No, I do not. My parents do not like me. I am "too critical".
-- I am not too critical Hadyn, they just like to live in their
fantasy worlds: ignoring bills, ignoring anything bad,
ignoring anything that isn't their way, ignoring their issues
and problems and pretending like they don't exist.
I hate this. I hate when people live in a dream world. They
try to force me to take medication because I am schizophrenic
and have issues with reality. They live in a dream world and
no one tries to force anything down their throat. They make
that choice, I don't get to make that choice, if anything they
should be the ones taking my medication, rouse them out
of their dream worlds. So when my parents want to ignore
something, I bring it up in a very detached manner which
just infuriates them with me even more, but I am sorry,
be responsible, you're the parent, not me. This is what they
think makes me too critical.