I liked Sartre for "La Nausée", for the philosophy and the actual literary quality, despite the fact that my existential crisis' promptly tripled over night. I also like Simone de Beauvoirs for "Le deuxiéme sexe", as a 13 year old girl it seemed great anyway. Also generally a fan of the couple and their take on relationships. You aren't the first I've heard to say he's a Heiddegger rip off, but I can't tell you if I agree or not yet because I've only just started reading Being and Time, I have to admit I'm a huge fan so far, complex but cool writing style. I should learn German so I can read it in the original. Or perhaps I should favor an English translation over a French one... Heiddegerr constantly goes on about how translations make texts lose their meaning. On another note, I think it was you who mentioned the "Siamese Dream" album to me on the forum a while back, it's steadily moving up my "albums I love" list. If it wasn't you...uuuuuhh...Listen to it and sorry for the mix-up.