I take illegal drugs on rare occasions, and smoke inside places I shouldn’t. Like on the underground. That’s about it. When I was more struggling I perfected a really elaborate technique to not pay for metro tickets after noticing they don’t work and have to be changed when you leave them next to credit cards or magnetic clasps in my bag. What I would do, is use one, then immediately rub off the ink the machine leaves as you validate it, then run a magnet along the band to de magnetize it, then have it changed at the selling desk telling them I left it next to my credit card. Repeat as necessary.
Pretty common misdemeanors I should think. Oh I’ve shop lifted as well, when I was hungry, but only ever from massive shop chains, never from independent stores.
Edit : okay fine not only out of necessity, I’ve stolen nice wine as well and chocolates too, but I had a necessity for luxury at the time let’s say, some degree of luxury is essential to my mood when I have had a bad day. Again, only ever from massive chains.