They call me Longlegs
Imagine you were first in the scene of a motorcycle crash, and you found the victim is having a seizure and a hard time breathing, so you try to remove his helmet, good job you ended up snapping his spinal cord. The poor victim might die or worse; you can get sued (Assuming you live in China)!!
Is your actions morally good or not?
Before you answer that, take that motorcycle crash and turns it into a Stock Market Crash, and you as a member of the Congress, your first instinct is to strengthen the Domestic Productivity, you look at all this pesky foreign competitors and decide to quadruple the import tariffs, and also change the mental image of you losing half of your savings in court and your wife divorcing you to the Great Depression. (It really happened that way).
God (And Kant) judges based on intentions, this is a terrible Public Policy Principle, of course God doesn't need Guidelines for Good Governance or Economic Strategies, but humans do, its probably why human economic institutions turns out kind off shitty when using divine principles.
But while Kantian Ethics isn't for the Economist, Utilitarian aren't for the Judges, you can Imagine that a Gang Member is Freed from Charges when the judge declare that he has kill a killer therefore adding a net increase in the live of people, imagine that a person should be by law forced to donate his body to save 5 lives, imagine you going to prison for trying to save a poor biker. Intentions are ingrained in our legal system; Mens Rea.
Change the image of you again to the Congressman that made the Great Depression with the Smoot-Hawley Act, or to a Goldman Sachs Banker unintentionally causing the 2008 Crisis, the Legal Doctrine is the Same. These people cause such damage than a mere gang banger and not one of them ever touch a prison bar.
So what should we do?
While the road to Hell is Mostly Paved is with Good Intentions, the Road to Heaven is never paved with any bad ones, and God is the Divine bouncer not Us. The Truth lies somewhere in between two extremes. While Good intentions are very valuable, people who merely chanty it and ignore the result of their actions either don't have the right kind of Good Intentions and should be altered by people who have Good Means.
Unfortunately People who actually have good means are less popular than those who spend most of their energy of showing their good intentions while ignoring the latter.
Is your actions morally good or not?
Before you answer that, take that motorcycle crash and turns it into a Stock Market Crash, and you as a member of the Congress, your first instinct is to strengthen the Domestic Productivity, you look at all this pesky foreign competitors and decide to quadruple the import tariffs, and also change the mental image of you losing half of your savings in court and your wife divorcing you to the Great Depression. (It really happened that way).
God (And Kant) judges based on intentions, this is a terrible Public Policy Principle, of course God doesn't need Guidelines for Good Governance or Economic Strategies, but humans do, its probably why human economic institutions turns out kind off shitty when using divine principles.
But while Kantian Ethics isn't for the Economist, Utilitarian aren't for the Judges, you can Imagine that a Gang Member is Freed from Charges when the judge declare that he has kill a killer therefore adding a net increase in the live of people, imagine that a person should be by law forced to donate his body to save 5 lives, imagine you going to prison for trying to save a poor biker. Intentions are ingrained in our legal system; Mens Rea.
Change the image of you again to the Congressman that made the Great Depression with the Smoot-Hawley Act, or to a Goldman Sachs Banker unintentionally causing the 2008 Crisis, the Legal Doctrine is the Same. These people cause such damage than a mere gang banger and not one of them ever touch a prison bar.
So what should we do?
While the road to Hell is Mostly Paved is with Good Intentions, the Road to Heaven is never paved with any bad ones, and God is the Divine bouncer not Us. The Truth lies somewhere in between two extremes. While Good intentions are very valuable, people who merely chanty it and ignore the result of their actions either don't have the right kind of Good Intentions and should be altered by people who have Good Means.
Unfortunately People who actually have good means are less popular than those who spend most of their energy of showing their good intentions while ignoring the latter.