Yup, that's how I feel; and too bad you lost that paragraph, it sounded like something worth reading. In fact, that kind of thing happens to me all the time! I start writing a great killer response and something goes wrong and I end up losing it! Then I have to try to re-type it by memory, but it's never really the same as the first one. GAWD! Those are the worst moments.
Anyway, I agree: it seems the most efficient way to be happy and blissful in this life, as an INTP, is to turn your mind off, stop learning, stop thinking altogether, and just remain ignorant and mindless like the rest of the population. Sadly, actually learning more and more about an imperfect, illogical, and non-ordered (realistically disgusting) world just leads to cynicism, pessimism, and general gloomy feelings of depression.
Oh, how lame it is to desire knowledge less, merely because this world seems less pleasant the more one learns of it!