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  • Argh, that social part...

    At school I've observed that I mimic what others do regarding social interactions. I do it unconsciously... It's very tiring, so I try to avoid doing it.

    What's your problem with social interactions? How is the school social context in Ireland?
    Well thank you, yours is not bad either. I don't think my English is as good as my Spanish, but I've been improving it lately thanks to this forum and some blogging platforms. Hooray, internet!

    I'm not really interested in History, or Art, but they are not so bad. My history teacher is kinda cool, and my Art teacher is a little crazy, she gets very excited during class. And who said I hated French? I like that class, our teacher is very sarcastic, I love her (not in a crush way, even if some people say I do). And why don't you like Maths? Don't you love the adrenaline when you're answering a test?

    Oh my, why are you worried? What are you studying?
    Don't be afraid, I may have your number but it's not like I'm going to do anything, er, creepy with it.

    *constructs a foot with melkor's neuroses*

    This can go on that bridegroom I'm creating for Minuend and I!
    Maths and Chemistry, YES.
    French and Japanese, yes.
    Human Relation (it's more like psychology), it's okay (they're going to teach us about Jung and some existentialists like Sartre! But it's more like "oh yes, here you have information that you can apply in your relationships with other people and you will be able to accept yourself and your emotions").
    Art & Culture, History and Spanish (not as a foreign language, remember Spanish is my first language. It's a speech-oriented course, the final exam is making a speech and, of course, saying it in front of who knows how many people), NO.

    Maths, Chemistry, Human Relation and Art & Culture are in English, the rest of them are in Spanish (well, in French we talk both in French and Spanish, but Japanese is still very basic, so we speak most of the time in Spanish).

    Well, that's probably more than you wanted to know. So yeah, school is cool, except for those 3 classes... Grrr.

    How about you?
    Still here, but my school gives us a lot of work and I haven't been able to log in as often as before. I check how everything's going every now and then, but... Meh, stupid school. Oh well, I'll try to log in more often.
    Shh, you'll break my cover. ;)
    Though only certain people can see anything said in my visitor messages so I'm safe so long as I'm ambiguous in my answer on your profile.

    And yeah, I'm not exactly immune to it, or rather all forms of it; I think when I do experience something similar it might be what could be easier defined as idealistic envy, as I tend to lack the sense of entitlement that is often the trigger yet do feel a sense of disappointment and loss at the contrast between the ideal and the real should there be one.

    Haha, and I suppose you do owe me a PM, for once I'm not the one who forgot/was busy/disappeared randomly. :^^:
    No, I'm quite self-sufficient. You keep your little peggy-sue in your own special hole - but be sure to clean it out first.
    Justice is NSFW, Melkor.

    and I'm sorry, we're all out of it.

    but good call there
    *stares at profile pic*

    Excuse me a moment, Melkor, you're created a great disturbance in my err... umm... chest, yes. Chest.

    ...now. Let me see. A picture from the lovely Fukyo, too! What a treasure your profile has become!


    *long nauseated silence*

    I think I'll be leaving now, sweetie....

    *walks slowly... quickly... breaks into run... screams far far far into the distance*

    Damn you Fukyo... my mind is forever unclean.
    You [by messaging me] have taken off the veil on anonymity that I love on the internet, thereby offending one of my core beliefs. Then when you pushed the subject, you yet again offended me by trying to force me to open up to you. Stop messaging me.
    After having read Adaire - Melkor convo, I feel I must contribute this:

    I'm fairly well, and indeed I am, hehe.
    Do you prefer a state of apathy or otherwise?
    eh i will get to it, it swear.

    uhm.. i do manual labor, pretty much, I'm a warehouseman. I work for my uncle ( nepotism! yay).
    I am done after friday though.. which will be a nice break before college starts at Ohio State...
    What do you mean? The though and intent of my heart is true. You are indeed the most real person I have ever met, both remotely and in real life. That is why you fascinate me.
    Oh yeah? Well I'm the biggest penguin you've ever seen, a raging, aging, slippery machine...don't you wish that you could eat my beans? :cool: (and plus I called dibbs damnit!:beatyou:)
    I at least like the mental image I have of you. As far as my mental problems? Uhhh maybe XP.... I have been busy lately ( 40 hour work weeks.. booo) I have not yet gotten to the account making process... what's new?
    Do you refer to everyone as sir or do you save said title for respectable men like myself?

    I apologize if my advances were too aggressive.

    I would still prefer a love triangle over an isosceles.
    Well thank you, I am quite sexy.

    I am not certain, perhaps it was the shock that I started school a few weeks ago.

    Also, Final Fantasy Tactics.
    Hehe......just found your message. Thank you, my birthday was useless as usual. It is nice of you to remember, though, I tend to be one of those invisible people.
    Love? Lies! You wouldn't know love if it smacked you across your ugly face (yes, you're still ugly!)!!
    /superfluous exclamation marks

    But yes, I have been careless as well. I should be chatting you something fierce but it seems we are online at different times. I'll add you though and perhaps we'll get lucky (lulz) since I'm known to be up late/early/who knows when. That is if you wish sir.

    It's odd, btw, these conversations separated by long bouts of silence. Kind of reminds me of when I'll try to continue a conversation months/years later as if they'll know exactly what I'm talking about. Usually results in "who are you?" followed by them reaching for something. Hmmm.
    sorry i don't like violence and sexy time but um i really DO want someone to walk with. lol how does Pennsylvania sound?
    A Beoulve does not suit you o sad one. I see you more a a cloud w/ spiky hair and clothes w/ too many zippers :D
    i have a favorite dark green hoodie too. i like baggy and dark green so it's great. i also imagine ill like early morning walks in the hoodie once i find someone to walk with me. =.=
    I feel like complaining to someone, you're it.

    *limps over to a chair and sits down*
    I think I've fractured a bone in my foot, there's no real way to be sure but I've broken a toe before and it feels very similar to that, now obviously there's nothing I can do about it, except complain of course, and here I am.

    Damn I'm sick of this fragile body, I can't even swap out parts that are under repair, what kind of moron designed this thing?
    You seem so peppy these days.

    fine, I will make an account, since I am feeling so special right now to be one of your exclusive connections. But seriously, I like you.

    Oh, and if you are wondering why I have been thinking that you have been ignoring this message for quite some time, look at my home page. Fail.
    You seem so peppy these days.

    fine, I will make an account, since I am feeling so special right now to be one of your exclusive connections. But seriously, I like you.

    Oh, and if you are wondering why I have been thinking that you have been ignoring this message for quite some time, look at my home page. Fail.
    Hmmm... that is difficult. I guess the best way to elaborate on it would be to say that it is cliched epic fantasy, except with the hope that a combination of world building and character building will make it not absolutely horrible. I would summarize the plot, but I don't have the primary antagonist, primary conflict, or overarching plot yet. I have everything else though. What about your writing?

    You like the comic Cog sent me?

    Good luck with that video! I wanna copy too!

    Time I collapsed of exhaustion, or some such thing. Burning the candle ;)
    Yeah, but I'm a jenova's witness - how great is that!?

    And damn. People would kill for your beautiful eyes. Just get a little plastic surgery to tweak the rest and get over it!


    Umm... you know what - you're going to learn to love your body, and I don't just mean in the shower. Join that goddamn archery club, or start a martial art... or dance more.

    You have one more day! Dance, damn it!
    All good, my main ego is ENTP so drunken spamming is my first language!

    Tell you what, I'll meet you in the middle ground and pay you with booze to paper my house ;)
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