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  • Something like that. It's what most people prefer to call me (or a slight variation on it). I would say more... but then the whole purpose is defeated.
    Yes, Words is quite obviously a forty-plus INFJ. We seem to have a lot of those, and one who will join that illustrious group rather soon.

    You have been deceived.

    Quistis is a beautiful young character from Final Fantasy eight. She's what Lor calls a 'library Goddess'.

    Uhm, thats someone Cosplaying as her.

    Yes, you know what I'm talking about, you wicked trickster. I still can't believe you stooped so low, at a very confusing and volatile time for me.
    Mainly because I don't want people who actually know me to find out about all the things that I have said on this site. And my parents DO know about this site... Better I thought, if I were to be less recognisable.

    Psht, yeah right, you can't use excuses like that, you're a girl.
    You're only allowed to make excuses of that nature when you're accussed of doing something tailored to the opposite sex.

    For example, I can easily explain how I know the names and most of the songs of McFly, by saying that my sister adored them for a few years, and was forever subjecting me to them, despite me having little interest and my ipod being devoid of them.

    Words has little to say to me I should think. I enjoy his company, but as he is an old, bald man by his own admissions, I am very wary of him and his evil Feeler constructs.

    I'm tired Cheese...

    The same brother you tricked into tricking me?

    Wicked girl.
    "I suspect you say the most at these times because it takes a great amount of words to dance around the void without falling in. (That might be a prime example of inaccurate metaphoring right there...)"
    Surprisingly accurate... though I think it's more a case of dancing myself straight into it... I never feel the same day to day. I couldn't even comprehend myself being now as garrulous as I was just yesterday, and I was even deeply regretting flying so far off the cuff for no reason :p

    But enough of that. Rediculously juvenile & pointless does suit you I think. How else does one explain your interest in celebrities' types? I'll never wrap my head around that one :p But then I guess it plays into your general interest of trying to understand people, which by no means seems limited to superficialities. Sometimes you're Camembert & sometimes you're Cheez Whiz :D
    Words, Midnight Gino and apparently Lor.:P

    I should note that the second two are confirmed INFJ's, which makes it all the more alarming.

    More INFJ than Lor? We're talking about the girl that has a manic fit when she recognises what has the tiniest possibility of being a symbol of something negative towards her!


    She's the kind of person who would think the world hated her if a sunbeam passed over her too quickly.

    I've been on the INFJ forums for quite some time, and from that I can safely say I am no INFJ.

    I can relate to the cut-throat, steely faced and somewhat tougher INFJ's , who have regressed due to a lack of comfort and excess of scars, and thus appear to be deformed INTPs but only to an extent...

    I can see eye to eye with Lor on many things, but a lot of her behaviours and even more of her concerns confuse me to no end.

    Many have suggested ENTP, which might explain your argument for 'Alternative stimulation', but I can't see it applying to anything outside of the 'Melkor persona'.
    Well, I think the word 'confidence' in itself suggests some form of exaggeration, which suggest a lack of accuracy, which is of course both a sin and a foible.

    That curious, four instances of vouching for INFJ.

    I'm curious as to why you think so Cheese. Is it to due to my rare moments of sensitivty?
    And lastly, apologies for such an inordinately long visitor message... (Why do I always have the most to say whenever I have the least ability to?)
    As for myself, if feeling like you're dancing on hot coals during a nosebleed is enjoyable, then I suppose I ought to call myself happy. But yes things are acceptable anyway... for as long as I don't self-destruct.... Then it will be the same intensity of emotions, just without any enjoyment attached to them.
    And that is truly a dark world.

    Oh, and never call me preilemus. It feels grossly impersonal and sends a shiver down my spine* whenever it is used instead of "Glove." Preilemus is a fledgling entity; one that I am (admittedly haphazardly) nurturing, and it has not sufficiently grown on me yet. Have people always called you Cheese? why was it that which came to your mind when picking out a mask?

    * As opposed to up it... though I'm not entirely comfortable going in either direction when it comes to this conversation, if you know what I mean.
    Yes, well, what is one to expect from an Apple product anyway? Black is rather suiting though; I like to believe that the dark castlers curse my name while they struggle to read my pointlessness. Or maybe it's too sharp... Metaphoring is easy; Metaphoring accurately is rather difficult, and sometimes just a waste of everyone's time.

    And better to go over the top than to never go at all! Though I do weep for the death of purple guy :'(
    (Doesn't it just seem crude when it's not turned 90 degrees & propped in front of a coloured circle?)

    It is good to hear that you brain is healthier now, though. I sometimes take mine for a walk; there is only so much one can learn from a ceiling, after all. And singing nursery rhymes works wonders too! Hang around here long enough and you just might convince yourself there's not much to Emotional comfort...
    Hi cheese. Just for your information, the colour-picker thingy for the chatbox doesn't seem to function correctly in my browser, and further, is stuck on the nadir of the happy colour spectrum. Even if I had the most wondrously uplifting message it would still turn out murky.

    (Also whatever happened to the frowny-face emote? Is the expression of such emotions no longer acceptable in this place!?)

    And last but not least, how goes your life these days? I know we haven't spoken in a few whiles...
    Thanks for cheering up fire.
    Ni - springboard to fantastical conclusions! Give me a whiff of a tale and I'll paint you a whole fairy cosmos! ;D

    I have so much stuff I want to say in that thread, and it comes to me perfectly formed when I'm driving the car, out walking, asleep... I sit in front of the computer and go blank :/
    I've made a place for all the INFJ/TP nonsense that's been circling round, but I'm afraid I can't verbalise it. Feel free to ask leading questions if the mood strikes you :D
    I'm revising my understanding of this internal milieu, whether it's worthy of a thread or not, uncertain. It hasn't all coalesced yet.
    Oh, I get in ruts too mentally, where I can't get the questions to the surface... it only gets worse, so don't fret too much. :D

    Feel free to do whichever... those happen to be specialty areas / areas of interest for me.
    Start a thread? Maybe tomorrow? (I have to sleep now.)

    Well... let's see. Being emotional causes mortification, Ti therefore controls emotional expression. But I think I learned control from very young because I was punished for being happy? It was external control, but I have self-discipline in spades, and I resent other people controlling me. I'd rather self-discipline than give anyone else the joy of hurting/punishing me. It's just been reinforced over the years, because whenever I let that control slip, something external beats me over the head for it. Curious.

    I mean even I can get superstitious over something that repeats again and again for no obvious reason. Must be something really queer in my mental make-up. Some subliminal signal?

    In the mood I am now, I don't much care at all what the universe does to punish me. Screw it. Is this Fe taking control of Ti? Will the sky fall?
    Sticky? I've always found it rather slippery, but I'll take your word for it ;p

    Hmm... I might have to think - I don't remember feeling like this naturally, though it might be compared to better times being stoned - way back in the dark ages.

    Oh! Wait - fighting with Melkor on the forum back in the early days when we started letting loose. :D

    In real life things tend to go wrong - I always seem to get slapped in the face for expressing feelings, being playful. The universe is out to get me! Grrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p

    I'm going to come straight back to your page so I can claim the 5000th visit!o
    You're always under my gaze, my child ;p

    Hehe... no genuinely happy. It's extraordinary. But yeah, that does engender an aspect of being out of control. Feeling socialable is as rare as... umm... hmmm. Not that I expect to stay high, moods come and go.

    It is a strange transition, maybe partly comes from finding some resurrection of the creature than existed under the rationality? I'm very tentative in acquainting myself with this stranger. >>

    She'll no doubt... embarrass me! And say silly guache things! Ti still seems to function, and with less cramping, more fluidity? Or am I deluded in that? hmm...

    *hugs cheese, wearing full latex, of course* :p
    My thoughts are like hungry piranhas >>

    But it's ok, 'cos I CAN FEEL!

    Imagine a room for "thinkers anonymous", and everyone has to pop MDMA at the door, as part of the recovery process, then two hours is spent in a mass huggle-puddle, unmitigated cooing of emotional support, outpourings of sentiment, foot rubs and blindfold guess-the-texture games. Whilst listening to Enya. And whale calls.

    Dear lord. Where did that come from? Don't leave me alone with my mind! Gahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!
    I noticed I was being emphatic... thought about changing it... thought 'stuff it' and hit submit. :D

    I have to read it properly from the start again, so much floodwater under the bridge of consciousness, I'm kinda just clinging to the mudbanks of my thoughts here.
    I started watching that link when firefox crashed, so to offer a premature, uneducated opinion, he seems supremely sensible. A nice way of pointing out the obvious stuff we (I) get too smart for ourselves to notice!

    Yes... I should finish reading it... but I have some serious procrastination going on here!
    Anyway I felt kind of guilty after I made the speech. I would rather not criticise other governments, especially those of poor countries. Bashing the PAP is one thing, pointing the finger at others is another.
    Seems like no, PSI moderate.

    Went and did the speech today :P Quite satisfied.

    Won't post the link on your wall, cuz afraid rest of INTPf will see it.
    I play it on my keyboard that is plugged into my computer which has digital audio software and some meticulously recorded piano samples (that one was a Steinway D with some added reverb).

    I actually added that ending the other day. This is the original ending.
    It's something I made. You're right that there wasn't any planned progression other than 'play in the right key' - I just play improv over the synth and am too lazy to think about things like that, but I enjoy the brief moments where it seems to make sense. Anyway, I really appreciate that description of it - I think it is very accurate.
    Haze is quite bad. Sien.

    Think public speaking is quite ok for INTPs. Quite impersonal.
    I am a little sick too, thanks to the haze. Planning a speech at Speakers' Corner to tell the darned slash and burn farmers to bugger off, and stop the burning. Don't think the Gahmen will take very much exception to that.

    Didn't go through with the shop deal. Thought better of it. Doing my other stuff instead. Should have enough cash to stay alive till end of year.

    Had a bad run of it?
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