You know I've recently downloaded Advent children complete, took like three days, and for some odd reason which I cannot fully comprehend, everytime I see Denzel I think of you.
ACC is somewhat Denzel-centric in compared to the original, for every time you saw him in the original, they have a new scene to go with it. They're pretty cool too, in one he fights off demons with a lead pipe, in another he has a flashback of the sector 7 bombings, and there's plenty of Mother/father scenes with Tifa/Cloud.
My favourite is one where he picks up Clouds phone from Fenrir, and in the background you can see all the glorious industrial angst that is the under city.<3
Oh, and Cloud is mystifying in it...o.o Though he gets rather beaten up...
Well, yes, I try, and no I don't like it, but I don't think I actually suceed in appearing normal.