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Search results

  1. Jennywocky

    Everyday ethical/moral conundrums

    Thanks. Maybe the rule is meant to prohibit atrocity, but this scenario to me is the opposite atrocity. I'm not sure what I would do, but I would like to kill him; and if one of the other witnesses were to do so, I would testify that I thought my friend had died in the initial attack and...
  2. Jennywocky

    Everyday ethical/moral conundrums

    <part 2> It's not immoral (immoral? Really??) if the bulk of the group can eat the donuts. It might be nice if you found a snack on occasion, though, that he could partake in. Face it, no matter what you buy, someone will probably have an issue with something... so it's up to folks to enjoy...
  3. Jennywocky

    Everyday ethical/moral conundrums

    I was bored. ------------------- I am not even sure why this is a question. I'm so gone. Hmmm. My parents suck for never telling me. I don't know what the legal reality is. From a personal reality... they were never my sibling, we grew up completely apart. So there were no sibling...
  4. Jennywocky

    what is the difference between adult and children

    I don't have a problem with what you say here. I was focused on a different piece of the elephant, so I hope I got across my point there -- but of course life experience plays a part in things. In a certain area of life, maybe someone younger will possess more maturity than an older person, but...
  5. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    Despicable Me 3. Kind of a "third movie in a sequence" meh film, rehashing what's been done in its own series + other animated hero flicks, where about 70% of the jokes are inert and there's no real meaningful character arcs. If your kids like the characters / film concept, then they'll enjoy...
  6. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    The 3D didn't bother me a ton (I've seen a lot of 3D films and own a number at home) but it should have been far more effective in a virtual reality, I think. And 3D in general has its problems (like how it muddies some of the crispness and color palette) in how it's implemented. I don't think...
  7. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    A Quiet Place. The hype's fairly justified -- and what's cool about this film is how QUIET the movie theater is especially in the first half and how this actually plays right into the plotline. You can hear people eating and opening candy wrappers and everyone is scared to make noise... just...
  8. Jennywocky

    what is the difference between adult and children

    why are we generalizing about adults and children? I think the word we are looking for is "maturity". Children as blank slates can be both mean AND kind (depending on situation) -- mostly because they are straightforward. They don't know anything, they're just responding to what is around them...
  9. Jennywocky

    It's the same thing on any forum, honestly; and there are members here notorious for that...

    It's the same thing on any forum, honestly; and there are members here notorious for that anyway... I remember being originally frustrated dealing with it, then passed through my five stages to reach bored resignation. ;) Don't worry, reality will beat that feeling out of you! :D
  10. Jennywocky

    So don't worry too much about it. If you guys discuss it, you try to remain consistent, and you...

    So don't worry too much about it. If you guys discuss it, you try to remain consistent, and you are serving the stated priorities of your role, then that's about all you can do. (Of course, I assume that a priority is maintaining the most level of diverse conversation as possibly while removing...
  11. Jennywocky

    My only disappointment in Intolerable being banned is that I wasn't here to make a smartass...

    My only disappointment in Intolerable being banned is that I wasn't here to make a smartass comment in the thread before it got locked. Alas. ... stepping back a moment, I will say you will always have a faction who will disagree with mod decisions. Sometimes it is the same faction. Such is...
  12. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    Ready Player One. Short version: Semi-enjoyable afternoon fluff but not much that leads me to rewatch at any point. The best parts are where the cultural references were actually relevant to character and plot; the worst is when they either were just merely empty image pastiches, had no...
  13. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    I'm sorry about your grandma and am glad the movie could be cathartic. I found it interesting since in at least white American culture our families tend to be more fragmented, due to the size of the country, the expectation that one's job validates relocation regularly, kids are supposed to be...
  14. Jennywocky

    humor me for a moment

    As you said, I don't think this could ever happen, so it makes it difficult to imagine a world where it did happen when we're basically agreeing humans can't function as a species without it. If you abolish it, it will rise again -- it's humanity's attempt to instill meaning and purpose in being...
  15. Jennywocky

    humor me for a moment

    That's an honest thing I can finally agree with. Many things are instilled in us without our permission or our cogent by-in, rather like the computer system that has OS software installed to give it rules by which to process, and we simply have to learn to deal with them. (Much religious belief...
  16. Jennywocky

    TMB is Banned and No Drama?

    Cubic zirconia?
  17. Jennywocky

    Ni in INTPs

    That would be good if we agree on what it is. This is my understanding of it, though. I should mention the E/I pair is similar in that it is also not a function pair per se, rather it describes orientation of energy (flow).
  18. Jennywocky

    The Random Thoughts Thread

    The best things about decisions in dreams is that I usually forget the dream a few minutes later but have to live with real-life decisions forever.
  19. Jennywocky

    Ni in INTPs

    One thing to remember (that I think people forget) is that J/P is not a function pair. Sensing and Intuition are functions. [Perceiving functions] Thinking and Feeling are functions. [Judging functions] See what J/P is now? It's the value that describes what type of function you prioritize...
  20. Jennywocky

    Hello Weirdos

    Yeah, although it's McGonagall who makes the first move and ushers young Harry into a world of pure in-copulation. Or was that the "Bible as Lit" teacher in Alabama? I always get those mixed up. That's because Chris Columbus (the Home Alone director) directed them. Meh. I like 3, and 6-8...
  21. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    Coco, finally. I used to be a big Pixar fan in the sense of immediately seeing their films. In recent years, for some reason my enthusiasm has waned a bit, but I did actually rent this from redbox because I knew the production would be decent. The film in some ways reminds me The Book of Life...
  22. Jennywocky

    work as councillors / therapists / support leaders etc

    What do you mean by "you find emotional discord difficult to handle" exactly? Emotional displays? Dealing with other people's anger? Being in proximity to someone who is hurting? It's not clear from your comment. I have considered this kind of work, but at this stage of my career and the types...
  23. Jennywocky

    Hello Weirdos

    Whose posts did she cheat off of to write this? ...Fine, she advances to Round 2. :D I just read this joke online but I don't know if it has any bearing: Q: How do you confuse a blonde?
  24. Jennywocky

    I have been summoned.

    I think the proper term nowadays is "refurbished" and/or "Trojan-certified."
  25. Jennywocky

    What is your role in your zombie apocalypse survival group?

    pshaw. When I was ten, I was biking 25 miles a day across rural PA in the summer out of boredom. :p Tippacanoe and Jenny too! If you can get a scrap grinder installed, that would be a great anti-zombie feature.
  26. Jennywocky

    Absurdism (split)

    Yeesh, do ethics even exist? It's a manufactured category, elevated to something spiritual-sounding to give it more weight and thus inspire people to follow them. Let's go right back and determine why we even have ethical values.... and the answer is to basically "manage social behavior" and...
  27. Jennywocky

    Absurdism (split)

    I wouldn't call it 'hastily' and I wouldn't call it 'boldy' -- that's painting FAR too broad a brush here. The reality is that none of us can 100% justify what the rules are supposed to be at all... yet we all keep living as if there are rules. So the onus come back to choice -- how will we...
  28. Jennywocky

    What is your role in your zombie apocalypse survival group?

    What's your address again? I need to make my plans before the zombies come.
  29. Jennywocky

    I have been summoned.

    you need to make me two, because I will probably break the first one from rapping on the skulls of whippersnappers too much... *pops dentures back out
  30. Jennywocky

    Disney Star Wars

    It definitely was a good burn-down. It's just been done better already by certain franchise holders (like some of the storylines in various Star Wars computer games). I mean, they're already years past the simplistic dichotomy of light and dark side that the movies finally decided to push on.
  31. Jennywocky

    Black Panther

    Aside from the silliness of having a regime determined by ritualistic combat (because the process of selecting/deposing rulers should reflect the culture's priorities, and yet here apparently it does not in practical terms) and a few other blips, it's one of the first MCU movies that left me...
  32. Jennywocky

    I have been summoned.

    Is it vegetable oil or the more health-minded olive oil? it makes a big difference, using vegetable oil and its health impact really burns me up.
  33. Jennywocky

    I have been summoned.

    she just wants to cut you down to size :p
  34. Jennywocky

    Life and other detective shows

    I had started watching Mindhunter on Netflix when it came out (season 1) in the fall, then got sidetracked after the first two episodes. One of the executive producers (and director of almost half the season) is film director David Fincher and the show possesses his sensibilities...
  35. Jennywocky

    Disney Star Wars

    You should view my criticism as to being about the execution of the talking points. I mean, a movie is not made of the talking points, which could be great -- it's about how they are implemented and the finished work and how it connects with the other pieces in an ongoing story. I mean, just...
  36. Jennywocky

    Disney Star Wars

    There are skillful ways to subvert tropes and narrative expectations, and then there are inept ways. I am all for subversion and deconstruction, I've constructed narratives on my own that deconstruct expectations. I actually just thought this was a bad movie especially in light of it being part...
  37. Jennywocky

    Disney Star Wars

    TFA: Finn's drive is he is cracking under his stormtrooper programming (and there was a backstory there), but it is all dropped in TLJ. Rose is apparently 13 because she glams on Finn the hero, then trashes him because he seems to be fleeing (but not really?), then suddenly is prepared to give...
  38. Jennywocky

    Disney Star Wars

    The global conflict in The Last Jedi was kind of non-existent. I guess you could say it's simply about the First Order wanting to eradicate the "last rebels." Which is pretty thin, and it didn't sell very much. Even in The Force Awakens, it's not all that very clear... the First Order is...
  39. Jennywocky


    'eff him. All children have to break away from their parents' dreams for them and become their own individuals. Some parents make this easy (and take pains to equip more than manipulate), other parents are downright destructive. You are walking a road everyone walks, even if their fathers were...
  40. Jennywocky

    I have been summoned.

    If they were more committed to that lifestyle, they'd be called Barnyard Daily.
  41. Jennywocky

    Posts per Thread

    Yeah, thanks Google -- forcing me to choose their hamstrung approach or fleeing with chagrin into the wart-infested trembly arms of Bing.
  42. Jennywocky

    I have been summoned.

    Butter and scotch -- two great tastes that go great together. Especially when they are on my face. *pours dark chocolate sauce on head, followed by what's left in the whipped cream cannister* It's Wednesday... but Sundae's a'comin' !
  43. Jennywocky

    Last movie you watched

    Annhiliation, over the weekend. (Well, actually, the last movie I watched was American Made, last night, based loosely on the life and times of crazy smuggler / runner / triple turncoat Barry Seal, gunned down by druglords in 1986, but I digress... there isn't much to say about that film, it's...
  44. Jennywocky


    Thanks so much! :D The future's so bright, I have to wear coated LI-900 Silica ceramics blast shades.
  45. Jennywocky

    I have been summoned.

    what is this, the blurred demarcation between dreams and the dead that can drive a person to irreducible madness? you were both gone for so long... :( *butterscotch tears*
  46. Jennywocky

    Creative Writing Resources

    That's awesome! Is it still self-published or did you find a publishing house somewhere?
  47. Jennywocky

    General catch all for new forum software.

    Profile Messages are typically public on vBull, so members anywhere typically grasp that anyone can see the messages on their profile wall. What I did notice that is different here is that there is a feed for Profile Messages on the right hand side to actively show all profile wall activity...
  48. Jennywocky

    Pacificity of Liberalism

    I think at some point, belief systems have to become nuanced in order to survive. rather than taking unrealistic ideas to what amounts to a suicidal conclusion. Maybe what passes for liberalism in the USA has recently been passive for some decades (because I can't really say that FDR's job...
  49. Jennywocky

    General catch all for new forum software.

    Yeah, I could see a green triangle on the upper left corner of the avatars, on my PC. The funny thing is, I had turned that option off (to show others my online status) but could still see a green marking for my own account. I am looking now and I can still see a green marking (because I'm...
  50. Jennywocky

    General catch all for new forum software.

    Well, some good news -- it wasn't there before when I posted, but now the Edit link does appear next to the Report link. So that is something. ... and now there is a Profile content panel that allows me to make edits. That's different than when I posted last too. So yay. ;)
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