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Search results

  1. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    They come in infinite supply, my friend
  2. An obvious way to gauge Mental Age or grasping power.

    And how is that impossible?
  3. An obvious way to gauge Mental Age or grasping power.

    What? :ahh04:
  4. An obvious way to gauge Mental Age or grasping power.

    Not sure if I would be able to relate it to types. To me it is the difference between using language as a means to put down concepts in writing or into oral communication, and on the other hand merely emulating the language of a subject while not having real insight into a subject. Once again...
  5. An obvious way to gauge Mental Age or grasping power.

    I know some people who read very advanced books but are extremely ignorant and unskilled in the subjects in question. Their mental representations of the subjects amount to mere descriptions – a bunch of talk without substance, forms without function. These people are like natural-language...
  6. With an official AD(H)D diagnosis ?

    I have a comically bad memory when it comes to things that don't fall into some structure. For example people's names.
  7. Not motivated

    What do you think the cause is? Is it that you get tired of the subject itself or is it some other factor like anxiety etc? What do you study btw
  8. Not motivated

    It is an unusual case that you lose motivation when the exams are approaching, because usually, the proximity of exams is a stimulus that does the opposite. Could it be that you actually don't lose motivation but rather get anxious about the exams and choose to escape into various garbage...
  9. How much would you kill for?

    Unless I would be willing to do the killing for free - for non-monetary reasons like self-defence etc - there is no amount of money that I would kill for.
  10. manipulation

    Is it me or is washti extra feisty nowadays?
  11. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    No too long tbh. A sunday afternoon for the code that retrieves the threads and did the cloud thing while waiting for some computations to finish at work
  12. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    Rixus, Happy below. @QT I already did yours – it's on the first page somewhere
  13. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    Words written this year: 3482 Unique words: 1018 Unique dictionary words: 876 In terms of number of words written your rank is 68 The compression idea is interesting. Might look at that when I have some time. The code can probably be run on other forums but it will probably need some...
  14. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    nah, emojis are excluded. They show up as hyperlinks in the html code and are thus removed.
  15. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    It's all about the bench, the squats, dips and opiates, folks.
  16. Incest

    If you use contraception, there is no empirical reasoning against it. But to me, as a Kantian categorical-imperative kind of guy, such things should not be done by a-priori reasoning. Incest is an insult to human dignity, along with other weird-ass sexual activities like looking at child porn...
  17. My new WAIS-4 scores

    I think that if you start using as much energy on programming as you use on thinking about your own brain, you'll be a master programmer within a very short time. Btw Alan Turing was said to have scored pretty poorly on intelligence tests, performing at about the level of an average...
  18. Pragmatism Vs. Nihilism: The Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson Trifecta

    Depends on what you mean by anti socialism. I would be prone to criticize the welfare state. That doesn't mean I want to remove the state altogether. I am not sure how that idea came about. I am not against public education, public law enforcement and many other things. By Scandinavian...
  19. Pragmatism Vs. Nihilism: The Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson Trifecta

    Well, if the goal is equality of opportunity (not to mention maximizing freedom), which I would advocate myself, then you must support liberalism and free markets, i.e. be the antithesis to left-oriented thinking. Historically, the left has not done much besides destroying the very people they...
  20. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    Random one of the day: Nebulous
  21. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    Absurdity and Polaris below. (what's up with pineapples?)
  22. Pragmatism Vs. Nihilism: The Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson Trifecta

    Another opportunity to use the beloved pets of the left - transgenders, the sickly, the blacks, etc - to justify rabid monkey behavior. Well done once again, rb.
  23. Pragmatism Vs. Nihilism: The Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson Trifecta

    I like all of those 3 in that they value reason over feelings and groupthink. Harris, in particular, I think, has a great ability to think with uncompromosing and unadulterated clarity. And, of course, they are not afraid to take personal risk for their opinions. As for Jordan, despite his...
  24. Extreme ideas

    I am working on something like that. I intend to use the powers of my intellect to become free from the perverse and vulgar concept of "having a job". It is a prison which I intend to escape. The project is of immense proportions - theoretically, practically and techonologically. Something...
  25. The Coding Thread

    R- code I used to download threads. "read_multiple_threads" is the main function.
  26. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    that's thing about that TF-IDF algorithm – even if those are the words that comprise most of your posts, those words are not emphasized because they are common words among many of the posters. Minuend and mine:
  27. Statistical Analysis of intpf

  28. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    If anyone has suggestions for interesting machine-learning or NLP techniques to apply in this setting, btw, I'm all ears
  29. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    A few more: PmjPmj, Auburn, BurnedOut, Cognisant, QuickTwist
  30. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    If you dare peeking into the essence of your true self and finally seeing your life's purpose, I can make a cloud for you too
  31. When is thinking excessive?

    I stopped doing that shit when I started writing stuff down. When you look at the notes later, you realize how repetitive, circular, and ultimately useless all those thoughts are. Eventually I even stopped doing verbose notes – and being verbose in general – because ultimately, words are...
  32. New mods!

  33. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    It's definitely fascinating to look at this stuff. Also, natural language processing seems like a very interesting field to me in general, which I would like to study more. Once the data is in, producing clouds is very easy.
  34. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    Based on examples I've looked at, that doesn't seem to be the case. If you have a specific post where you think that might be the case I can take a look
  35. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    onesteptwostep, Minute Squirrel:
  36. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    Adaire, redbaron, Pizzabeak, Cheeseumpuffs, cheese:
  37. Statistical Analysis of intpf

  38. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    I'll post it in the Coding thread at some point. Gotta tidy it up a bit first
  39. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    Everyone in the thread gets a cloud! This is baccehion, gopher, gps, hado, haim, respectively
  40. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    Alright, folks. The word cloud has been refined now. Now it will reveal the hidden depths of your character by using something called "term frequency–inverse document frequency" to detect which words you tend to use that are different from the rest of the forum. Behold: Animekitty: washti...
  41. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    For users with at least 100 posts in 2017, the average no. of dictionary words used by avg number of words used per post in total: https://intpforum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2947&stc=1&d=1511801961 So for example QT and onestep write posts on average of about the same length, but...
  42. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    Here is a list of the number of unique dictionary words used by respective users in their last 5000 words written:
  43. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    krakow good ambiance Here ya go washti: https://intpforum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2946&stc=1&d=1511796913
  44. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    Here is your word cloud for your last 5k words, AK: https://intpforum.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=2945&stc=1&d=1511792145
  45. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    Me neither, man. But it should be said the current implementation is quite crude. It treats misspelled words, for example, as distinct words. I might add a filtering for dictionary words later. Here is a random sample of 50 words from your posts: is powers games but intelligence it i more...
  46. Statistical Analysis of intpf

    In the Coding thread we were discussing writing something that reads intpf threads and does analysis of them. I did a little implementation of that and downloaded that last 5000 threads. That's about since middle of 2014. Some preliminary stats below. Words written this year...
  47. 6÷2(1+2)

    Good. Now I know your arguments are exhausted.
  48. 6÷2(1+2)

    Right, so if you define c = (x+y) then since you consider factors as inside the parenthesis whenever there is a sum inside it, then a / b * c = a / (b * c) But if we happen to change c to, say c = x * y, now what? If you want to be consistent, now you have define multiplication as having...
  49. 6÷2(1+2)

    Right, so what elliptoid suggests is that when you have a / b * c Then the order of operation depends on how c came into existence. If it's a sum then you do multiplication first. Otherwise it's the division first. Once again – a dumb idea.
  50. 6÷2(1+2)

    I guess I have no clue what you mean either. If you suggest a*(x+y) is always treated as a(x+y) then a / b * (x+y) = (a / b) * x + (a / b) * y. And likewise a / b (x+y) = (a / b) x + (a / b) y. This would imply that 6 / 2(1+2) is 9, not 1. Whereas you claim that a / b(x+y) = a /...
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