It's not enough to hate me dear, you must be in hate with me if you expect this marriage to work. Look, I don't mean to brag, but I get offered hate almost every day. Why just the other day, wow, someone offered to hate me right on the spot. And oh I could've too, I could've hated them all night. They even had weapons! God it was tempting. They were ready to let the hate flow through them, if you catch my drift. Sorry, what I mean is you're the one I hate, forever and always. NOW RECIPROCATE BITCH!
Yeah, hate's icky. I don't think I even understand it. Well, I kinda do, but I don't have much experience with person-directed hate. I hate alot of things though. See though, an anonymous forum member (Melkor) implied I was too nice, and I think he was right, which has lead me to think I need a few enemies, just to get some hate brewin', ya know? Will you be my enemy? pretty pleeease *angry face*