The defining element of so called « love » in the strongest sense is to let the other person possess you, to desire and accept that they do. This is what « love » means. Of course, in theory you can’t ever give yourself over completely, this is not possible, because the desire to give yourself is always yours and only yours. So at the most it’s joint possession, like the house a couple live in. (this could change if we developped methods of directly modifying the brain to control people's desires, this would create true slaves.) Anyway, taking bad care of your possession whether it be yours or another's is immoral (in social norms), we generally say « you are irresponsible.» (which is what we call in philosophy of ethics in France a normatively "thick" term, it carries within it a moral normative statement). if you take bad care of your valuable objects, of your computer, of your planet, you are irresponsible. so there is a certain consensus that there is a moral imperative to take care of one's property, not to needlessly destroy. But it’s tenfold worse to harm a person, for example, from a consequentialist point of view it is a million times more destructive than with the inanimate object. It’s worse because people are powerful. The havoc you reap on a person reaps havoc inside a person’s mind which they then have the capacity to externalize, it reverberates through all the social networks, the negativity can go so far as to give a Cain, as to create suicide, murder, pain, sorrow, jealousy, vengeance, violence in everlasting domino effects through time, because of our cognitive complexity, because of our memories, which is why at some point, the only way to break the chain is to completely annihilate the attacker or to « turn the other cheek. » (which one is harder?) This is what Jesus intuited, that most pain and violence is reaction to more pain and violence. But anyway, getting back to the subject of love, this is why traditionally in marriage we speak of « your husband » and « your wife » and say things like « what’s mine is yours. » because it’s all about possession. This is why sex is about power as well, because it’s about taking possession of someone, somehow, it’s about taking their intimacy, their vulnerability, their dna, their genes, a piece of them to form a child, feeling their strengths, their faults, their energy, their daemon, creating desire, creating need, creating abandonment, It’s possession and letting yourself be possessed. Romantic love is mutual physical possession of the other, mutual abandonment and mutual care and responsibility. This bond does not naturally peter out, it is always broken because someone did not take responsibility correctly, or was not apt to take responsibility. This is why there is that complicated feeling of desiring to possess and desire to be possessed that is present, the dynamic of submission and power that is so frequently found in Sadism and masochism, this is also why Stokholm syndrome is a thing, because the person who has been a slave begins to accept the slavery and voluntarily be one, the dynamic mimics love, and perhaps it is in a sense, but we use the word love when the person who has given themselves is taken care of, when the power is not abused.This is also why the ending of 1984 is so horrifying, because total possession is achieved (no spoilers for those who have not read it.)