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  • LOL...Betazoid sex kitten.

    Thanks Jenny :)

    I am Norwegian/German of origin, Engrish is my second, or third language. I speak Norwegian, German and English. I was brough up in Norway and moved to Australia when I was in my early twenties.

    I never got back to you with that PM --- things have been a little bit hectic in the mod box and elsewhere. I have had exams and a close friend passed away. You could say I'm going a little bit....:ahh:

    I do hope you are okay ( although, I know you are a strong Betazoid ) :)
    Yeah the older mods were getting a little burned out so they brought in us youngins to freshen things up :D
    Eh, as an insider it really doesn't seem to change all that much. Some new people got brought on in May, and that's about it since I've been here aside from recent events. Ragnar wants there to be as few status displays as possible. Mods should ideally be contributing members of the forum like everyone else and not be needlessly distinguished from other active and respected users.

    What do you mean "it's improved some in the last number of months?"
    Lor was out for young blood :phear:

    Yeah I didn't find the 'Forum Leaders' page until a month or so after I was made a mod lol.
    He's the type that could use a good bitchslap now and then :)

    And if you don't feel qualified to contribute to the wiki then I definitely am not, since I didn't join the place until Jul 2012. :D
    Same here. My father passed away before Christmas and my mother is destroyed, even though they were separated for the last 15 years. They met when mum was 7 and dad was 13 when he moved to Germany into the block of flats where mum lived. They pretty much grew up together. I cannot even comprehend the loss she must feel.

    I'm sure you are ok, but here's a bird hugging a kitty for you:

    Yes, Jenny. Why do you feel the need to belong? "Perhaps it is a lack of self confidence" :D :D :D

    lolololol :)
    Did you not like being alone because of some outside factor or was it something personal? Do you place an emphasis on happiness in your life? What do you think about religion?

    "I think I have a more cynical/sharper presence online now depending on conversation."

    Do you have any idea as to how these particular characteristics came about?
    I just read you post which alluded to a family problem. I hope everything is ok and you're hanging in there.
    Thank you for the message. It means a lot to me. I am amazed by the amount of people on this forum who are willing to help any way they can. It is very endearing. I think when she come backs it is going to be back and living under the same roof for a few weeks, things maybe a bit confusing and hard. Alas, I will live. ^_^
    That mouth thing just baffles me, I suppose it's supposed to be symbolic but really that's just taking it too far, a snake wrapped around someone's waist like it's climbing a tree trunk or a woman kissing a snake, that's nice, this is just absurd, I can't even decide if it's supposed to freak me out or turn me on, because it's doing neither very well.

    Now a snake biting the head of a penis, that would do both.
    We haven't talked for a while, wassup?

    I like your snake, used to have one like it but lack with a white ring on its head like a crown, it baffles me that people think they're slimy when they're really one of the most, if not in fact Thee Most clean animals, cleaner than us by far.
    Psh. I don't deal and I don't freelance chemistry :(

    I study chemistry engineering... Eh. By which I mean I sleep all day, read up on cool reactions at night and game some in between. Oh the good life.
    I don't have an issue with Fe nowadays at all, since I worked through it in my 20's and put it in proper context; it serves a useful purpose and I use it as a tool.

    Si helps me get grounded, but can also become a hiding place when I should be more actively engaging. Also, I end up fighting others who are immersed in Si and think their perception of the world is the only perception; it's caused more issues overall.
    The only ISFJ I know is my mom and, like yours, she is all Fe and Si-Ti worry loop. When I learned about the functions I realized that while most INTPs think that Fe is their undoing it seems to mostly be Si gone awry (compulsive thinking, anxiety).
    Okay, our prices are comparable. I too have (very minor!) asthma, and hate smoking. However, i've got a vaporiser now (and once i'm richer i'll invest in a better one) and they work great. Still can hurt a tiny bit, but honestly it's pretty smooth. Also edibles... they work, but they're really not as convenient nor as efficient at times :x

    I'm still hoping we end up legalising chemicals one day. Chemistry is too much fun to rule it out <:
    You work for the feds? What do you do? ;o
    go online and act stupid (still trying to find people to goof around with, I guess), or I play video games and laugh at the craziness of trying to play a game when I'm soused.

    That and watching series was a fairly good summary of my night y'day <:

    I drink less because i replaced it with weed. I'm drinking now because i try to stay off weed mostly during exams because toking daily makes me stupid or atleast unfocussed. Uh. In general i prefer weed over alcohol because the effects are nicer, it's overal cheaper and I don't feel like i'm poisoning myself as much. I guess. That being said, i can't toke socially. I can drink and go out if people require me to, so that's an advantage.

    Is booze really that expensive? If you drink it in pubs I assume it is, but wine and beer aren't much more expensive than soda here I'd say. Cheap liquor (cheap jenever variants?) can get you fairly far aswell. ;o
    I was going to re-read and do a post on it after I referenced some of his ideas in the Hume thread but I got caught up in moving and have been away from the Internets. But yeah, the book really struck me because the concept appears to be simple and straightforward but it's a unique perspective that I hadn't run across when studying ethics/defining good+evil in school. I wanted to see if I could give his perspective more structure or formalize it...because IMO it really captures the essence of bad intent and of deception.

    Unrelated to evil: I see you have an ISFJ mom as well. Wanna start a NT-daughters-of- SF-mothers recovery group? :p What I find so interesting is that they have the exact same functions but are so, so, soooooo very different. Like to the point where we don't understand where the other is coming from whatsoever.
    Any trace of hangover will be fixed by tea. I'm quite ok <:

    I agree that alcohol is great socially, but i drink sitting on my own in my room at times as well. And believe me, being able to drink lots of it doesn't make it any better, just more expensive to get to the kind of drunk you want to be.
    How could wine make you sick? Red wine is the best! :(

    and hydration is indeed important, I admit to feeling alot worse if i don't... I just have a habit of drinking pretty much water in general.

    Can you tell me what it is about being drunk that i'm actually enjoying? I honestly don't know. Inhibition of shame?
    I shouldn't derail threads before they got on track...

    I rarely have hangovers, especially with wine. Then again i don't have the tolerances i used to have... By which I mean i'm less of a drunky than I used to be - Or maybe not, considering i'm drunk.
    Yeah...now I wonder if he even graduated college (I don't think he ever replied to you about that), or if it's just another part of the ego-supporting structure.
    I used to be a lot more sensitive when I was younger, but I think I've gotten a little more emotionally tough. Probably
    more so than my other female friends, anyway.
    Yeah, and seemingly having no T/F preference means I can be violently aggressive one minute then switch to a cuddly crybaby the next!...right? *scratches head*
    I'm obviously too individualistic and special snowflake to be put into a box. *flips hair*

    But thanks :3
    It's funny how much of a different persona all your avatars project compared to who you seem to be in your photos. Do you do this on purpose? Or do you just like the avatars you pick?
    You never did let me in on any insight you have on my ever-conflicted mind - aka, does ENxP sound reasonable? :P
    Hi, I would like to ask you some questions.

    Is it easy understand MBTI as a system because you are INTP?
    Is it that way based on type what we understand?
    Do isolated ENFPs differ in developing and also being male?
    Interesting. It's nice to get confirmation of my thoughts actually. Sorry to use you as an example...you were just one of the more recently discussed members in the thread who had been mistyped, but also whose functions I was confident about.

    I agreed with your sentiments in that thread in general by the way, and for trying to bring some actual intelligence into it...
    I thought you were talking about the photo typing thread. :walkout:

    I'm having a bad day... :kilroy:

    (Which totally doesn't exclude the genetic aspect of facial musculature :D)
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