeah, sure, there are certain pockets in American culture that do fine. Who said there weren't? I've been to Seattle. I've been to Portland. But are they the majority? Is it dominant enough to have eradicate the issue? Nope, it looks like many of us on the forum have unfortunately...
  14. Jennywocky

    We are invited!!!

    That is because Vecna is a lich.
  15. Jennywocky

    The Last Jedi

    Yeah, I was fine with this -- the movie is still what, eight months away? I don't WANT to know the whole plot. It really sucks when you're in the theater with no way to escape, so the only way to block out bloated trailers that ruin the movie is to close your eyes and cover your ears (or play...
  16. Jennywocky

    The Last Jedi

    I could have forgiven Lucas for the debacle of PHantom Menace and Attack of the Clones (well, mostly forgiven) if it had become clear that Jar-Jar was really the dark lord of the Sith who had been sabotaging the alliance for the first two movies. Alas, no, he was just a loser. The trailer is...
  17. Jennywocky

    We are invited!!!

    that is because they send a Nicaraguan death squad to assassinate you on the village green in total daylight with impunity. ------ Anyway, you did come to mind immediately as one of the best candidates, in terms of tactical on-the-fly ability. QT has a lot of experience, from his end. Maybe...
  18. Jennywocky

    is empathy, at its core, selfish?

    Oh -- so basically 1. They were helpful originally. 2. They were given a drug that prevented them from feeling good when helping someone else. 3. They stopped helping. ??? Do you have a link to the study? It sounds like the parameters of the test would play in a lot to how to...
  19. Jennywocky

    is empathy, at its core, selfish?

    That is how I tend to view it too. People use different definitions of the word "selfish" and obviously there is a large negative judgment assigned to it by most people. Is doing something that makes you feel good when you do it "selfish" in any practical, useful way, though? If I eat...
  20. Jennywocky

    men violence against women

    Yeah, I understand that certain types of people (and you see it with guys sparring mostly) see it as a way to express feelings and get out frustrations and afterwards they might have a better sense of each other's competence in fighting plus feel like they have been through something together. I...
  21. Jennywocky

    User of the Month

    Seconded, if this thread isn't all one big lousy joke mean to demoralize us further and crush our spirits. :phear: :D
  22. Jennywocky

    What is your IQ?

    Are you counting in base-3 again? :confused:
  23. Jennywocky

    Google images paedophilic results

    A lot of it is shit, like you've said -- it's fake and forced, like an alien's idea of what "hot sex" should be like. Unreal stuff. It's like listening to people with no musical ability singing karaoke and not realizing they can't sing. I'll watch clips on occasion, but typically only if it's...
  24. Jennywocky

    Pop ups (no more!)

    Re: Pop ups http://orig15.deviantart.net/7c5a/f/2012/138/a/c/take_me_now_by_greenskullplz-d506xgs.jpg
  25. Jennywocky

    Pop ups (no more!)

    Re: Pop ups are we gonna run off together like you promised once you got rich? :phear:
  26. Jennywocky

    Google images paedophilic results

    i don't know about that; where I grew up the two were seen as basically equivalent. (Heck, in the social area I was in, they're the folks who are like our VP Mike Pence and suggest you could be opening yourself to adultery if you eat a meal with a member of the opposite sex.) People were...
  27. Jennywocky

    Sexual Identity?

    There's nothing wrong with details. Life would be boring without them. :smoker:
  28. Jennywocky

    Sexual Identity?

    I'm not sure the all-inclusive Alphabet String acronym is going to improve matters. As typical, now folks who aren't covered in it don't feel included, and some who are included feel misrepresented, and meanwhile you get all the phobic folks misrepresenting the letters. Better to come up with an...
  29. Jennywocky

    Sexual Identity?

    ....waiting now for the potsexuals to enter the fray. ..
  30. Jennywocky

    Deepest fear, my centipede of destruction.

    Reminds me of this a bit, a copy of which I've had hanging since forever on my cube wall at work: I don't think we have a "direct" way to know, it usually just comes down to functioning on a holistic level. When something continues to function in a way that satisfies intent and need, we...
  31. Jennywocky

    Solve the grandfather paradox.

    Apparently either time travel never gets invented, or people simply have not been coming back to our current time or earlier, since we are still here (because we'd be caught in that explosion surplus of molecules)... although I have a hard time believing that no one in history after the...
  32. Jennywocky

    Sexual Identity?

    the "nature vs nurture" argument is usually handled on such a black and white level, it becomes absurd. Genetics and environment can work together to make changes in an organism that can persist. Genes (and their effects) can be muted or amplified by environmental pressures. Genetics involvement...
  33. Jennywocky

    Solve the grandfather paradox.

    Mistaken Genetics: You shoot your grandfather, nothing changes, and then you figure out your grandmother must have been having an affair.
  34. Jennywocky

    RyZen R5 review.

    I more just enjoyed having a momentary outlet for outrage. :D Yeah, I wasn't real happy even with $1400, at some point you are not getting much bang for your buck. Or in the high range, some of it seems to be (1) people blowing money just because they have it to blow or (2) amateurs who...
  35. Jennywocky

    RyZen R5 review.

    Yeah, I think I'm running a Pentium 4 from 2011 or something (?) ... I no longer remember... and it's got the fan + the heat sink that is about 1.5" tall on it. Plus the separate vidcard (NVidia) 940 I think, with its own fan built into it piping out through HDMI cable. I used to rebuild my...
  36. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    The first John Wick was pretty great, and a medium that Keanu works well in -- he's terrible at line delivery, so just hone his physical skills and let him speak through his body. If he did go a little nuts in the first one, that was understandable, considering how he got the beagle puppy in...
  37. Jennywocky

    RyZen R5 review.

    Well, if the 7700K is good enough for Coggy and the forces of transhumanism, I guess it is good enough for me.... :D I did not buy a high-end gaming system (where I equate that kind of system to a pricetag of $3000-5000, of which they had product lines running that high). And the lower-end...
  38. Jennywocky

    RyZen R5 review.

    it pisses me off. I haven't bought a new computer for years, and my old system died, so I finally ordered a new system with an i7 7700K about ten days ago, and then last week suddenly this gets big splashy news -- a cheaper chip by AMD that benchmarks better than the one I just ordered. :ahh04...
  39. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    I finished "The Eyes of My Mother" but in some ways it felt very clinical and I never got a sense of why Fransisca did what she did... beautifully rendered, beautiful ambiance (of very dark behavior), but kind of dissatisfying in that I just couldn't really "get" her. I was just watching this...
  40. Jennywocky

    INTPs & the military

    Christ, Reluctantly -- your experience sounds like every negative urban legend and bad joke about the army military, then doubling and tripling down on it... Like wtf.... Unbelievable, I had been hoping it was all just overblown but apparently not. Sounds terrible.
  41. Jennywocky

    Do debates actually change anyone's mind?

    I agree with that. Don't argue to reverse the opinion of a committed opponent; argue to educate the center mass of observers still learning and still making up their minds so they can come to a better informed decision. They are the ones you would need to convince and who also are open to...
  42. Jennywocky

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    Yeah, fine, I raise my hand -- I think of some crazy shit sometimes. Wouldn't do it because I don't want to live with the outcome, but yes mostly from what you are saying -- HOW WOULD PEOPLE RESPOND? Basically, it's like a crucible experiment to just see what people do when they are in a...
  43. Jennywocky

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    YOU LIE* *Disclaimer: I might be the only American who has never tasted a hot pocket.** ** I thought they were made mostly of plastic cheese-flavored byproducts
  44. Jennywocky

    Remake of Ghost in the Shell

    Feel free, I only dropped it because I saw it as such a dominant point popping out in online articles I was reading. So I'm sure for some people, they just went with it. It really did not help that the release coincided with the Netflix Iron Fist series drop, which aside from any of these...
  45. Jennywocky

    Remake of Ghost in the Shell

    Crash and burn, baby. Crash and burn. Was it the whitewashing? Was it the focus on action versus the more philosophical elements? Was it the inability of the studio to know how to market it / target an audience? Not sure. I haven't seen it yet. I've heard the graphics and action is okay, but...
  46. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    I have Amazon Prime too, so I'll make sure to avoid this one. Did you watch any of the VHS series? (There are three that were released.) Typically some suck, and some are decent. I always liked the very first one, first episode, with the strange girl they picked up in the bar. She's great...
  47. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    I watched "Fantastic Beasts..." the other night. Glad I watched it versus just buying it. It was pretty boring. The fantastic beasts were about as interesting as creatures from Avatar (or less so), most of the characters were bland (except for the two main supporting characters, Queenie and...
  48. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    What movie are you talking about? Or did you mean "Ghost in the Machine"? And is this the Karen Allen movie from 1993 or some other version?
  49. Jennywocky

    IRL... do people like you or not?

    I'm normally a bit invisible / don't necessarily interact with strangers, but if someone engages me, I'm accessible and easy to get along with. Mostly I mold myself to engage whoever I am with, and at worst I just don't engage versus picking fights or getting abrasive with people. (I save...
  50. Jennywocky

    men violence against women

    Context is everything, and the truth lies somewhere in-between. For a long time, women took a lot of shit because that's what society told us to do. A lot of burdening of blaming ourselves, a lot of time of spending ourselves on everyone else in our lives. Meanwhile, often the people you are...
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