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  • Okay that's pushing three pages and I've got a lot more to write.

    You will get it eventually, just not soon.
    *somewhat drunk*

    I find it difficult to say which category I would fall in to. As excited as I am at the prospect of robotics, there is a certain uneasiness to it.

    My digital soul screams to be relased from its fleshy cage.

    Which to me seems about as despicable as raising a child in a shed and never letting it see the world. Forced to consider you the onyl decent and good thing in its life.

    I would hug/lift you from the floor and shake you like a bulldog if we were in the same room right now.

    Gimmie a sec I've got a pm to send you.
    Heh, I like the smiley face.

    I can imagine old people saying it's scary while children laugh and play with it.

    but.... what if I want to be sexually assaulted? WHAT THEN?

    Yes! My thoughts exactly. It's all pseudo intellectualism and "dose f33lers sure r reterdud!". I ALMOST FELT NORMAL. D:

    YOU ARE A MASTER! Saying cunt with an American accent doesn't satisfy.
    I figured missingno was a different type of randomly floating brick abyss, in a way. Yeah. What game is your picture from?
    I don't even think Doctors should need to be handsome, they weren't so much before.

    Well I'm running out of conversation, unless you want to talk about the weather in your country or something else. :P
    yeah, I like the taste of birds. I was thinking of feeding on a dodo bird a few nights ago. I don't think they're available yet. The gastornis or the chocobo looks pretty appetizing too.

    I don't really see why people drink, or smoke, or do drugs. Heck, I don't get why we have to eat at all. It only complicates the value system, making life less efficient and simple. If I can just sustain myself without having to consciously concern with the body's necessary inputs(food, oxygen, sleep etc.), I would probably do so. The body's bio-chemistry is meaning already pursued. I want something else.
    It's 3:45am where I am, I'm almost done for the night.

    But I'm so stoked for the robotics story.

    I bid farewell and I'll send you the synopsis of the latest abortion tomorrow.
    Sorry I got work tomorrow evening... well this evening, whatever.
    'For as long as he could remember, though it was not very long, the boy had wanted a mask.'

    Epic is a matter of context, take any epic line out of context and it's not epic anymore.

    I FORGOT. Did you notice any embarassing mistakes? Or can I post it in the threa?

    Oh, I just kinda sped-read it.

    You need to get msn or something so I can batter you with questions.:P

    (whiny voice) But I'm distracted by the interwebs!

    And yeah, chapter three is half done. Writing a chapter three is a first for me. Seriously.

    It's better than I've ever done :D
    I write detailed plans for my stories and never actually get around to writting them.
    I read it.

    That's very artistic, a strange incoherent slice-of-life with existentialistic undertones.

    You'll have a hard time selling it to a publisher, then again to someone knowledgeable in literary theory the strangeness of it does have a certain befuddling appeal; to those who understand convention only the unconventional will surprise/delight, if you write this into a full book I can imagine it being treasured by a few, but beyond the simple tastes of a mass market.

    As always I could be wrong.
    And there's actually a pit like that in AVP2 that you have to get down by falling through, preferably without falling too far, too fast.

    There were crates too...

    Edit: No, I'll look for it.
    Yeah, flirting back might not be fun because then it ceases to be sexual assault.

    Those fucking smiles. I guess I find the contrast between those cute smiles and your sardonic attitude basically hilarious. Aw gawd, I'm doing that thing again. :D

    You're free to court that lawnmower at your leisure, but it's generally inadvisable to stick anything into it while in operation.

    Anything that moves, huh? *Gesticulates wildly*
    We can morph it into a dirty advance... *sleazily unbuttons shirt*

    Hopefully those Americans didn't use the term mooch before they solicited you for a few swigs of your thirty quid whiskey. They would have, most likely, seen Melkor's incisors in that case, perhaps followed by a long-nailed scratch to the face.

    For my part, I appreciate your homoeroticism, your one-liners, and the sheer creativity and delight you take in combining characters to form human faces and little people. Those somehow always bring an only-noticed-later grin to my stubbly face. :o
    Well, mooch means to take something or borrow something without paying for that item. So that's the first part. Hooch is an antiquated term for a prostitute or, particularly in this case, liquor. (They use it in the Orson Welles' movie Touch of Evil in an opening scene involving a bordello.) Hence, mooch the hooch means to freeload liquor off of someone else without shelling out your own cash...that might otherwise go to, say, gameboy entertainments. I can never quite resist a chance to rhyme terms, especially ones that weird. :phear:
    By which I meant I was going to bed soon.

    I've got a good 4-5 hours ahead of me, if you want a fast reply now's the time.
    MELKOR! It has been toooo long. I'm thinking about getting active again, but who knows.

    The Facebook INTP group pales in comparison to you guys ;D

    Proper ages? Mmmm use those UK terms :3 I lieeek
    :D I love his "angry logic" as Stephen Fry calls it.
    His rants definitely invoke the "It's funny because it's true" trope.

    I think he would have made an interesting Doctor (Doctor Who) but he thinks he isn't attractive enough, I disagree!
    Haha, yeah. I'm still here. I have yet to establish an alternate, consistent group in the default dimension, which is my original plan.

    Life is proceeding smoothly according to plan. How's yours?
    Not any initials, the phrase is just based on something personal so it's improbable to figure out if you aren't myself.

    So yeah, pretty much. Good luck, though I admit it helps tons to be an attractive female with lady bits(the alternative I suppose is reading my mind).
    Escape key is a late addition, someone else pointed that one out.

    It still means something else, so all is not lost.
    Good call; how ethnocentric of doddering ol' snafu. Wait, you live in Ireland and you do not already own green trousers? Is that possible?

    In either case, those pants will perhaps be pooled around your ankles or draped over a cheap motel's lampshade come night's end.

    Is St. Patrick's day more or less an excuse to get excruciatingly intoxicated? Sort of like Mardi Gras or tee ball games in the States?

    Am I on the right track here? :confused:
    What are you doing up brother man? Isn't it sort of late...

    Not ready? Da fuc...maybe you could take some cues from this clip...

    You know... I think I'll start writing again. It may be the only thing I can do. Badly. But still....

    You're an inspiration ;)
    eh you can keep it, I wasn't using it.

    I bet being faceless is interesting.
    lmao, I can't say I'm surprised. My dad makes ridiculous claims all the time; I don't understand the universe he lives in.

    No, I picked the name as an acknowledgement of my enormous ego.

    My dad claims to have invented the character Melkor. Obviously, I have my doubts now, but I'm curious as to where you got it?

    Did Pirates learn from the Irish?

    Yeah, it's vanilla..

    *flicks hair again...this time a little to violently, head ends up at a strange angle*

    So you are "free".

    Heh. And you want a.....*gasps*.....HEART?

    Then you will certainly never be free.

    *checks fridge*


    Oh, have this one then. I think it used to belong to some humanoid by the name of cog. It is now fully mechanised. I mean, him. It.

    Want some ketchup with that?
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