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  • I do love the BBC (: Channel 4 occasionally has some good T.V. shows as well (like Graham Lineham's stuff). I'm watching Black Books at the moment, actually. Have you seen it? Not as good as Father Ted, but it has it's moments. :P

    What does it mean to you to be Irish? What is an Irish identity?(sorry for the seriouz question, identity just interests me - I find it difficult to isolate what makes me English.)

    And what makes you like English sods like me then? :P

    I shall look up ye game.
    I think it's more because (that section) reads like a kind of collage of cliches: The day out at the beach, the stranger on the beach, am I a dream? (Through the Looking Glass - am I the Red King's dream?). Also how he tests to see he's in a dream, confirms he's not, and then wakes up is sort've like those narratives where one person awakes from a dream to think they're awake, only to wake up again. :P

    It's still original in that you're meshing it (I said borders on cliche, I think, not that it necessarily is), it's quite post-modern in that sense, but post-modern literature is driven by a self-consciousness of how they're playing and meshing genres where as I can't tell if it was deliberate with your story or not. XD

    I don't think it's too indy for publishing though. I mean, I'm reading Burroughs's "Naked Lunch" at the moment, that is almost unreadable in parts yet it's considered one of the best works of the 20th century. I'd just go with what you want to do. :P
    How did the other chapter go? You said you sent it off to a magazine? (:

    Belfast, ah, I live with an Irish person, I think Northern Ireland as well, though I've never been myself. I'd like to at some point. Do you feel a part of the UK? Do N. Irish in general? I keep getting asked if I feel English or British, and really I don't think I feel either. o_0

    But yes, I know what you mean. I go a little crazy if I go without contact for too long though, I still think of myself as a sociable person, just an anxious one. :P

    Which Oddworld game would this be? I've only played Oddysee and Exodus. (:
    Lol. I thought Speiss's comment was a bit harsh, but then I didn't know if she was joking. :P

    The first bit when they played Monopoly reminded me a bit of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, just in terms of the humour. Overall I liked it, it was an easy read, you write quite naturally. The advantage of having a fixed setting was that I didn't feel like I was being moved around too much, like in the first chapter; the disadvantage being that it borders on cliche in parts (stranger on the beach, etc.). I like that you write often with the same tone you have in forum posts though, comes across more natural. (:
    There's nothing artificial about spanish fly, my boy. What you're feeling is a 100% natural :D
    *wink wink*
    Rigtht, I was asking if you liked my brain massager, an avatar I used for all of 10min before I got sick of it, then deleted the message.
    Is Beal Feirste an Irish place? I always assumed you were South American by the name of the place. XD But I keep seeing people describe you as Irish. Funny we might be closer to each other than I thought.


    ...ice cream, yumm...

    Yeah, I know, what gives right? I'm pretty good at talking, problem is I tend to get nervous and natter on and on. I was just in the student eating place (cafeteria) and at the table it occurred to me that ducks gang-rape their females (they have evil cork screw penises so they can't escape) I can't remember why this was relevant to the conversation but I got the look of shame and had to run away to the computer room where I now type. :P

    It's not just penguins, birds man... But, yeah, sex-less, friend-less ENTP in the same club.

    At least we have Elum: http://www.videogame-reviews.co.uk/w...3-728x1024.png
    *snaps out of day-dream*

    fhgle blu ywe sak...

    ...Egads! If you wish me to respond in a more timely fashion, sir, I would cease lobotomising me with that infernal spoon! :P

    Apparantly I'm an ENTP now. I'm confused. But ENTP high five, or glare, or whatever it is we do. Could you teach me how to be a better ENTP? I feel like one of those broken, introverted ones. (;
    Sligstorm sounds interesting, I wonder what they'll do to make it different to other shooters.

    It all sounds interesting but not knowing much about it there's not really much I can say, other than it would be nice to go back to the weirdness of older games.
    Arrg my homeland.... arrg? So you're telling me you sit on cold days watching an Irish Pirate in a basement some where while you are undressed? Sounds like my kinda guy! So... how do you really feel about me?
    Why must you think in absolutes? Like and Need are within the same dimension, but they're certainly not at the same point of that dimension. Why must you think in staticity? People's preferences change over time and the rate of change itself is changing at its own rate, and possibly the rate of the rate of the rate of change too.

    Experience is ok, but i prefer efficiency.
    Every time I decide to write on your profile I just feel like throwing up sparkles and sweetness and compliments all over my computer screen.

    It would probably be pink. The throw up. But since St. Paddy's day is coming up soon, maybe I'll digest some shamrocks beforehand to be festive.

    It still depresses me though, how you never say hello! My loveliest friend is a stone's throw away and he won't even glance in my direction!

    I'm all alooooooone, my dearest. Aloooooooooooneeeee.
    You'll always be a Lady on the inside. ;)
    Go to the forum main page, below the Oubliette there's a link that says something like "view forum leaders".

    Am I going to get a reply?

    Do I have to send a drone, don't make me send a drone.
    You won't like my drone.
    Yeah, I meant something like that. Sounds like you know about yourself. Though I don't think you have an inappropriate behavior or something like that (just saying).

    I have always wanted to ask you, what is this strong, enthusiastic thing in your head that wants to communicate with everybody? Full of energy... I don't know you, is this something maniac? What is this?
    I KNEW that you'll be the first who'll write me a visitor message.

    So. Depressed? Is it a topic you can talk about on the visitor's page?
    The properties of muscles are hard to replicate, the actuator needs to be able to project a large amount of force, with precision, and also receive/store it like a spring, plus the actuator itself needs to be fairly small/light and energy efficient.

    Currently I'm planning to use servos with variable transmission and tension spring suspension, at least for the limbs anyway, in the shoulder for example a torsion coil may be more appropriate.

    Haha. You Brits! Are you going to start telling me I'm spelling color and armor incorrectly?

    Britain would never accept me. I prefer coffee over tea.

    They're nowhere as adorable as you guys.

    LOOOOL INTPS ARE SO COOL!1 Lets go read some books and talk about philosophy! Yeah philosophy! Have you heard of it? Probably not. Both Kant and Einstein were INTPs, WE'RE SO GOD DAMN SMART. POTATOOOOOOOO

    That sounds terrific. Come to America and we'll discuss British-isms over... COFFEE! BWAHAHA
    good geuss, Im almost there.

    all the more incredible considering how much it take to get me unconcious.

    I just got yo of the floor
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