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  • Slavery, to child coal miners, to sex slaves? Where will we go next?

    Oh yes, I know what I said.


    I could never get into anime, I would probably enjoy it but...
    Ever wonder how we came to be discussing this? Frankly I'm suprised you've kept it up despite me adding very little to the conversation, at least not intellectually.

    So, from what I gather, I must dress snappily to be a womaniser, and becoming a metal hippy will kill enough brain cells to make you sensible and fashion conscious!

    Can I pass on that?;p
    Wow, I wish I had that many boxes! They're so fun.
    That sounds like a fun, slightly scary guardian!
    Haha, I was nearly like that, for a while at least, but More like the confused teen turned Black Metal hippie.

    Style, though not at the cost of comfort.
    There is a site that really helped me realize my priorities though: http://www.kinowear.com/blog/
    Which has some amount of style-tips and general advice that I read through while it was active.
    I found it helpful at least.
    Checking the label of clothing, well; The label of the suit in the picture is Gieves & Hawkes, read what you will.

    I got it at half price.

    And I feel comfortable wearing it, like a second skin. Thus there is congruence between clothes and behavior.

    Women usually look for the deeper communication.
    The non-verbal communication and body-language tells you more about a person than the words.

    The way you dress is part of non-verbal communication, and dressing to provoke says something about a person. It is not congruent with who I am, so I stopped, and focused more on dressing in a way that lets me feel comfortable about who I am.

    I'm not really sure what we are discussing, if there is a discussion here.
    Perhaps it all stems from poor communication from my side :P
    "The Man" is the hippie-title for people adhering to the organized corporate world we live in.

    Keeping in mind that we always communicate.
    I don't dress to be different. That matters not.
    I dress to communicate who I am.


    Ultimately, I dress to look as close to my ideals about what looking good is, I work out and eat mostly vegetarian to optimize my health and to look good (looking good is equivalent to looking healthy in my view).
    These are the constructs of physical appearance. So the way I dress should, in essence, show off my body, to some degree, and how healthy it is.

    To some extent, I adhere to social standards about what one should look like, and I don't go in direct opposition, just to be different, which usually leads to resistance (e.g. the Black Metal uniform, with black clothes and spikes, long hair, etc.)
    Me too, words don't do anything but it's all that can be given sometimes.
    What sort of guardian would you like?
    Haha thanks, I like boxes as do my cats.
    Actually, I enjoy looking a little better.
    Though I find that the more I look respectable, the more people expect me to be "the man"... you know ?
    So when I then turn out to seriously fuck with minds, unless people know it is me, they never suspect it. If I were to print out copies of Anarchist Cookbook, I'd be the last they'd suspect.
    The goofy dope-head with Rastafarian dreadlocks is the first to fall under their watchful eye as I continue to conduct my part of Operation Mindfuck.

    It's all about Zenarchism ;P
    Besides. I also can avoid the automated protection-reflexes people have to those who are "different" allowing me to get under their skin without resistance ;)
    FAPP, a high standard in attire and looks makes people far more open to you, (except some men may think you are gay. Which is only a bonus, since the women will see beyond that, and be attracted.)
    For anybody!

    *relishes horrible pun*

    Alright, now that's done:
    Ignore most of what I'm saying. You're at the most open, direct and accessible I've ever seen you. (Which in some ways is rather ominous, at least regarding the state of your life, but it's nice.) I like that thread on expression. If I think of anything worthwhile to add, I will but for now I'm just letting things stew.
    You're like those Nigerian scams, Melon. I refuse to donate my emotions to your flaunted issues. You'll just put them in your little black body-bag and scream "TOO LATE!!!!!!!!!". I always knew it would go down this way. That's what these tests are for.
    Stop trying to tempt me into revealing my masterplans. I am not susceptible to flattery. Perhaps this is one of the reasons we seem to miss each other by a mile sometimes. You operate on entirely different lines...very Fe-ish and manipulative.

    I don't mind if you coat me with your sauce.
    I'm quite serious. I don't obfuscate and I don't hide behind any layers.

    Are you calling the existence of your left foot into question then? Piffle.

    Oh, I was kidding about the insecurities though.
    You touched me first! Well I don't really know what a timelord is but... I could be? Wouldn't that be a bombshell.
    I sometimes wonder what frequency you're tuned to, and why on earth it's so different to mine.

    Can I help it that I'm as honest as the day? And exceptionally shallow? And too plain-thinking for my own good?

    Why don't you leave my insecurities alone! :'(
    I tend to attempt to keep a certain level of formality. Shirt and nice clothes, though at the moment I haven't got many nice vests, and they seem harder to find than one would suppose.

    But yes, mindfucking, great fun.

    Hannibal Lecter style. ;P

    Barker plays to some extent on that obscenity as well as the psychological. Hellraiser is one of his concepts, but the whole imagery of the enticing nature of the puzzle box, that gradually plays more and more luring melody, until you finally solve it, which of course only dooms you further. (He reminds me a little of Lovecraft in that, though he goes further than Lovecraft in describing the horrors that follow after the psychological, where Lovecraft explicitly avoids it by admitting he would never be able to describe the horrors, leaving it to your imagination.)
    In that case, I suppose I shall wish you the best of luck with your endeavor... And may the gods have mercy on you should you be defeated.
    Yes, I have MSN, which I'll PM to you. I kind of prefer PMing though, because it leaves far less time to think and results in less thought-out responses. However in this case it's probably better than then mini-PMs, as you said. I won't be on for a while though.
    It was actually a quote from Clive Barker, who in the eighties released a collection of short stories named Books of Blood, that were instantly recognized as drilling straight to the marrow of Horror-fiction readers (among them a famous individual named Stephen King, who praised Barker saying: "I think Clive Barker is so good that I am literally tongue-tied. He makes the rest of us look like we’ve been asleep for the past ten years."
    He also harvested praise from Quentin Tarantino "To call Clive Barker a 'horror novelist' would be like calling the Beatles a 'garage band'... He is the great imaginer of our time. He knows not only our greatest fears, but also what delights us, what turns us on, and what is truly holy in the world. Haunting, bizarre, beautiful. These are words we can use to describe Clive Barker only until we invent new, more fitting adjectives." )

    Thank you for the compliment; the picture was actually taken at my grandfathers 80th birthday.
    Well, that's interesting, because the chocobo you're sniffing is female. c:

    Yeah, around here people just grow on trees. It's fun around harvest time, because people are trying to hack off umbilical cords but they end up slicing up the babies. More food for the birdies, I say.
    Can love alone truely be enough to singlehandedly defeat the gods? You make an interesting propostion, but one which I'm afraid I'll still have to refuse, dear Melkor.
    Hey, thanks for your PM. I'm on my iPod Touch now because my computer won't connect to the internet for some inexplicable reason (seriously, it says it's connected to the modem but can't connect to the internet from there; but we have two other computers on the internet via the same modem). Replying over my iPod would take the best part of a week so I'm afraid I won't be able to reply until my connection magically fixes itself as usual (tomorrow night, hopefully). Sorry!
    Bah! Cerberus!? With my love for you I would challenge the gods themselves! Why, I would single handedly take arms against Odin, Zeus, Yaweh, and Cuchulain, so deep is my affection! NONE CAN DEFEAT LOVE!
    Or so sour to daemons' apathetic ears that they shall banish you to keep solely the company of Cerberus for an eternity?
    I am curious as to what brought this on... o_O
    My response is immediate, and the answer is a resounding... no. My (in)sincere apologies. And those who know me well keep an ambulance on standby at all times.
    Oh by all means! I love hearing about people reading things incorrectly :D

    But seriously now, I've only had 3 slaves -- Tops!

    Ireland eh? I imagined you Chinese for some reason, probably because all of the FF. Are you by any chance Irish/Chinese?

    Those coal miners had it easy, sometimes my teacher gives me sooo much homeworkz!
    Who is Lor, though?

    I...you...WHO IS LOR?!?! :rogue00: :beatyou: :(

    *stomps off to find this so called Trebuchet*


    *stomps back*

    She's a mom and...nice. I can't actually do anything to her.

    *sits on floor and pouts...glances at the Melkorling...starts purring*
    Because you're the only person that's offered to show me some of their writing, I suppose?
    I'll find time for it somewhere, I am kind of interested actually (I'm sure it'll pass; enthusiasm isn't my thing. Either way if you send it I'll end up reading it eventually!).
    You are funny. No kidding that parenthood produces stress. Getting used to a 24/7 job is no easy thing, and of course it changed my priorities big time. But I don't think I became more prone to lecturing as a result. I have always been that way. In addition to morality, I lecture about the difference between a cause and a correlation, science, and what makes a proper user interface. Who is Lor, though?
    But but but...I haven't stolen anyone's chocobo. He's been raised in my signature for months. T__T

    Love: something about making babies. I don't think that's advised...or even legal where I am, melly dear. But I'm happy you care. ^__^
    *Is bitter and deprived*

    So...my disappearance really didn't change things too much? :p

    Busy with life, I guess, though. There was a whole lot of stuff I had to take care of, and it didn't leave me much time to lurk on the forums...exams are done in a week, though, so I will definitely be on the boards more often.
    Ummm...So LoR seems to be leaking...juices...from her eye sockets. What does one do about that? Is there some sort of glue I should apply?

    Should I mail you this glue? I hear eye leakage has been an issue all over the place lately.
    Exactly! Seeing a black person is like finding a dollar in your wallet you hadn't remembered possessing.

    Oh damn, you could get into quite a bit of trouble. I tend to stare at people, I've become incredibly adept at the "No I wasn't looking at you" look.

    What country do you reside in? Minimum wage in the US isn't too bad.

    At-least you're not in a coal mine, but I guess they did get to drink at a very young age.
    Hey, I don't have enough time to reply for a couple of days. I'm flying home on Sunday so I might be able to reply then, if not early in the week. Bye!
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