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  • S'cuse me, but which of us has spent a week with the she-devil?

    I say she's evil and that's final! D:
    Having some difficulty getting the Lor-ster on.
    But just you wait!

    Hrrrrm, I can't see something which puts excess pressure on the brain being conducive to thinking, but what do I know?

    YOU WHAT!?


    You know what!?

    This is beyond my realm of authority.

    Wait right here, I'm getting Lor on you.
    Hai Grumpy pants.

    What's eating you lately?

    Is it the hat? Man, I'd feel grumpy if I had to wear that too! ;D
    Yeah, I think I agree. (: I literally just finished A Game of You about twenty minutes ago. I've only read the first six volumes now (I will definitely cash out for the rest when I have the spare change) but I think this is likely my favourite, or maybe The Doll's House.

    I liked the invitation to identify with a more rounded feminine cast of characters; comics don't do that as often as I would like. Loved Barbie's character especially, and how he uses her name and image to shatter your expectations of her. I wouldn't have expected to see myself in her so much anyway. (:

    Do you read many comics? I noticed you had V for Vendetta as your sig. before. (:
    I just want to point out that being yourself NEVER works unless you're very "generic" or basically in tune with society.

    If you're some hyperlogical abrasive hermit you have about zero options, so you MUST change your personality to get anyone at all.
    its really confusing that so many typology profiles say the Fi-dom's take a stand when personal values are threatened. Since, (I think,) the Fi-function is actually avoiding (to take a stand) all the time, until there is nowhere to run (e.g. its cornered at a dead-end / total system failure of Fi), and then the Fi-dom switches to its primitive Fe, out of desperation. and then this is what they describe in the profiles as characteristic of Fi-doms. So that's why -when they take a stand- its very childish/primitive (= not as socially skillful as a developed Fe would take a stand)
    that makes a lot of sense right?
    Yeah, that's basically what I think.

    I would say that Fe can deal with issues when they're out there in the external environment to be dealt with directly, but when it comes to dealing with things according to our personal feelings... eh, not so good.
    Re: INFP getting pleasure from Te.

    I'd say this is because, being an inferior Te user, it's so draining for them to use it, when they do get it to work it can be quite exciting - even if it's used in a way that would for most people be something rather trivial. I think I'm this way when I manage to correctly perform some kind of physical manoeuvre, since that's a major weak area I have. Do you have a similar thing happen with Fe?

    I remember Adymus talking about there being a sort of "fetish-y" relationship with the inferior function.
    BTW, according to MBTI: option closure (strong J) is not the same as task completion (Te).

    They have some correlation though, but that is only because of this:
    J would cause more Te in a Te-person (but dont forget that on the other hand: J would cause more Ti in a Ti-person.)

    Still, sometimes I think this is a flaw in MBTI theory and that Ti is the thing that actually generates the options (thus Ti generates the P-ness. And Ti actually does that out of pure avoidance of the current tasks, and its not a matter of perception being stronger than judgement, just a matter of stronger Ti-judgement digging up more from perception). That's why I started the thread about "P = Ti, MBTI is flawed". I am still in doubt though, and am thinking a lot about this issue.
    I think: People who had task completion problems early in life (e.g. the ones who dont do it naturally) have weak Te (or no Te?). Procrastination is going to give you pain in life and after some life experience you would want to do something about it. So it would give them pleasure later in life when they "overcome procrastination artificially". But this would not be the instinctual-core-pleasure of Te at work, but just some other self-made-up pleasure (e.g. a successful rationality) to overcome their weakness.
    Actually this self-made-up-pleasure is not real pleasure, it is just "lack of pain" ;).
    i think that all extraverted functions pursue pleasure and all introverted functions avoid pain.
    so it is just Fi or Ti simulating the same results/outer-actions as Te, thus making it look like Te superfiscially, but its not real Te at work here.
    I always try to convince everybody that: "Te = pursue the pleasure of task completion" (and all else said about Te simply follows from that)

    I noticed that you said it too somewhere (pasted below), which I like:
    "Where the difference can really come out is the inferior function, since INFPs will later in life often focus on Te -- making lists, accomplishing projects, getting their hands on things, getting them done. There's a kind of pleasure there in completion. When Te is used badly, they can even become kind of controlling."
    There's a chance I'm being too sensitive today.

    There's a chance I may be too sensitive for
    awhile :\\

    I can honestly never tell about your
    posts. I just assume you're saying
    everything so seriously, which may
    not be the case.
    Interesting; I wasn't aware ISFJs tended to pointlessly rebel in adolescence. I sympathise with your daughter's reasons much more. I can't imagine rebelling for the sake of rebelling, at least not for long. My reaction to a lot of convention isn't to sneer and hate, but to just blink and go :confused::slashnew: Over time though, I suppose it tends to morph into something different because of all the negative feedback from an apparently blind community. (Although I will say continued thought often reveals the functional benefit of submission to certain norms.)

    What race is INFJ, btw?
    The way you described INFJ in contrast to ISFJ just makes Ss seem useless, but I'm sure that can't be the case (and I'm not saying that's how you meant it either). What are the benefits of being 'locked in' (very N choice of words) to one perspective? We must think of some! They're better at handling challenges I suppose, at functioning, though an N might think they've missed the greater truth. But day to day problems... meh I'm just hypothesising aimlessly. Anyway, let's just agree that ISFJs are wonderful. There seems to be a bit of a draw actually, between INTPs and ISFJs. There's you, Noddy (both married to one, at some point) and Float. Perhaps because we share all the same functions and the Fe isn't overpowering? (More fluff; it's a sample size of 3.)
    Oh wow, I didn't know any of your kids were adopted, though I suppose 'bio kids' should've clued me into it. Is INFJ the eldest? ESFP sounds terribly adorable - do INFJ and ISFJ tend to be a little protective or mothering over him? I'm wondering if my response is something to do with Fe reacting to Fi.

    Again, the distinction in areas of inconsistency is really interesting... I was noticing last night while watching yet another sci-fi show with poorly developed worlds (V) that the holes came to me instantly without requiring any thought, like breathing, and the conceptual geography in my hand was almost tangible - but I was still missing a lot of physical detail and sometimes even whole sentences (:rolleyes:) that other people had to fill in for me. (Thankfully I don't have ADD or I'd be dead by now.)
    Oh and you have a teenage daughter as well don't you? You mentioned her resolving conflict within her groups of friends despite the whole thing still having a bit of a teen drama feel to it. (I think.) What type do you think she is?

    (damn VM length restrictions :mad:)
    Is he very concerned with peer pressure? I'm just wondering how much the type profiles relate to actual function interplay.SeFiTeNi shouldn't necessitate shallow, experience-junkie performers, I think. The 'insanity' aspect could be unique to him or part of being a Se dom. Is he good at spotting lack of continuity in a story? (in terms of an actor being clean-shaven one second and sporting a five o'clock shadow the next) I almost never notice physical detail like that.

    The explanation of the differences between SFPs and Ns (presumably NPs? because Ni functions quite differently to Ne I think, and Ni doms and auxs have Se as a lower function and still seem to spot continuity problems way more often than I do) was particularly helpful, thanks.

    (Does skimming a large piece of dense text to find the bits that agree with your preconceptions count as N big-picture ability? I hope so!)
    (Terrible! I'm terrible! I keep having memories or dreams of having replied to people when I *haven't*. I just hope this never happens with medical check-ups.)

    Heh. Male, female, beewhale, why can't I be all?! They're all just approximations anyway. I haven't tried accessing the internet from within the ocean (though let me tell you, a hive is just a massive, massive tiny internet and you wouldn't BELIEVE the things those fuzzy little bastards get up to) but Imma try ASAP! Aside from my aquatic dreams, I'm not sure what anyone sees or thinks they see or anything. Did they glimpse my ankles? Did my zipper slip a little too far? Have I been harrassing the flowers again? It's hell being a pan-dimensional buzzword. I can't keep either head on straight.

    Aha, being observant. The more I try to see the less I often do, but I do know some people who are just incredibly gifted with sight.
    ESFPs sound pretty cute. What is yours like? Could you link some behaviour to what you think might be the functions prompting it? Why Se and not Ne? (I'm just really curious to see how an INTP parent would deal with an ESFP child.) Sorry if these questions are rude!
    Heh, took me a while to decipher that. I've been better, but I've also definitely been worse. How're you? :)
    Hey Jenny,
    I was only going to say I think I find myself coming to the position you describe. Morality, goodness, truth are all concepts I feel I bind and loose as a means to live by, and best reflect on myself. I am unsure if I could call myself Christian because of verses such as Luke 14:33 - Christ is not my top priority, I feel I would always put my family and cherished ones before Him, and am hence unsure if I can honestly say I am one of His disciples.

    I'm sure your experience would suggest a much greater understanding of how existentialism and Christianity co-operate, but I suppose for myself I am unsure how it works without a stable basis of objective claims to plant a faith in.

    Either way thanks for your responses, I have been open about it here and it has not been very well received. I am fortunate only my Mother is Christian, in the family. My sympathy goes to you, I am sure it must have been much more difficult for yourself.

    Happy Belated Birthday :p
    I'm interested in why you're interested, definitely! (I assume you're cisgendered? You mentioned having biological kids with a husband, I think.)
    Just wanted to say I did note your response on the (mind and gender?) thread (re transsexuals) and I keep meaning to reply to it with these questions I DO have, but I can never remember them. Some sort of blocking, I suppose. Anyway, if I can remember them I'll probably start a new thread or just ask you straight; you seem to have more knowledge on this than the others.
    I tend not to put anyone on ignore lists. There's this stubborn part of me that presumes those sorts of people can eventually be reasoned with. I mean, living in the real world with delusions for long enough should eventually lead to noticing the delusion isn't part of the reality they actually observe, right? I know it's not the way many people work, but I can't empathize with people who don't correct themselves.... too many words, you get what I'm saying.
    Hello, I was just wondering. What does "Word" mean? Is it a slang? Does it mean "Yeah~", Ditto? Right on? I figure it would sound aesthetically appealing if I adapted it into my own language model.
    That poetry thread...is that Esperanto? I saw an old black and white movie once in Esperanto. It was about a succubus and it I think it was one of the first movies William Shatner was in.
    It's true about the garbage. I just think that it's great people are reading. So few people read these days and it makes me sad.
    Ohh! There's dancing involved too? Sweet!

    I sell whatever people want. You know, mostly garbage :D
    "Vagabond in beautiful shoes"?

    Teach me sensei! Might I dip my glass slipper in your well of knowledge Jennywocky Tzu?
    I like to think that when the time comes I'll be able to let go of everything, all my values, all my drives, all that binds me to reality; I try to enter this mindset when I'm going to sleep, it's just so incredibly peaceful, like when you're on holiday and leave your watch in the bottom of your bag, because the passage of time is meaningless, temporarily at least.
    If you have leaves...does that make you a tree?

    Because I'm always climbing on trees. :x
    "An INTP arguing a point may very well be trying to convince himself as much as his opposition."
    Thanks! I suspect my efforts were in vain, but in writing that I think I was able to get a better understanding of my own perspective which is good news truly.
    Oh don't worry, I'm quite lithe, and used to squeezing into small spaces.^^,

    Is that wall high by any chance?
    Gawd, who'd a thought Lor and Jennywocky were secret lovers!?

    Any room for a young demented Irishman?

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