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Search results

  1. Jennywocky

    General catch all for new forum software.

    EDIT: I would check the admin panel to see if the member usergroup allows editing of one's own posts, and what time window it is set to. Usually you can turn that stuff on/off + adjust the time window.
  2. Jennywocky

    General catch all for new forum software.

    I have used both available templates (the pure black one, and the one with blue letters on black/grey), and I do not see an Edit button on any posts that I make, nor could find any Edit link or button on the profile information or any of the profile-related pages to edit profile info.
  3. Jennywocky

    General catch all for new forum software.

    the post Edit button would be great. I also cannot find any way to Edit one's profile information.
  4. Jennywocky

    General catch all for new forum software.

    omg everything has gone dark.... why is my screen so daaaaarkkkkk cthulhu must be comin back to take me home....save me my lord tentacle
  5. Jennywocky

    ST: Discovery

    I meant more that some of the later stuff shamelessly rips off earlier stuff from the same show while merely putting a lesser twist on it. So it might seem okay if it's new to the viewer, but for those with more show history knowledge, it's self-plagiarism and/or feels like it tarnishes some of...
  6. Jennywocky

    INTPf is migrating. Donate!

    I am so confused. I tried to log in a few hours back and got an error page in Xenforo. Now I login again and we're back in vbull and the guy was claiming he'd do the install some hours ago. I suspect there was a reality malfunction. Are we in Mirror Universe?
  7. Jennywocky

    INTPf is migrating. Donate!

    ...I feel like we're waiting for a bomb to go off. :storks: Every day -- "is it today? Guess not."
  8. Jennywocky

    ST: Discovery

    That was your first Trek? Wow, congrats -- for awhile (back in the late 90's?) it was hard to dodge a Trek series. I think I've seen all of STTOS (years ago -- I also read the Blish story adaptations of all the episodes, there wasn't much in the library back in the early 80's), and all of...
  9. Jennywocky

    INTPf is migrating. Donate!

    Yay! That means either more people are working on our site, or the site is about to blow up and destroy human life as we know it! (Either sounds exciting.)
  10. Jennywocky

    INTPf is migrating. Donate!

    well, it would be whatever is in the standard smiley datapool for whatever version of xenforo we'd be using. Obviously unique smileys were added to the library here, so those would have to be copied over manually as well + anything else people want. At least, I've done that kind of work in...
  11. Jennywocky

    ST: Discovery

    I liked her... and I really liked Lorca. He was fascinating, until late in the series after various revelations. But hey you also have some great caliber of actor involved with both of them. Yeoh and Isaacs are very seasoned and versatile. I warmed up to her just fine and seemed to...
  12. Jennywocky

    ST: Discovery

    Season 1 ultimately was a disappointment, which is a shame. There has been lots of bitching from everyone and various factions -- the purists vs the explorers/realists, etc. Setting all that aside, typically I just care about the writing (whether the story makes sense, whether it is worth...
  13. Jennywocky

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer (Official)

    Let's face it, the film was crap in terms of making any sense and conveying it to the audience. The image of multiple reflections of Rey, for example, was kind of eerie in the good sense but conveyed no actual information about what was going on. They were supposed to be telling a story, but if...
  14. Jennywocky

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer (Official)

    I agree with all that. The alt-right didn't like it either, because of political undertone + deviating from their script; I don't really care about either side at all. I guess if a movie can make comments that are "political" in a way that meshes with the story, then that's fine; but not when...
  15. Jennywocky

    Aye, yo....

    If I do, it's pretty minor stuff that everyone does. (For example, driving over the speed limit.) TBH I can get everything I need within the system so I'm not really pushed to go outside of it in risky ways, whereas others might be more in conflict with the system. My general attitude: I'm...
  16. Jennywocky

    Do other INTPs have issues with verbal fluency?

    I do better in front of crowds when (1) I have a firm grasp over the information I'm explaining but (2) I don't have to adhere to a rigid script. So I'll try to keep a general outline with me so I don't miss stuff. the Q&A format is something I really do well at, versus a presentation. If I...
  17. Jennywocky

    INTPf is migrating. Donate!

    Well, if he is using the same database and porting over all the posts on the forum, yes, the member accounts should remain as well. Basically what is changing is the front-end and the security setup in how we access the database, right?
  18. Jennywocky

    My dating website profile (Split)

    Re: My dating website profile You're a riot. "Doesn't fit with my idea of how I have put it all together, so you MUST PROVE YOURSELF TO ME." This is a typical pattern in your posting, you seem to have these constructions on how everything is supposed to work rather than giving others some...
  19. Jennywocky

    My dating website profile

    gee OP I can't understand why your mailbox isn't overflowing with dating requests. ... what it tells me (if I were someone looking at your profile as a prospective date) is that you don't know how to communicate well or connect well, so any relationship would probably also involve a bunch of...
  20. Jennywocky

    What is your role in your zombie apocalypse survival group?

    It means you look like you are in charge but really you take orders from your press secretary mua ha ha ha
  21. Jennywocky


    Can't find the URL right now, but read this article earlier today about how all the chaos in the White House allowed Wolfe the space to collect all this information. Apparently it was a disorganized clusterfuck, and no one was clear on what they could say to Wolfe or not; I saw the names of all...
  22. Jennywocky

    Why was Harry Potter such a successful book?

    Ehhh.... the problem is extremity. There are no "laws" ... aside from cause and effect, and I hate how this shite gets packaged and marketed to people who want to control life to get as much success as possible. That latter bit is the problem -- people want life to be easy, they want it to make...
  23. Jennywocky

    Why was Harry Potter such a successful book?

    The only time I read any of "50 Shades of Grey" was when it first came out. A few of my other female friends and I hung out in a Mexican restaurant on one of our birthdays with a pitcher of margaritas reading excerpts from PDFs on our smartphones and laughing hysterically because it was so...
  24. Jennywocky

    Why was Harry Potter such a successful book?

    Jesus I didn't say fish in a barrel. It doesn't help that the entire story started as the author's silly BDSM fanfic for Twilight characters...and somehow made her zillions of dollars and a trilogy franchise.
  25. Jennywocky

    Why was Harry Potter such a successful book?

    Thanks for that bit of profundity -- "popularity is not necessarily correlated with value." But yes, it's unrelated to the value of the HP novels or whatever else happens to be popular nowadays. As a side note, "To Kill a Mockingbird" is still widely read decades later, and it's the favorite...
  26. Jennywocky

    What is your role in your zombie apocalypse survival group?

    This fake reality is so littered with false goals and accomplishments, and people's capability and character remain untested. There would be more opportunity for the adaptable and smart, although life would become more brutal... due to the simple litmus test for success. But no more worrying...
  27. Jennywocky

    What is your role in your zombie apocalypse survival group?

    Usually these tests are crap, but I liked this one... 20 questions, with a good (and extensive) variety of answers for each. I wish it had a little more output at the end, but the test made me think...
  28. Jennywocky

    Why was Harry Potter such a successful book?

    I've never read them, but man some balance in your analysis would be nice. You still seem to be in the "if something is popular, it must necessarily suck" phase... which is a typical INTP kick when we're young but tends to nuance out as we age and realize things are more complex and our tastes...
  29. Jennywocky


    I ordered it and it showed up yesterday. But I'm so damned lazy when it comes to reading nowadays. Basically, yeah, I consider it the "guy sitting on the sofa in the corner of the hubbub of the White House office space," eavesdropping on everything he hears and talking to targeted...
  30. Jennywocky

    Give it to me straight, doc

    what would you think is occurring? You're posting on a forum with barely 10-20 active members, and active means posting a few times a week. (We have more than that, but I'm talking about folks who you can depend on seeing posts from a few times a week.) I'm not sure I'd categorize any posts...
  31. Jennywocky

    Give it to me straight, doc

    You need to find your own reason to live. No one else can provide it.
  32. Jennywocky

    The Slave King

    "Alexa, please be our leader." Or maybe Janet from The Good Place.
  33. Jennywocky

    Posting Restored

    Well, the reason an upgrade is being discussed is due to everything breaking and the security/malware issues that have been occurring, not really to change any of the format.
  34. Jennywocky

    Posting Restored

    Yeah, basically I think he just got tired of keeping up with it and/or didn't have time to do it -- so the same thing happened. It slowly got infected by stuff and overrun by spammers, etc. The members complained but nothing changed for some months and it got harder and harder to post, and...
  35. Jennywocky

    At what point or when does the end justify the means?

    I think you have to include both the means and the end(s) in your assessment of a particular course of action, then compare and decide which gives the best overall benefit with the least cost (or whatever criteria you prioritize). I think moralistic concerns are sometimes just an easy excuse...
  36. Jennywocky

    Posting Restored

    Yeah, I know the model has been shifting -- you even see websites like FiveThirtyEight and others using the Wordpress infrastructure as their "site" nowadays, just cleverly masked, from what I can tell -- and social media keeps changing. I think this is why forum participation everywhere has...
  37. Jennywocky

    Posting Restored

    https://www.vbulletin.com/purchases/ Not sure which version(s) are more stable and so on, but are these prices accurate? Decisions about what forum software might be best set aside for the moment, if this is the price for the main upgrade (and then there's just a small fee per year to...
  38. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    Boss Baby: Tried to watch this. Got about ten minutes into it. Visually pretty creative, but one of those "big picture" problems with the movie -- boring boring boring. Conventional. All the typical baby motifs. I got the idea that traditional minded people would think it was great for affirming...
  39. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    The Big Sick: Not sure how I felt in the early stage of the movie, but this is one of those that improves throughout its length because of the real, human performances. it's quite funny in the undercurrent and the people feel real (although I found out in the closing credits that it is...
  40. Jennywocky

    I hate RPG games

    My 5e monk just hit level 8, but yeah.... you kinda can get locked in a combat role. I try to compensate by making it more about mechanics -- I really like my character and roleplay her really well to make the story far more interesting. So there's stuff that has nothing to do with the game...
  41. Jennywocky

    INFJ late night semi rational semi poetic intuitions and ramblings on love

    edit: Oops sorry wrong thread. but I found your post interesting. maybe I'll respond later.
  42. Jennywocky

    Will a dog change my sedentary lifestyle?

    I would not get a pet unless you actually want the pet for itself. Otherwise it's just something you'll probably eventually ignore and maybe even resent. I dunno. I have had a number of cats but none of them have been purebred. I mean, I guess you will know the genetic background of your dog...
  43. Jennywocky

    Analytical vs Intuitive thought process.

    I was way over on the right. But I knew this -- I grasped pretty quick there was no "right" answer and they were giving me choices between multiple pairs, it was just trying to coax out what criteria I was using instinctively to make the selection. It was really apparent (the big picture...
  44. Jennywocky

    Latest spam

    Yup, pretty much clicking on a variety of links here will generate popups unless they are blocked somehow. it's such a regular occurrence, I've stopped mentioning it.
  45. Jennywocky

    Favorite TV Show(s)?

    Black Mirror is back with Season 4 on Netflix. I have only watched the first episode ("USS Callister"). It might be the longest of the season and stars some great actors (Jesse Plemens, Cristin Milioti, Jimmi Simpson). It was a solid episode, although I think for me it petered out a bit at...
  46. Jennywocky

    It’s my birthday

    BWA HA HA HA. I didn't even realize that, so it makes it even freakier. Every hour give me power without fail give me ale *opens fridge, sees four ale bottles* holy shite!!!! ... but kinda like Blue Adept in Piers Anthony's "Phaze" series, hehehehe. to promote a semblance of...
  47. Jennywocky

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer (Official)

    Tolkien essentially started a jump on fantasy pop culture which started in the 70's. It was taken over by the gaming industry in particular (tabletop and then computer games, although movies as well). Once all of this had sat and churned out a bunch of derivative generic stuff, Jackson churned...
  48. Jennywocky

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi Trailer (Official)

    And I didn't even like a lot of Lord of the Rings either because of Jackson's crazy excesses / fantasy clichés rather than just focusing on Tolkien's narrative. Well, the first movie was enjoyable at least.... ---- Yeah, "whassername".... just crappy execution of that whole subplot. It...
  49. Jennywocky

    It’s my birthday

    yeah at this point everyone probably wants me to shut up about SW In its favor, it was better than Kingsmen: The Golden Circle. :phear:
  50. Jennywocky

    It’s my birthday

    One day I will soon be dead It really messes with my head How could one day something be and then next gone eternally? Ashes to ashes, dust to dust my poetry skills are quite the bust Wait to abate, or just retire? my time to rhyme should soon expire
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