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  • Are you sure that's the definition of the "Soul"? Perhaps it's more subjective and aesthetic-related than you think it is.
    Sorry sweetums; big day tomorrow and I have to sleep.

    Totally agree with you on shoeless's majuscules by the way.
    It's true. Most people will be like "eeeeeewww, have you seen my mom?"

    They tend to be more offensive than you could ever manage. :P
    Got it from a night of dancing in unbroken-in shoes (btw, if that's a tattoo of you, you look rather disgusting. Love you anyway though).

    Don't force a reply, seriously. ^_^ I only want one if you are interested enough to make the effort; not if you only feel obliged to.
    Apathetic is the word.
    I've a history of being apathetic in regards to the world, sucked into the far richer world of my imagination and attracted to computers, games and scary music. (Far more common stereotype in Norway than one would suppose)

    I never really got the taste for drugs. My mind is a far better drug than those I've tried so far.

    Black sheep are also sheep, yes.

    It is far better to join the masses of the Thelema and Crowley's Law: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law." and " Love is the Law. Love under Will". As you interpret these you should come to terms with the question of what really is your will.
    Once you can begin to formulate what your will really is, what your desire out of life is, then you can begin to understand the law as well as define your purpose, which will give you a very clear contrasting background onto which you can analyze actions and judge whether they are "correct" or not.
    I must be gay too D: Dammit. I can't assume anything about converse as they're about too much, but colour can tell you things, and mud and such as you said (my shoes were very muddy from field work on an ecology trip and people who walk alot have worn down soles)
    "Immature little girl."

    Do keep that a secret, dear. ;)
    *looks below*

    I can see you're very popular. Impressive.
    Haha, how do you come up with that stuff?

    In all seriousness, don't ever try to take anything like that in combination. I would hate for someone to go the the hospital (or jail) after mixing those things.

    Where did you find the bandicoot for your profile pic?
    Haha, how coarse.

    Actually, I regard "toilet philosopher" for its literal meaning of "excretemental philospher".

    Read: http://www.artandpopularculture.com/Toilet_philosophy

    Just kidding.

    In all seriousness, it was a casual observation as to how the common layman only bothers to seek quiet comtemplation on the safety of his/her private potty. That and how I think the best in the privacy of my toilet as well.

    By the way, have you ever tried calling the seemingly random numbers on toilet walls? It is a... erm... unique way of meeting new aquaintances, and I even have the honour of meeting someone I would call a "friend" that way.

    Would I really do something this crazy?:confused:
    Ah, I was never diagnosed with anything (my mum doesn't believe in psychology much). Ah burning things, ever set a match box on fire? Harder than it sounds.
    Ah yes XD Find yourself examining shoes to determine the person's character (it does work alot of the time surprisingly i.e. my friend who doesn't care about his appearance has shoes falling to pieces and my girly friend has very girly boots).
    I imagine it would be somewhat similar to the effect that people get if they consume other stimulants and depressors at a party (minus a boatload of the other possible effects).

    I'm stressed because I have a large amount of work to do in a short amount of time.

    No girl troubles or boy troubles. But if aliens contact me, Stephen Hawking told me to not talk to them :D
    Incredible, I wasn't actually informed about that.

    I do enjoy Pokemon but I'm no tactician myself.

    Unless you qualify "Attack attack attack!" as a tactic.
    I have analyzed it but I cannot understand the implications of that frown! hmm...
    Haha I've had that happen (damn tiny girls, can sneak up on you at any time!)
    Ah yes, fun times those. Ever been told you seem autistic because of that? Haha, it's quite funny but annoying. Staring people in the eyes only works for me if I'm trying to spook them.
    I do too >=( It's embarrassing when you're tiny friend shoves you and you fall over.
    Yay video! they're always so interesting. Maybe just do one of you thinking for exactly 10 minutes?
    You never know, people can surprise you D:
    Ah, nah I trust people not to fall over (although I pass out alot so I am not people!)
    It doesn't look silly, I know lots of guys like that and one of them is regarded as highly attractive (I personally wouldn't know)
    Haha yes! no need to verbally communicate again.
    is now certain that melkor is off is rocker*

    You know what they say... If you can't beat 'em, join 'em...

    *hits a few random buttons* and goes off to explore the Tardis.
    *sits up groggily*

    *wonders what melkor is planning*

    *decides to play along*

    So where are we going?
    Stressed but I'll get through the week. Are you feeling burn out by things? Why not combine drink and caffeine? It'll be like a Guiness and Red Bull :D
    Haha you'll be popular in America, England and Japan then. Tall and skinny people worry me because I'm scared they'll suddenly get really flexible then wrap round me like a snake ;__; (Then again I'm tall and slim, so am I scared of myself? Haha)
    I'm sorry :) I'm an awkward person.
    Ah no, not at all.

    It was a stimulating discussion for me at the time, and I had fun.

    No more discussion is required for me to still have gained from it.
    ugh..... something wrong with that? it's not like i do false advertisement or anything, i DID put "vinnie" in my MBTI tag >.>
    I'm not a good guy either but feeling you inside me is something ... I'd rather not experience :p
    I'm taking an advanced physics course, I sketch for fun, I play the piano, guitar and cello, and just last week a friend of mine taught me how to waltz.

    Also, my body is built on functionality and strength, not looks. I have serveral developed muscle groups that all professional body builders completely avoid.
    Ok wow... I wasn't expecting that...

    *sits idly for a while looking around*

    *nudges melkor* no movement... ah well...

    *finishes watching Doctor Who and then leaves*
    Oh cyanide... My favorite sweets!
    *hands melkor a bottle of cyanide pills*
    You should try some!
    hmmm... yups... absolutely fine

    *sits down with melkor and picks up a sweet*

    *wonders if the sweets are laced with sedatives*
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