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  • Correct. It is with a vehemently sticky longing with which I believe redemption hides it's scented cloud of loveliness.
    hmmm... thats interesting...

    I am not wearing an embroidered blouse and I do not own any either... *rushed to lock his closet*
    Well, online it seems that most consider me polite or "nice" to the point that they question my authenticity.

    I'm not sure if that is necessarily the case. However, I do believe in courtesy and respect for everyone, regardless that this is the internet and that we are all anonymous (Or at least somewhat anonymous...)

    I'll admit that sometimes I go overboard but this is all in good fun, and I'm pretty sure that others know it. Someone blurting out in the chat "I'm hungry" and I respond by offering them a cake the diameter of earth's orbit and one mile thick. That sort of silliness.

    I am open to meaningful conversation and I do find it rewarding. It all comes and goes though. I guess that's life?

    You're a bit of a mystery to me as well. I do remember you. And I'm certain the people in the IRC have discussed you before in forum posts or otherwise. Reflecting I am having difficulty remembering anything though...do you go by any other usernames?
    You think you have found me...
    All you know is that you have found someone... that someone could be me... or it could be someone else... :p And what if its not me you were looking for in the first place?

    "Apparently you have a fetish for dress trimmings..."
    DAMN IT! What gave it away?
    I'm sure you can find some other knees to sit on...
    What do you need deductive abilities for anyway?
    LOL... oki... though now i'm even more curious as to what the comment was... :D
    and uhhh... yea... no one gets to sit on my knee...
    *Freaks out at the huggling*
    too late now.. you're in for it...

    Where did the death note thing come in? :S

    And the deleted message?
    who am I up to? haha, that's a good one...ergh, I figured out that a girlfriend is way too much work to be worth it - first you've got to find them, and then you've got to keep up with them regularly...

    nah, what with FFXIII, exams, and kiwanis I've been distracted from surfing the forums lately. are you done your first year of university yet?
    Probably.. you still didn't give me my PM.. Come on! =o
    I really don't see how a person can look eccentric ><(('>
    I so want one too!......... but the're dangerous.

    Want Huskies instead !!.......... But I live in the tropics so that will be difficult.
    PM me then! =)
    And explain.. As I can absolutely NOT see how looks can changed based on your brain.
    You brain cannot changed you face, hmm..
    So please explain. You probably have a theory or something =o

    (By the way, I still don't get how I look eccentric? I have T's wide grin? So I look eccentric? I'm a bit confused to say the least.. It doesn't make sense =O)
    damn you Melkor... you're going to pay for this!
    *goes off to think of an elaborate plan for revenge*
    The confience is fake, and the good looks are from strategic planning of wanting to have sex.
    Trying to be nice? :D
    Morgoth Bauglir (originally Melkor) was the principal agent of evil in The Silmarillion ...
    Talk to the lake, cuz the dairy ain't listening.

    Ok, unhelpful family situation. Why not hold them hostage in their own house? It'd be mutiny at the same time.
    You're a chisel talking to a lake. Is there any point?

    Oh yeah. That's a seriously sucky situation. Are you saving up for a laptop/internet connection? That'd make things easier.
    abusive?? :S Thats not my style...

    What made you think of as a female?
    "You must be one of those types :P"? elaborate?

    I've met only one person with which I had such a connection. Needless to say it didn't end well... :P But it was an... interesting experience to say the least. I hope it never happens again.

    Technology is evil, and evil can never be truly destroyed.
    Attempting to destroy it only makes it stronger.

    Well, we can leave the games consoles intact, but we'll need to fit shock collars for a 'almost real!!!' experience, in substitute for the vibrators they have in controllers, in order to deter all but the masochistic from playing...

    Oh hell yes, the sadism of multiplayer masochism, I like.
    And if anything the vibrators should be upgraded.
    What kind of reaction were you expecting?

    Well the gender is male... And the reaction would almost certainly be ferocious panic :P since I don't like being touched (let alone hugging... *shudder*)

    No speakers?

    I keep joining forums with new usernames and new emails, then forgetting username, password and email address. Damned waste of time. Tell me how INFJf is.

    I don't think that ever happened... At least not that I remember... :-/
    So either you are delusional and need help or I'm emotionally unstable. I am fairly confident that the latter is not true...

    So now you may proceed to say 'unhinged baby... I need help', fall into my embrace and sob against my chest so I can begin helping you?
    If you're interested: have a listen to Rachmaninov's 2nd piano sonata (original). Listen to all 3 movements. I'm in one of the worst funks of my life ever right now, and this is the only thing in the world that sounds like it can understand, and that makes me feel slightly sane again.
    I suspect the musical balm will be different for everyone, but if you haven't got an equivalent already, have a listen to this. It's a beautiful work in its own right anyway, aside from its healing properties (lol).


    If you do end up listening to it, search on youtube for Horowitz's version. A lot of the others don't quite get it right.
    Actually the Melkor I most prefer is the one I've seen recently - the one who doesn't see the need to hide behind bravado. Not that my personal opinion should influence your behaviour, but it does help to be reminded now and again that who you are is alright.

    Also, I think your posts are getting funnier. Not sure why. Maybe it's purer Melkor.

    To push away the broken in your life, or other broken people?

    I don't think anyone can help with whatever the problem is, but sometimes the emotional load can be shared. Sometimes not even that, but the support is useful. If there's anyone you love and trust, go to them.
    Yes, you got to have an almost useless conversation with a complete stranger over the internet. you learnt that i didn't need your pity and whilst I am thankful for you to have acted upon your pity for me, I was quite happy to give myself a message.
    Doctor? Eccentric? When did I say I wanted to be a doctor? =O
    And how do I look eccentric? I'd really like to know that. I AM eccentric.
    But I'm wondering how I actually look eccentric, hehe. =)
    AAAAAA.... NOOO!!! You weren't supposed to do that... :(
    *takes a hammer to the hinge so it is destroyed beyond repair*
    There... All better now... :D
    Behind bars? Pfft. As if mere steel could contain me... I took a crash in Houdini, so hah.

    No posts? Why, a single of my musings is worth more than 9 000 rambling nothings.

    Also, no picture. What draws people to me is in fact my mysterious and hypnotic nature. :D
    Though not entirely accurate.

    Dressing as Good as you feel comfortable with, and feeling comfortable with looking "one-up" from the rest, may help you get attention from women, although it won't be enough to create a deep attraction per se. That is a completely different issue, and I wouldn't exactly use the phrase "Fashion Sense" when getting a sense of Style is more accurate. Combined with self-confidence.

    Being a metal hippie was probably more just an attempt to communicate a deeper uncertainty about my difference from the rest of the "flock", and the classical teen-rebellion.

    The fear of being studied kinda dissipates when you have had a few real rounds of self-study, and learn to understand and accept why you are who you are and have done the things you have done.

    That probably is enough philosophical musing for now.
    oooh yeah, kind of deepish, I get it.
    Ah right! I was a tall child and am still tall! Aw, like a tree?
    What exactly is throaty?
    Sounds cool and yeah I hoped not the biological bits, that would be mighty strange and you'd have to be pretty tiny to fit in such a box!
    No stalkers, I tell you, just natural magnetism. :D
    As for Anamalech, he's miiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. Always has been, thief's honor.
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