Star Wars is a series of movies for 10yr old boys, every single aspect of the original trilogy and the prequels (except the Anakin/Padmé love scenes which nobody really liked) is designed to make 10yr old boys say "that's awesome".
Laser swords, awesome.
Force powers, awesome.
Droids, awesome.
Big stompy mecha, awesome.
Storm troopers, awesome.
Space ships, awesome.
Tauntauns, awesome.
Why did the droid army have a set-piece battle with the Gungans on Naboo despite having the means to blast them from orbit or at least strafe/bomb them with droid fighters?
Why did the final Darth Maul fight take place in the most illogical location ever conceived?
In The Last Jedi they did an amazing job of taking one of the most awesome settings, full of awesome things and awesome characters and stripping all the fun out of it. Luke's a grouchy old man that goes nowhere, does practically nothing, spends almost the entire movie berating the lead female protagonist for attempting to become a Jedi.
Poe's entire character is that he's an awesome fighter pilot ace and the plot does everything it can to shit on him for it, him being awesome at the start is turned into a bad thing, his awesome ship is blown up, his entirely justifiable mutiny is turned into another reason why he sucks, in the end his great epiphany is "we should run away".
All that mystery about who Rey is amounts to nothing, it's heavily implied that her getting stronger in the force is only making things worse, she's given a chance to do something interesting and immediately turns it down, in the end she lifts a shit-ton of rocks like it's nothing because it's not like Luke Fucking Skywalker one of the most gifted force users ever had to struggle to develop his force powers.
Princess Lia (who btw is the princess of precisely nothing) dies but then isn't dead but now the actress is dead so... yeah good luck with that.
To her credit Commander Gender Studies actually does contribute the most awesome scene in the entire movie, when she kills herself, my only regret is that she didn't first apologize to Poe for being an enormous bitch and that her death is treated like a tragedy when really nobody in the audience was sad about it.