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  • Oh? From what logic did you obtain this "Light is INTJ" proposition? Or does it even matter?


    The word "relate" pierced my mind. Why is it that humans prefer things or characters they can ...'relate' to? Would the rigidity of this sort of preference lead to a fulfillment and harmony of the self? Or would it be wiser to hone and temper what we 'like'?


    You love Misa? You....LOVE MISA? ....hah. that was surprising. I wonder how she 'relates' to Light's character. And Ryuk, yes, most likely a character I found interesting. "Bringer of Fun" is what I'll call him...or maybe "Seeker of Fun". Compared to L, ryuk was not as rigid and technical.


    meaning and confusion. writing.. I think this needs more of that light of understanding. unexplored territory.
    Yes, that's the reason I had to get my msn account back.
    Because apparently, it's needed for working together.
    The first answer is obvious? How so? L avatar + L profile picture? Those pictures could be attempts at confusion and I'd rather not jumped into such a far hurried assumption. Now, I ask why choose these character(s)? How many? I'm hoping the answers to these questions would turn out interesting. If not, or it becomes an ordinary arduous mental task, that would be sad. But I ask anyways.

    How do you determine the level of worth of these dreams? + + - = unknown. weigh the positives and negatives and then form the objective conclusion.
    Yeah, I added you again because I had deleted msn before.
    I thought I'd give you an ego-boost ;D
    I could bring out some trite cliche, but it'd be a waste of time.

    I'm not the one doing the tossing! I suppose you're trying to take revenge. Very well, hit away. Although being apathetic, it shouldn't matter whether you keep going or not. Inertia will strike me if you won't though.
    I never teased! It was edjamakashun .... besides, none of this is working, my bones ache too much. (They actually do. I hurt all over, and I can't work out why. Maybe it's all this tossing.)
    Heh. Ironically, I think it'll eventually bring about YOUR ruin, though you don't intend it that way.
    I think your main purpose is amusement (not in the sense of 'humour'), not destruction.
    No, I'm not assuming that at all. I meant: what does it matter to you whether I believe you're trolling me or not? If you are, yay for you; you're successful because I don't believe it. If you're not, there's no need to hide behind games, to keep up a pretense to remain invulnerable.

    If you *are* playing a game, then you *are* trolling me, in which case the first statement stands. Yay for you.

    I never assume conversation is started to benefit me. It's a silly assumption, since the truth is almost always to the contrary.
    I feel like I've rolled down a hill in a rockslide. Nothing a nice bubblebath and a cup of tea won't fix.

    And be quick about it ;p

    Hmm... I like all these L. avatars. I might even consider changing mine, though I am fond of the one I have now.
    I should give you a hint, shouldn't I?

    If only I knew what to tell you, without blowing my cover..
    I believe that you have not yet discovered my true identity.
    Which is quite odd, since I just repeated the first words you approached me with the very first time.

    9 o'clock here...but aren't you 6 hours ahead? so like, 3:00 in the morning for you? oh dang, whoopsie Daisy's
    I must hear this voice of yours...IT SHALL BE DONE...err, maybe, hopefully, perhaps, someday, yeah. (But I'm actually really curious about hearing it now)
    no not really just wondering if any thing came of our previous conversation. ps I forgot that crow eaters is a term for south australians so that was NOT what I intended.
    I thought it was the brits that invested their money in shipping you irish good'fer'noughts out here!

    The verdict is I get some sleep now and start a new week in the morning. Be good.
    That sounds like an argument for the benefit of oneself being hypothetical ;)

    Damn Irish peasantry - if ya didn't breed like fleas ya'd have some money!!! :p
    I guess if I'm being talked about I must really still exist, eh? Strange. I have no social context, no framework within which to be concrete, have effect, etc...

    and making one that doesn't betray what I am is an ever-slipping puzzle. Just as pieces finally fit, the whole flux moves and I start again.

    If I could build a place for writers to explore the limits of subjective reality, and make their work concrete for the world - a place for the most amazing of humans to become what they can be instead of being chewed up and normalised into submission to mediocrity and failure... then maybe I would have a place to belong and a reason to exist?

    Not just writers - thinkers, heretics, theorists, explorers and pioneers, future-builders ....

    The real me is screaming at the top of my lungs but no one hears.
    Umm, you can't stand facial hair, and very little of anything else besides facial hair? That sentance is a bit weird.

    Similar? Eww..... can I opt to be a squirrel instead? It seems more enjoyable. :1

    And love probably maybe hopefully doesn't do things like that. If she is, I'm going to claim 50% of my body weight consists of fat, even though dividing that value by 10 is closer to the real value (don't tell anyone, or I'll have to kill you with my flying internet knife --[==> *it whooshes, whoosh!*)

    If by curing you mean the current world logic needs to be destroyed, sure, that's not too hard. Replacing it would be troublesome though. It'll be like cancer: killing cancer isn't actually that difficult (e.g: 500 ml of kerosene and a match), but doing so without killing the patient is more than a little tricky.
    I've seen it. ^^

    And you'll fangasm before you even try defeat my team of sexies! ;D
    looks like i missed you by an hour.

    I could stare at L.'s toes for hours, and wait... or i might wander.

    We'll eventually cross paths, I don't doubt.
    Ah, and I automatically assumed that you had some admirers. It's not such a strange concept, you know.

    But yeah. Cure yourself! Those gorgeous creatures are just humans like you!

    I think I'll make bumper stickers for visiting alien spacecraft. "love a human - it's not so hard to do!".

    Dear god. I'm stopping now. Get some sleep, honestly. Anxiety needs to rest sometime.
    Are you certain that the better people get to know you, the less attractive they shall find you? And how likely is this to be a unique instance? The attractiveness of any given human is inversely proportional to the distance from the observing human, but we continually seek to violate the boundary of that perfect viewing platform.

    What must then change is one's perception of beauty. One's lens. If we don't adjust our parameters as we navigate closer we find ourselves wounded and jaded, for lack of apprehension of the rules of observation, rather than for effect of supposedly object reality.

    Using our whole mind as an eye whose focal length adjusts to the relative proximity of the object in order to keep beauty in view regardless of distance, is a challenge for some of us.
    w o r k

    Strange word, isn't it? Life is defined by it's capacity to do work, to defy entropy and become more and more organised in a way that permits more and more work (to be more efficient) to be done.

    I question my continued capacity to defy entropy. Death... the ever beckoning paradise of the slacker. Did life just hear me? I might get fired >>
    Oh, visitor messages crossed in the aether!

    I went mad long ago. But we know this.

    Zack helped me sleep last night. I had some crazy dreams I'm not sure it's healthy to remember >>

    Friends! (Good luck, I hope it goes well ^^)
    Yes, on that topic, have you played Disgaea?
    I'm currently playing it now, named my whole team after INTPforumers.

    Just that this on Adaire's board.
    What no robot?

    I keep having dreams of Terra and waking up to find out that's exactly where she'll always be. :(

    Actually, I'm relatively easy to understand - all I'm ever trying to do is understand the truth and make the right choices. Despite the fact that the concepts of right/wrong and choice are... well.

    And truth is... errr....

    Ok... choices that define whatever ambiguous goal I may or may not have. If I have any influence, that is. Or is my mind made up? I just want to be warm. I want to get close to the fire, yet not burn. I'm a cat.

    (Oh... there are days I want to burrrrrn... cats are such fickle things) See, if I burn I can be a cat-bird on the other side, and all the dross will fall away.
    indeed dear friend my wrath is terrible indeed how ever how can I respond to this with out knowing why (allthough I can guess) is bothering them. So hear is my message: whats bothering you?
    I was trying to study more for my pre-university stuff, and got involved in a whole load school club work since I was a senior. After all that was finished, I never got around to coming back here until recently, even though I had somewhat more free time.

    Well, you don't realy need to carry one all the time. Perhaps you order some whenever you expect to have to give them away or something. You know, for self promotion and such.

    Obviously, you need a mustache to be a srs villain. However, nobody will discriminate against you even if you tape someone elses hair on your upper lip. Just be prepared to face funny looks. Remember, being taken seriously isn't equal to commanding respect.

    And killing sick logic could be considered euthanasia, so it depends on who you're asking.
    About two days ago I thought I had an amazing discovery/thought, and it was that I figured that you must have an amazingly sexy irish accent, but alas, I believe you had already said that you didn't, and I became sad for the next 5 mins...but just a little :p

    and hehe, yea, I should really get more active instead of just reading everyone's conversations and posts. :rolleyes:

    btw, I'm still the goddamn hypotenuse in that sexy triangle! regardless of accents!
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