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Warning: spooky thread.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:20 AM
Oct 13, 2009
I have been wondering about this for quite some time now. A university friend of mine told me this story. My friend is in his early forties, is non-religious, and probably one of the most grounded and rational people I know.

My friend’s wife grew up on an old farm that has been in the family for at least one hundred years. She moved away from the farm when she was five, and the house has since deteriorated to the extent where no-one could live there anymore.

A couple of years ago, my friend’s wife wished to go back and visit the property. They went there together, and walked through all the different rooms in the house. At one point my friend entered a room alone. What he told me next sent shivers down my spine. He said as soon as he entered the room, he had a distinct feeling of someone or something being present. He felt icy cold and experienced this numbing, irrational fear. He had to force himself to move and get out of there as quickly as possible.

When his wife asked him why he was so pale and quiet, he told her what happened. She was baffled, and said she had never experienced anything of that kind. He told me he had had this feeling of something really evil being present.

We all discussed the event one evening, and she told me that the homestead had been a site of an Indigenous slaughter back in the colonial days. I have heard other stories of people who have experienced similar things in places of human horrors, such as Port Arthur in Tasmania, which was a convict prison, and also the site of the massacre in 1996:


It made me think about something way back in my very early childhood. My mother didn’t have a drivers licence back in the days when I was around three or four. We lived quite far away from the nearest town, and sometimes my mother would put me on the child seat on the back of her old push bike, and we would cycle all the way to town or the beach on a hot summer day.

I used to enjoy these trips immensely and remember everything quite vividly, from looking down at my little white leather shoes firmly planted against the metal foot hold on my flimsy seat, the ground beneath moving swiftly away, to taking in all the sounds and colours of the landscape drifting past in the bright sunshine, my mother pedalling away to her heart’s content.

There was, however, one part of the trip that I didn’t enjoy. Part of the old dirt road went through this narrow passage between some massive granite boulders, and immediately after this passage, on the left, was a little white house slightly set back from the road, sort of pressing up against the granite rock behind it. It was obviously not occupied by anyone; the windows were dark, and the little orchard overgrown, as if no-one had been there for many years.

What I remember most vividly, though, was the inexplicable feeling of sheer terror that almost overwhelmed me every time we passed this house. I couldn’t even look at it. I felt icy cold and numb with this irrational fear. It was almost as if I was experiencing this in a sort of nightmare, colourless, soundless and, well....dead.

I have always considered myself to be someone who isn’t easily convinced by ‘supernatural’ tales. As a child, I didn’t even believe in Santa Claus (Although it took me a while to work out how my baby tooth mysteriously turned into money in my glass of water next to my bed....)

I do not consider myself to be particularly religious, and if anything, I am probably sceptical to the point where I sometimes clash with others. I am, however, not opposed to the idea that there are experiences that go beyond our five senses.

Have any of you had similar experiences? Something that goes beyond your rational explanation?

:smiley_emoticons_mr :phear: :confused:


Local time
Today 5:20 PM
Sep 12, 2009
Glasgow, Scotland
I get extremely creeped out by a lot of things, but have never had such a feeling as you describe. I can always identify the source of my discomfort/fear/whatever.

Artifice Orisit

Very low frequency sound has been documented to create this terror effect, it's occurrence in nature is usually the result of nearby seismic activity and is the reason why some animals seem to innately know about impending natural disasters. Humans are far from being the most sensitive to it, but under the right conditions (a wind current whistling through a hallway or something like that) this low frequency sound can occur and be loud enough that it scares the f*ck out of anyone nearby.

Da Blob

Local time
Today 11:20 AM
Dec 19, 2008
Well there is a place on our farm, that is apparently haunted. Just a spot in the deep woods, it does not look unusual, but even the deer paths go around it. I sometimes wonder what it is that the animals sense that humans do not. They are tales of how both dogs and cats seemingly have some type of psychic sense(?) Tales of the Guardians.

Anyway if one accidently trespasses onto this haunted ground, one is somehow immediately aware of stepping across an an invisible boundary and being in the Cold Presence of a Hostile entity. It is a not a place of constant weird experience, but I have only been up there in the daylight and that has been weird enough for me. I do not think you could pay me to go up there at night... alone...


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Apr 18, 2008
can't say that I've ever had anything like that happen to me.


Local time
Today 9:20 AM
Nov 23, 2009
Very low frequency sound has been documented to create this terror effect, it's occurrence in nature is usually the result of nearby seismic activity and is the reason why some animals seem to innately know about impending natural disasters. Humans are far from being the most sensitive to it, but under the right conditions (a wind current whistling through a hallway or something like that) this low frequency sound can occur and be loud enough that it scares the f*ck out of anyone nearby.

Very interesting. The most frightening moments I've experienced were all evoked by unnatural sounds.

Unrelated, but this makes me think of how the vibration in the universe left over from the big bang resonates on a B-flat twenty or so octaves below middle C, too low for our ears to detect. And the deepest note known in the universe is emitted by a black hole on a B-flat fifty-seven octaves below middle C. I always found that excitingly creepy and weird.


pat pat
Local time
Today 6:20 PM
Jan 1, 2009
I watched 5minutes on Discovery Channel the other day, where they were having a show on haunted houses. Apparently, magnetic fields can give the feeling of someone watching, pulse will rise etc. If exposed too long, one start to hallucinate.

@Cognisant: Where did you read that? That's very interesting. I've been fascinated as to why animals know when earthquakes and such will occur, I didn't know they knew.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:20 AM
Oct 13, 2009
A little side-tracked here, but this is scary:

Also, Cog, very interesting what you are saying. I still cannot explain why I persistently experienced this over so many years, though. I even went back there as a grown up many years later, the feeling wasn't as strong, but it still creeped me out. Then there are areas that are subject to constant seismic activity, so it could be a possible explanation. The magnetic fields theory is also interesting.
Last edited:


connecting that which cannot be connected
Local time
Today 9:20 AM
Apr 14, 2009
my imagination :)
i have not had something like that happen to me in any specific places (at least, not that i recall) but there are times at which i am suddenly overwhelmed with terror and feel like i need to get the hell out of the place at which i am.
something just feels...wrong.
(and it could be anywhere, from a place that i have just entered to a place that i have been in many times before)
dunno :)
as for the video- that looks like something you would see in a horror movie XD it certainly is kind of creepy


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Mar 24, 2008
Northeastern Pennsylvania
Hard to say what triggers it, but the sensation translates into actionable fear. It's probably hardwired into our genes: Those who sense danger and act on what they feel live to pass along the ability to sense danger. Hyper-sensitivity -- sensing danger where none exists -- doesn't affect survivability, so sometimes you perceive faulty input with no serious consequences except a bad feeling. But those of us among the primates who think we saw a leopard out of the corner of our eye when the grass moved, and climbed a tree as a result, stood a better chance of surviving than those who ignored that maybe-I-saw-it, maybe-I-didn't moment.

I've never experienced it on normally creepy things like midnight in the swamp or whatever, but I was distinctly uncomfortable one summer in the middle of a cornfield so big you couldn't see the trees around the perimeter. The middle of that cornfield used to have an 1800s family cemetery in it that my friend's father plowed under around 1955 or so because it was too much trouble to go around it, so take your pick, bad vibes from the dead Ludlams or just strange disorientation from corn with no horizon.

Did you know that on a very hot summer day after rain when there is no wind and no noise you can hear corn growing? It creaks and groans as it absorbs the moisture and gets heavier. THAT will creep you out. :-) Children of the
Corn, yah.

Here's the verse from the 23rd Psalm you recite when you are scared witless and don't know why:

"Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for I am the meanest mf in the valley." Not quite the Biblical version but I find it immensely bracing. :)


Oh damn.
Local time
Today 9:20 AM
Aug 23, 2009
Here's the verse from the 23rd Psalm you recite when you are scared witless and don't know why:

"Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for I am the meanest mf in the valley." Not quite the Biblical version but I find it immensely bracing. :)

Heh. My father used to say that. It's a good psychological way of triggering the fight in you when you have to choose between fight or flight and flight isn't really an option.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:20 AM
Oct 13, 2009
I sometimes wonder what it is that the animals sense that humans do not. They are tales of how both dogs and cats seemingly have some type of psychic sense(?) Tales of the Guardians.

My cat back home on the other side of the world knows when I'm coming home. I usually go home once every couple of years. He will be waiting in the middle of the road for the car to come back from the airport. My mother says he only does it when I come home. About two days before I leave, he will start circling my suitcase and meowing at me in a resentful way. It breaks my heart :(

Anyway if one accidently trespasses onto this haunted ground, one is somehow immediately aware of stepping across an an invisible boundary and being in the Cold Presence of a Hostile entity. It is a not a place of constant weird experience, but I have only been up there in the daylight and that has been weird enough for me. I do not think you could pay me to go up there at night... alone...

That is exactly how this place felt. It was like going from a bright sunlit day to a nightmarish dark place in seconds.

Very interesting. The most frightening moments I've experienced were all evoked by unnatural sounds.

I woke up in the middle of the night once, by this horrible deep vibration, or rumble. My hairs stood on end. I told people about it the next day, but no-one had noticed anything. There was however, a report on the news that day of a minor earth quake during the early morning hours.

Unrelated, but this makes me think of how the vibration in the universe left over from the big bang resonates on a B-flat twenty or so octaves below middle C, too low for our ears to detect. And the deepest note known in the universe is emitted by a black hole on a B-flat fifty-seven octaves below middle C. I always found that excitingly creepy and weird.

Yes, that is a bit weird. Where did you find this information?

i have not had something like that happen to me in any specific places (at least, not that i recall) but there are times at which i am suddenly overwhelmed with terror and feel like i need to get the hell out of the place at which i am.
something just feels...wrong.

Yes, I get a creepy feeling quite often about certain places, but they are always the same, and the feeling is consistent. Not a strong reaction, necessarily, but definitely a feeling of unease, and more often, a depressing sort of feeling. It is not nice, and I usually feel better as soon as I get out of there. And I wouldn't like to run into one of those lemurs in a dark alley....lol

Hard to say what triggers it, but the sensation translates into actionable fear. It's probably hardwired into our genes: Those who sense danger and act on what they feel live to pass along the ability to sense danger. Hyper-sensitivity -- sensing danger where none exists -- doesn't affect survivability, so sometimes you perceive faulty input with no serious consequences except a bad feeling. But those of us among the primates who think we saw a leopard out of the corner of our eye when the grass moved, and climbed a tree as a result, stood a better chance of surviving than those who ignored that maybe-I-saw-it, maybe-I-didn't moment.

Yes, I sometimes wonders if these sensations stem from something preconditioned, which is why the early childhood experience is so interesting. Or perhaps children are more open to these experiences, I don't know.

I've never experienced it on normally creepy things like midnight in the swamp or whatever, but I was distinctly uncomfortable one summer in the middle of a cornfield so big you couldn't see the trees around the perimeter. The middle of that cornfield used to have an 1800s family cemetery in it that my friend's father plowed under around 1955 or so because it was too much trouble to go around it, so take your pick, bad vibes from the dead Ludlams or just strange disorientation from corn with no horizon.

Whoa, it's like something out of Poltergeist...

Did you know that on a very hot summer day after rain when there is no wind and no noise you can hear corn growing? It creaks and groans as it absorbs the moisture and gets heavier. THAT will creep you out. :-) Children of the
Corn, yah.

Here's the verse from the 23rd Psalm you recite when you are scared witless and don't know why:

"Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for I am the meanest mf in the valley." Not quite the Biblical version but I find it immensely bracing. :)

lol....I'll remember that next time.


connecting that which cannot be connected
Local time
Today 9:20 AM
Apr 14, 2009
my imagination :)
Yes, I get a creepy feeling quite often about certain places, but they are always the same, and the feeling is consistent. Not a strong reaction, necessarily, but definitely a feeling of unease, and more often, a depressing sort of feeling. It is not nice, and I usually feel better as soon as I get out of there. And I wouldn't like to run into one of those lemurs in a dark alley....lol

you just explained the feeling i get dead-on ^.^
as for the lemur in a dark alley....**shudders**
i don't even want to think about that x]


Active Member
Local time
Today 5:20 PM
Oct 26, 2009
I've never been spooked to that extent by a particular place, but one time I did get freaked out by this person I met. He was about 28 years old, charming, polished, decent guy, very friendly, I don't know what it was about him but the moment I approached him I felt such an overwhelming dislike for him. Some bitter hatred for this total stranger, as if, despite his outward demeanor, there was something evil about him. Something innately corrupt. I was extremely aware the whole time that this was not a rational thing to think, yet the feeling was so strong I couldn't deny it. It disturbed me greatly.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:20 PM
Aug 13, 2009
I have had one strange experience. If there is such a thing as an evil spirit, I got visited by one when I was little (12 maybe).
I had already fell a sleep, my brother was reading in the room next door and my dad was downstairs. My brother suddenly noticed something sounding like footsteps, like a man going up the stairs (it wasn't my dad). The footsteps sound continued up the stairs until it stops right outside my room, which I am not aware of since I am a sleep. Almost at the same time as my brother heard the footstep sound stop outside my room, which was next to his, he heard me burst into a scream that could resemble one of a stuck pig. If I was him, I would have died from fear for sure. The thing that made me scream is the strangest experience I have come across. What happened is that I suddenly woke up and was staring at the ceiling. Then I saw the whole ceiling coming at my face until it was 2 inches from it, and it was going back and forward. It didn't stop before my father, rushing up from downstair after hearing me scream, opened the door to my room. I presume my brother was so scared he didn't dare to come in.

Anyways, I don't believe in ghosts. I think it's our mind doing most of the work.

Reverse Transcriptase

"you're a poet whether you like it or not"
Local time
Today 9:20 AM
Sep 22, 2008
The Maze in the Heart of the Castle
Very low frequency sound has been documented to create this terror effect, it's occurrence in nature is usually the result of nearby seismic activity and is the reason why some animals seem to innately know about impending natural disasters. Humans are far from being the most sensitive to it, but under the right conditions (a wind current whistling through a hallway or something like that) this low frequency sound can occur and be loud enough that it scares the f*ck out of anyone nearby.
Huh, is there a way to artificially produce that sound? I want a freak-people-out-rays device!


To inanity and beyond
Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Mar 24, 2008
Lake Isle Innisfree
I was thinking the same thing, RT. :D

Anyway, I don't think I've ever been irrationally terrified before. I mean, I take walks at 3 a.m. to an old trainyard and a graveyard; I think I'm somewhat conditioned against the whole "mind locks up due to atmosphere-caused fear".


Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Dec 8, 2009
My crazy sister says she can see ghosts and auras (apparently mines pale-yellow) . She also claims to have spoken to demons.

When she lived in the metal ward of the hospital, all of the patients stared at her from some reason and one time, a patient grabbed her and called her evil.

My dad told me she only colored with black crayons when she was little. She also really likes to read the bible because of the poetry.


Active Member
Local time
Today 6:20 PM
Nov 16, 2009
My crazy sister says she can see ghosts and auras (apparently mines pale-yellow) . She also claims to have spoken to demons.

When she lived in the metal ward of the hospital, all of the patients stared at her from some reason and one time, a patient grabbed her and called her evil.

My dad told me she only colored with black crayons when she was little. She also really likes to read the bible because of the poetry.
It seems to me she just didn't get enough attention/ is an attention whore



Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Dec 8, 2009
It seems to me she just didn't get enough attention/ is an attention whore


She`s not really an attention whore, just mentally ill.


Active Member
Local time
Today 6:20 PM
Nov 16, 2009
What mental illness causes that kind of stuff?

I really doubt putting her in a mental institution is doing any good.


Semantic Nitpicker
Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Nov 21, 2009
I have had one strange experience. If there is such a thing as an evil spirit, I got visited by one when I was little (12 maybe).
I had already fell a sleep, my brother was reading in the room next door and my dad was downstairs. My brother suddenly noticed something sounding like footsteps, like a man going up the stairs (it wasn't my dad). The footsteps sound continued up the stairs until it stops right outside my room, which I am not aware of since I am a sleep. Almost at the same time as my brother heard the footstep sound stop outside my room, which was next to his, he heard me burst into a scream that could resemble one of a stuck pig. If I was him, I would have died from fear for sure. The thing that made me scream is the strangest experience I have come across. What happened is that I suddenly woke up and was staring at the ceiling. Then I saw the whole ceiling coming at my face until it was 2 inches from it, and it was going back and forward. It didn't stop before my father, rushing up from downstair after hearing me scream, opened the door to my room. I presume my brother was so scared he didn't dare to come in.

Anyways, I don't believe in ghosts. I think it's our mind doing most of the work.
I've experienced the face-to-the-ceiling thing before, but it was intentionally while trying to initiate a lucid dream. Instead of falling asleep I was sucked out of my body until it seemed like my vision was an inch from the ceiling, and all I could really do was move closer or further from it, until being sucked back into my skull.

It wasn't terrifying though, just very peculiar. I just categorize it as a so called "out of body experience." Not that that helps explain it or anything.


Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Nov 18, 2009
My crazy sister says she can see ghosts and auras (apparently mines pale-yellow) . She also claims to have spoken to demons.

When she lived in the metal ward of the hospital, all of the patients stared at her from some reason and one time, a patient grabbed her and called her evil.

My dad told me she only colored with black crayons when she was little. She also really likes to read the bible because of the poetry.
That's pretty freaky.

I only get those 'hair raising' sensations when I think something is there that really isn't. I do feel extremely aware when I get them though. Maybe they're activated by some special interaction between our senses and act as a protection/defense mechanism for experiences where we would need extreme awareness.

This might be irrelevant but I know :cat:cat's:cat: whiskers can detect air currents. Maybe this is why our hair's standup, to give us another advantage to our unknown enemy.


and Heimdal's horn sounds
Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Aug 16, 2009
I've had that soul obliterating fear experience. It was not fun, not fun at all... I became aware of some entity that I wasn't meant to (or so it seemed). It then got very angry and felt as though it grabbed my very essence and threatened to destroy it. Kind of strange because I've had similar dark experiences that have had a recurring theme.

To put it in perspective: you know that feeling you get when you walk around in the dark all by yourself, maybe in a graveyard or in some unknown area? What I experienced makes that feel like a basket of kittens.

I do believe in ghosts, spirits, out of body experiences and all that fun stuff. I've seen too much to believe otherwise.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Jul 16, 2008
I've never had anything like that happen with regards to a place, but I've had some nasty things come and visit(/attack?) me in the night. Roughly 6-7 times within the past 6 months, but never even once before that.

I've never seen the ceiling move, but whatever-it-is sits on top of me and makes it so that I can only move very slight amounts. It's a lot like sleep paralysis, except that I don't have any other head problems (no narcalepsy, headaches, etc), I can't actually tell whether or not I'm dreaming, I can move very slight amounts (like if you were strong enough to move being held down, but not strong enough to throw the person off completely), and one of those times there was an accompanying visual element, whereas other times I can't really see the thing at all (though I can still feel it, and know it's there).

In general, it feels a bit just like something were holding me down, but not with hands--like it were spread out over my whole body evenly, but centered on my chest. The last time (3-4 days ago, actually), it squeezed my nose/ears a little bit and put pressure on my head, so that I had trouble breathing, and something deeper within my ears hurt. If you've ever passed out while a doctor was taking blood or something, the ear-squeezing feeling I'm talking about felt just like that.

It scared the crap out of me the first 3 or so times something like that happened, but also made me quite angry. I'm not sure if the thing caused it or not, but my immediate response was to thrash around and try to throw it off, yell at it, etc, the same way you would if there were an intruder in your house. But all my words left my mouth in silent wisps of air, and I'm quite simply not strong enough to throw it(/them) off on my own. Eventually the initial panic wears off and I remember to chill out and pray. I'm not sure why, but somehow I can tell that the things really want me to try to fight them, and they're a bit disappointed when I don't. So I try to stay calm and pray, and eventually (though not always immediately) they go away. It's hard to tell whether God forces them off, or whether they get bored when I don't physically struggle. It also feels like they feed off of fear and anger (though I dunno why I feel that way), and are far less excited when I pay them as little attention as possible.

As much as this would probably make me worry I was insane, it's not a huge concern for me because it doesn't actually affect anything else in my life. I'm not too scared to try to sleep, I don't have much trouble getting back to sleep afterwards, and I'm not afraid of them really--er... at all. And I don't think I'm just trying to tell myself that. It's just like... I dunno... like any other normal experience people have/have to deal with, now. After it leaves and I can think straight again, I'm left thinking "really? again? Why last night and not any other?" And when I can't come up with any answers (which I most often can't), I roll over and go back to sleep, or wake up and go about my day.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:20 AM
Oct 13, 2009
In general, it feels a bit just like something were holding me down, but not with hands--like it were spread out over my whole body evenly, but centered on my chest. The last time (3-4 days ago, actually), it squeezed my nose/ears a little bit and put pressure on my head, so that I had trouble breathing, and something deeper within my ears hurt. If you've ever passed out while a doctor was taking blood or something, the ear-squeezing feeling I'm talking about felt just like that.

When I read this, Crypt, I got a bit worried there may be something physical causing this. Have you had a medical check up lately? I'm not making light of your experience, or even discarding it as anything else, I just thought it may be wise to eliminate any other possible causes. I hope you are okay.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 12:20 PM
Jul 16, 2008
honestly, it could be. I got a nasty sickness on... actually, it was on the day after I wrote that. I was throwing up for absolutely no reason (that I could tell?), by my estimate about 25 times over the course of 4 hours. I asked my (pre-med, er... bio or something major) roommate, who was asleep at the time, whether I should drink water or not (I know dehydration is an issue then, but I was throwing up nothing, so water surely wasn't staying down), and he suggested I go to the hospital. So I called the police, because our college's health services was closed at the time, and they drove me to the hospital, and the hospital gave me an IV with 2 liters of water, and some anti-vomiting medicine.

But I'm not sure if that fits, because it was several days after the dream/thing, and now (several days after the hospital trip) I'm feeling perfectly fine again. Well... my throat burns a little bit still, but otherwise I feel normal.

My body is a little conglomeration of unexpected quirks, though, so I wouldn't be (too) surprised if it turned out my brain just had some bacteria in it that was sporadically making me see/dream/vision things every so often, or whatever. My blood pressure is/has always been low (measured 90/76 in the hospital, after the water, and the EMS who came to check me out when I called the police couldn't even get a reading on my pulse), and my liver/kidney/whatever it is that filters fat out of the blood is beastly-strong (when I was on some serious acne medicine, there was a risk to some organ, I don't remember which, which also happened to be the one that filtered fat out of the blood... so they took blood every month or so to test the fat content, to make sure the organ was working well. My numbers turned up about 1/3 of the normal person's, but they even expected it to spike when I was on the medicine).

But yeah... I wouldn't be surprised if there was some medical quirk somewhere that made me think these things while coming in/out of sleep. If you're really worried about me, though, then at least consider: if there's something wrong that kills me without anyone ever diagnosing it, then I just got to live through my childhood years, and passed away suddenly and peacefully before I ever had to shoulder the responsibility of worrying about anyone who would be relying on me. I would have to *shrug* and think "I could have done worse." Thank you for the concern, though.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:20 AM
Oct 13, 2009
But yeah... I wouldn't be surprised if there was some medical quirk somewhere that made me think these things while coming in/out of sleep. If you're really worried about me, though, then at least consider: if there's something wrong that kills me without anyone ever diagnosing it, then I just got to live through my childhood years, and passed away suddenly and peacefully before I ever had to shoulder the responsibility of worrying about anyone who would be relying on me. I would have to *shrug* and think "I could have done worse." Thank you for the concern, though.

Nooooooooooooooo.........:( Uhm....*gathers herself self-consciously*.......well, Crypt, I do hope it doesn't come to that. That's why we have specialists, but I don't want to come across as trying to lecture you or anything. It is interesting how our bodies try to convert messages, though, and usually there is a very good reason for it. The interaction between body and mind is a field of science that is yet to be explored and understood, well.......that is, if we can ever understand it :slashnew:

Anyway....back to the topic.....:smiley_emoticons_mr
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