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  • Sire? Nah, it just sounds like a british comedy then.D:

    Cool clothes you say? Well, unless you're six foot two and pretty lean, they're not likely to fit you. *Pats*

    Though it's nice to be appreciated once in a while.

    (*grumble* Even if you don't accept tongue-baths)

    Well I have loadsa t-shirts too!:D
    Wha!? It ate half the message!? ARGHH!

    Basically, I was asking whether you liked a fellow in a shirt, rather than if you liked wearing them yourself:3

    I sent you a reply. For some reason it didn't appear.:( Sorry sir.

    I guess you don't like shirt and ties? Oh, well drat.

    *Remains depressed*

    I have green converse and red converse, and not a single item of orange or yellow clothing.
    I don't do it to be formal! I'm just a skinny git, and thus they suit. Haha, also, if you look a bit proper, people tend to pay you less attention than if you look ridiculous.

    No trying to make me feel better. This is ALL your fault.

    Ugh... Orange and yellow are akin to loud crashing noises and girlish screams in levels of attracting attention.
    I would, if I didn't like my avatar so much :P

    How ever did you figure out I liked Final Fantasy? Are you magic? If so, Do you use your powers for good or for awesome?

    I picked my username because I'm the life of the party *slaps knee*
    (don't you go stealing my handle D<)
    Oh... You don't want a bath?:(


    I was wearing cat ears too...

    I give up. I'll never be a good cat.:<

    Purple and blue? Hrm... I suppose I need a contrast.

    Jeans and t-shirt? How accessable. I prefer shirts and ties.
    Well.. you know... I taught him the tonguebath trick, so I guess this is my fault, in a way. I must say though, his depravity is mostly ravishingly original.

    Here *hands gun-shaped package* this is an industrial high-powered hair-dryer. Use it wisely.
    Tongue-bath? And here I thought you learned nothing from me, Melkor.

    Nice to see someone corrupting the young. I was due for retirement.

    Gino, anytime you want to complain the Irishman is getting too friendly, just let me know. I'm here to protect you. *smiles*
    Green and black happen to my colours! I'm always wearing a lot of them, or at least one. Oh, the green bit is a hoodie, the outer layer is nice and soft inside, but leathery on the outside! It has a nice collar too. These days I stik to shirts, what with the warmer weather.

    AVALANCHE are pretty cute though, as terrorists go! I always liked Jessie.:'(

    I'll find a way of washing you without water!

    Tonguebath here I come!:D
    Aha! Part of a clever plan to disrobe me pawn off my clothing, or something more sinister? You like my avatar? And my jacket? You're weird sir.

    Though I do like a bit of leather in a half-assed attempt at bad-assery.

    57 showers!? What a waste of water! You'd best share those showers you eco-vandal! Lest I get Avalanche on you!
    But mine is cuddlier!>:D

    Oh.. I like the new avatar, very cute and Cloud-esque. It suits you. Better than mine. Thats just mah ugly face trying to be thoughtful and wise.

    Okay, but if you get germs on Cloud I'll have to KILL you.:3
    But mine is cuddlier!>:D

    Oh.. I like the new avatar, very cute and Cloud-esque. It suits you. Better than mine. Thats just mah ugly face trying to be thoughtful and wise.

    Okay, but if you get germs on Cloud I'll have to KILL you.:3
    Nooooo, you'll try to steal him! Or dirty him!

    Grrr, you can hug him so long as I'M holding him at the same time.>:{

    Aaghhhh! Broomstick!D:
    Yes, a certain administrator gave it to me as a present, as if to woo me.

    I didn't ask for it! Didn't even suggest it! Not me! Never!

    You can share him if you want, but you're not allowed to kiss him.>:{

    Your tacklehugging boomerang is no match for my Cold Shoulder Pauldrons!

    Y-yeah but, I've got the Cloud act near perfect! I'm moody, apathetic, self-loathing, anti-social and whiny! I just need a buster sword! :3

    Yeah, but can you cuddle your Cloud? Issit noice and soft? NO! So in yo' face!

    Tacklehugging boomerang? Good lord! *Hides*
    I don't have a Cloud suit actually, mwahahah. That was a lie. I've always wanted a Cloud figure! *Jealous*

    Hey, you got classic Cloud! The best kind. *AHEM* I'll have to show you my teddy sometime. *Cough*>>

    Maybe in my forum video.

    I'll lend you a bazooka if you want to try tacklehugs^^,
    Well yeah. My tacklerapes involve firing warheads at your country of residence via nuclear submarine.^.^ Thats literal, no innuendo's included! Oh God, and don't even ask about my tacklehugs. Last time I tried that, there was a world war.

    Well, there's never before seen Cloud videos, and there's me in Cosplay attacking random city-goers with a massive sword and screaming a lot.

    Both are equally pretty!

    I got five notifications.D:
    Mraow. I see I have a protege in Cloud-luffing.:D

    How delightful. Don't worry, the pay is good, and the extra benefits include videos of Cloud and the odd case of case of tacklerape should I be in the mood. ^^,

    Don't listen to Minuend, she's just jealous!:D

    Agh, I'll get Cloud, AND the dark knight class!

    Thanks for the picture comments, very endearing!
    I'm currently playing FF tactics. Think it's my third time round, but this time I'm determined to unlock Cloud! Determined!

    Loveofreason will not be swayed! She loves a villian, more so a silverhaired pretty man Bowie look alike!D:
    Yay! The second game is divine.^^, The Emppperaawr is just a scary big drag queen, but this makes him somewhat awesome in a way in which most most villians fail. Illustrious, powerful and well spoken! Mwahahaha! Fear him!

    Ahaha, yeah. It's funny how any relationship featuring an older man is creepy, but those involving older women is automatically cute.:D

    I'm set for life!
    The characters don't speak, and thus, have no personality at all. So... I'd say start at two. It has all the typical enemies, a decent villian, a digestible storyline and some nice locations and characters.

    Again, play the psp or gameboy port, or you won't be able to enjoy it.>.< Three is good, but difficult and less storyline centered, and Four is fantastic, definately the best of the older generation i.e First five games.
    Yeah Lightning seems interesting. Silent, thoughtful, attractive and violent.^^, She is quite like Cloud, only with boobs! What more could one want? Ooh, yeah, and she and Hope make a cute, if illegal couple.

    Hrm... I'd say to start at FF1, because it's quite fun, and nice to see how it all began. But... Unless you get the psp remake, it's ugly and short. Also, it lacks what we've come to see as being central to FF. The same monsters, the character stereotypes, the recurring villian and the deep storyline.
    Hooray! A fellow Cloud worshipper! Don't let Loveofreason get a hold of you now! I'm sure she's reading this conversation with a distasteful look, and she's largely opposed to Sir Strife for killing her beloved Sephy with alarming frequency.

    Zidane is annoying yes, but he's one of the Extroverted Feeling types that seem to alternate as leads, e.g, Bartz, Zidane, Tidus Vaan. Of course, it's the whiny introverts that I appreciate, Terra, Cloud, Squall, Lightning.^.^
    If we go by Dissidia, the records say my most played as character is Sephiroth, then Cloud and Firion with about fifty plays difference, and after that Cloud of Darkness and the emperor^^

    I'd say Cloud was my favourite, but he's just too sexy to be judged objectively.

    So lets not count him...

    Uhm... I was always fond of Auron/Seymour. I also liked Cecil of FF4. Kuja is fantastic too, but saving all judgements till I play 8 and 9, and finish 6!
    Nah, I took forever to notice that she could be found in any forest, not just the ones near Nibelheim, and longer still to figure out the correct conersation pattern to recruit her. Even then, I only used her to get leviathan, and had to give her all the overpowered materia before she stood a chance. I almost finished disk one without getting Vincent!D:

    Oh, crap, thats such a tough choice... Uhm...
    Vivi! I haven't played IX yet I'm afraid. *Sob*

    Only just on eight now, bought it via the playstation network, and EVENTUALLY I'll download it to my psp and play it then:D

    Then I'll move onto nine. But from Dissidia I know that Kuja is the sex.^^,

    Yeah, star fox has always been somewhat random with release dates. Unlike Mario, with a game per year, he seems to be every six years, or four, maybe five.:X

    I despise Yuffie. Worst party member I should think. I was rather fond of Cait Sith even!
    Hahah, well I'm pretty much in love
    with Cloud, Aeris too, and many more
    besides that>.>
    I only have the DS version of metroid,
    but I loved playing Samus in the N64
    Super smash bros. (These days I'm
    more Link/Pitt/Fox and other deadly
    Kefka is completely amazing
    Hurrah! Now I don't feel rejected.

    Sephy frowns on your lateness! Hehe, is he really that scary? Whats so scary about a drag queen with a God complex? Much scarier is an AGH green tentacled lady with an eye nipple!D:

    Disturbing,yet sexy. I doubt I'll get to try verus:( I don't own a ps3/360, just a psp! I'll play agito though, it has cards and emo's! My two favourite things next to anarchy and murder!
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