As for Lolita, I viewed it straight after finishing the novel, which is never a good idea. :P I like what he did with Sellers's character. I guess it's not a fault of Kubrick's I'm just not sure if Lolita works as a film. In the novel Humbert can have a consumated relationship with a 12 year old girl, you put a 12 year old girl on the screen, and yeah... "How did they ever make a movie of Lolita?" I think they actually changed her age to 14 or 16 in the film, and the actress looked about 18. The book felt like an exercise on the capibilities of the imagination in literature, where as the film felt like the opposite, on films censorship. But that's assuming it can't standalone I guess, it was good, just not a favourite. (:
I haven't seen that disney one, it sounds good. I think I agree that Blue Velvet is the best of Lynch I've seen. The Elephant Man is a personal favourite though I think, it has an emotional depth I wouldn't assume Lynch was capable of in his other films. (: