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  • Where exactly did you get this 'Adaire-bot' I need to shut down such an operation.
    Although on a related note, I do sometimes whistle the final fantasy victory theme in public and look for people to recognize it.

    and a zim convention? I didn't know such a thing existed! <3
    I've actually been distributing clones of myself to any interested parties. Although they're more like sleeper agents and I can't really vouch for their behavior as they are now independent constructs. Although requesting them to be 'sexually obedient' would probably make them retaliate with a number of spiked and electrified devices of an expressly unpleasant and humiliating nature.

    Watch Firefly though, it's best described as a Space Western.
    oh god.
    Cog thinks I'm sensible and serious?

    I think there's something seriously wrong with him, Mel.
    More than usual at least.
    I vaguely recall having a conversation with cog of that sort.

    Halloween Membrane is awesome, as is spider-Bitters, who I resemble even more. :D

    How have you not seen Firefly? Are you not a nerd!?
    Watch it! Nao!
    Oh, okays :<


    The penguins came up on the story I mentioned actually. Don't trust penguins man. The fuckers are like winos on mescaline, they'll ride the deck on their bellies and snatch your dignity from right under you before nose-diving into the sea.

    Bad days. Bad craziness. (;

    And agreed. (: I used to know the Father Ted series off by heart. Do you have a favourite episode? I can't get this out of my head now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzYzVMcgWhg

    I was distracting myself with the Twilight Zone this exam period though. :>

    Criminology sounds like quite a specific subject, do you have an ideal job you want to aim for from it? (:
    I wonder if that's who Cog has been trying to be his whole life?


    And you're quite right Adaire is a perfect Gaz, she's sensible, serious, has an angry streak and can kick our asses but generally doesn’t give a shit.

    I can't believe you only recently discovered Invader Zim.
    I used to have a professor membrane avatar. He was so awesome.

    It was too shortlived.....
    It's cartoon firefly.... :(
    of course!
    I adore it!
    So I'm playing Final Fantasy XIII but there's no Cloud, no Chobos, or anything to do with what I thought was Final Fantasy, what's going on here? I demand an explanation! And who the hell are these people and what's wrong with them?

    And who's she? She's hot, where's she from?
    You know, I was wondering.
    What if you put whisky in a chocolate?
    Like, they put chili powder and pistachio stuff in chocolate.
    Like, you'd take a chocolate drop, right? Make it hollow. Pour in some whiskey. Seal it up.
    Eat like 50 of those.


    (and think of Otto from a Fish Called Wanda when you read that. If you've ever seen it. If you haven't, I suggest that you do one of these days!)
    A barely dressed woman as a profile pic. Dear lord, it looks like Melkor is leaning to the dark side.
    I apologise most profusely for my most profuse of apologies. (;

    I wasn't actually thinking of anything sexual; I was thinking of the time I went to a zoo with my primary school (I was 9 or 10, maybe?). The other kids grew tired and started daring each other to do silly things, like some started picking up stones and chucking them at the monkey's backs. A little like this guy: Father Ted - Best bits - Ted hits man on boat with stone - YouTube

    I, of course falling prey to the joys of social pressure, got dared to jump into the penguin's exhibit. I did, and well, penguins are evil fuckers. I don't know why it reminded me of that, I guess I simply shant - yes shant - forget that day. :P

    What do you study Melkor? History here. (:
    I know I tend to just dismiss everyone around me and make a beeline for you -- a very bad habit, really, but I like what I'm comfortable with! -- but you can't just go and ignore my hellos like that!
    Terribly disconcerting, you know. Injures my feelings to the point where I cry myself to sleep.
    .. Well.. all right, that's a bit of a lie.
    I have no feelings :3

    Oh and by the way, I apologize for not bidding you adieu the other night, whichever night it was. You know how important saying good-bye is to me!
    Hard feelings? Never been any, why do you get that impression? Dare I say because you're a human. A person who has feelings, a person who extrapolates information from what other people write and say.

    Oh, wait.. You're probably just an ENFP.

    Really though, I still would, very much like for you to give me some actual argumentation as to why you do not think I'm INTP. Because you insisting on me not being it is just as "irrational" - "stubborn" and "un-INTP-ish" as me insisting on not being it. So that won't get us anywhere.
    Ah I see that wouldn't be very good thing. I'll have to decline. I can still eat the toes right?
    Well I am followed around by a rather large herd of invisible purple carnivorous hippos. If I'm a minion it might work doubly well for me as I'd very much like to thin the hippo herd.
    Oh that would be wonderful, I've always wanted to be minion. Do you have a dental plan?
    Excellent, you wouldn't mind if I snacked on the toes ... only as they fell off of course.
    Alright, I suppose I should warn you that I'm a leper, but tis no worry on my part. I'll get my suitcase.
    LOL, more or less. Mostly I rushed that out a bit more quickly then is typical for me so I didn't articulate it better. On the flip side I didn't want to derail with a synonym that might have a significantly different flavor for him.

    I'll accept whatever punishment you deem fitting.
    I'm sure that they are marvelous people. But I do not relate to the ENFP profile. And I'm not really a "peoples person" even though you might htink so through me preferring debates over books.

    Actually, most people think I'm sort of a cold dick. Even on this forum. Looking at myself, I realise that I am very cold.

    I know that a lot of my argumentations come through "personal opinion" but that's simply because I've stopped trying to tell myself that there is such a thing as "true objectivity" -- Everything is subjective. So what I do, is share my opinion. Only time I actually try to be logical is when I'm trying to "prove" something or if I'm trying to reach a consensus with someone.

    However. If you insist on me being ENFP I'm all ears for some of your reasons why. You know, examples and such.
    If my wife and I got along, I don't think we'd have wasted the time signing a contract saying we won't break up with each other.
    Nope, I'm actually pretty confident. I might be an ass-wipe. I don't know. My wife might agree that I am.
    Hello yourself. You have some nerve hello'ing me. I like the way you mix things up. People like me are far too serious. These INTP types need a safe place to get their feelings out. You let us know no place is safe, lol.
    Hey there, kitkat.
    I always knew you liked playing with long, shiny poles..
    I only used his type as a point of reference. (:

    I like ENTPs, my sister is one + a few close friends.

    And yeah, I had a crisis when I initially pinned myself to a type, but I don't think I can worm my way out of it - it's a pretty tight fit. Kind've like when you see a penguin get stuck in an igloo, but that's a different story. :P
    Eh hello. Not sure what that message means on my thingie, but I have been gone a while eh.
    *Ejaculates a marvelous pillar of water from the well's depths, creating fabulous rainbows that umbrella themselves above Melkor's quivering figure*
    You remind me so much of one of my close INTJ friends.

    Just to, y'know, fragment your personality a little. :P

    I like what you've done with the place, ponies are what I think are truly best for not just the soul, but mind and body to. (;
    Oh! That's Sasuke's older brother Itachi, but yes. Actually, I'm kinda feeling up for that one again.

    And woah, I had totally forgotten about the pangolins! xD That'll have to go in the wiki. Really I think that if we do pull off the wiki it'll be the biggest monument to the past community we can possibly conjure -- and all the oldies who see it will probably love it.

    A thread could work too I guess, but what about a roleplay? Something like the Dinner Party, y'see. If it's something interactive -- then there's more purpose to join in than to reminisce, and it actually does something to recreate unity within the present, as opposed to simply having flashbacks. ;)

    We should ask Coggie for some ideas. Or something. I'm not good at masterminding these things.
    I thought you were dead, Melkor. I'm disappointed now.

    And lately, I've dedicated my considerable Photoshop skills to images involving vaginas and cans of compressed air, but this isn't that kind of site.
    There you are.

    Return to INFJf immediatly. Too many feelings, too little ratio.
    Sorry to sully your thread, I saw your tag and was like: "gonna have to - the urge is mounting" In hindsight, I wasn't sure if it was the right place, hence this comment ^^'
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