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  • See its that shit that fascinates me. Yuor recognize that your humble and then you tell me how you actually feel. And thats something you can gain respect for. No one likes people that act because its hard to tell their true feelings. Im just interested in the way you post stuff. It seems that you put everything into it, which shows how important your own thoughts are to you. And thats good.
    Hrm, the last conversation I had that began that way ended with me saying 'and that, I'm afraid, is why I'm insisting on the restraining order'.
    what happened about the icon thing? well first off my computer is a piece of shit, and lately ive been downloading all of these video software things to upload HD video. I think my laptop got a virus somehow that doesnt load the entire page. lately webpages havent been fully loading, and the icon just didnt appear.. i refresehed the page and the icon appeared and now it appears haha. i need a new laptop.
    Yup, that's how I feel; and too bad you lost that paragraph, it sounded like something worth reading. In fact, that kind of thing happens to me all the time! I start writing a great killer response and something goes wrong and I end up losing it! Then I have to try to re-type it by memory, but it's never really the same as the first one. GAWD! Those are the worst moments.

    Anyway, I agree: it seems the most efficient way to be happy and blissful in this life, as an INTP, is to turn your mind off, stop learning, stop thinking altogether, and just remain ignorant and mindless like the rest of the population. Sadly, actually learning more and more about an imperfect, illogical, and non-ordered (realistically disgusting) world just leads to cynicism, pessimism, and general gloomy feelings of depression.

    Oh, how lame it is to desire knowledge less, merely because this world seems less pleasant the more one learns of it!
    Agreed. The higher the awareness and knowledge, the more unhappy and pissed off I am, not to mention confused and less encouraged to actually continue to philosophize. You'd think that the more you learn, the happier and more enlightened you'd be! But I guess life has a different outlook for us. lol
    HEHEHE, you can stop explaining now, if you're going to play the insult game, you should know that apologies aren't required, as long as you're funny enough, anything is fine by me.

    And not all of my posts are sarcastic :angel:
    I try to be sarcastic only to people who I think are secure enough take it.
    Or to people whoo are too far down a certain line of thought and could use a bit of a blow to wake up.
    Yeah, I'm highly intelligent and very cynical, pessimistic, and skeptical. For a number of reasons, I'm just very grumpy and grouchy in general, so that I'm usually just angrily shouting at others, and criticizing everything they do. LOL

    Can you relate at all? I really don't know why, but I'm just very unhappy and generally annoyed by people in this world. /sigh =/
    I feel like George Carlin. He didn't seem too impressed with life. haha
    Hey. You're pretty smart, and I only usually comment people I consider super smart (so you should be honored). Nice posts in the forums.
    [Aw man. I could have deleted it if it would have caused the other poster to delete his. Now I feel bad.]

    Ugh, nevermind. In fact, I deleted it because it seemed that something went wrong with the post, then, already after the deletion, noticed your post and decided that there is no need to write it again as the wish of IB was already corrupted.
    (I hoped you would not notice >_>)
    So this font issue is really an issue? I like my font. If I make it a bigger size it looks like shouting or "look at me!!!!" which I find irritating. *sigh* I'll have to ask around and see if it is an issue for others as well. :slashnew:
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