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Do you hate people you live with?


True King of Mushroomland!!!
Local time
Today 11:36 AM
Apr 7, 2009
I'm wondering if this is just me or if it is all INTP's. I tend to really start hating people I live with after about 6 months or so. I get along with them really well in the beginning but than the relationship turns from friendly, to awkward, to hate...

For example I've been living with my cousin for about 5 months. He was like my big brother before. We used to go drink and stuff all the time. But now for some reason I can't even talk to him...and I think I'm really starting to dislike him.

Maybe it's because I got bored of him? When I first moved in I used to hang out in the living room a lot, but lately I just stay in my room.

It's the same when I lived with a buddy of mine before. Weird...O wellzzz

Maybe this should be in the Human Relationship thread...

Inappropriate Behavior

is peeing on the carpet
Local time
Today 2:36 PM
Sep 21, 2008
Behind you, kicking you in the ass
The 6 month thing sounds about right. Which is why I now live alone in a house way too big for one person.

(I'm not counting two cats of course)


True King of Mushroomland!!!
Local time
Today 11:36 AM
Apr 7, 2009
Yea...I think I can only live alone to be happy...


Active Member
Local time
Today 8:36 PM
Apr 1, 2009
When I lived with people, I even held my pee just cause I didn't want to cross them in the hallway (not family, roomates). It was hell.

They all said I was so discreet, but it was just because I was constantly hating them.

I live alone now... I even told my fiancé that I wanted seperate homes and that he would come over all the time, sleep there most of the time and then leave me alone for at least a few hours. Or at least a big house !

The Fury

is licking himself.
Local time
Today 7:36 PM
Mar 2, 2009
Cork, thats in Ireland
I prefer to live alone but in college I always lived with people. My first year I lived on campus, in a dorm (is that what you Americans call it) with about 30-40 people. It never bothered me and as long as I had my own room and could be left alone for a few hours every day, I was fine.

If the people I live with are excessively noisy or messy then I will tend to dislike them. I doubt that's unusual though.

After living alone for the last few years it would be quite hard for me to back to living with people.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:36 AM
Aug 10, 2008
I have yet to move out, not sure if I hate them, but I sure do avoid them


Local time
Today 8:36 PM
Mar 18, 2009
Three years at college- altogether about 25 room mates. messy, noisy, boring, talkative people, with worst taste in music, without any interests...
I lived with girls so much different than me and in one period I got very frustrated. Like, you came back to your room in 3am and want to sleep, but you realize that there's party in your room you don't know about. Or you say to your room mate that you won't sleep in the room that night, but you decide to come back after all, and you find some dude you don't know sleeping in your bed. Stuff like that.

It can be awful to live with PEOPLE!
But you can learn a lot about human characters.
--> lots of esfj-s.


Local time
Today 12:36 PM
Aug 8, 2008
I live with an ESFJ, ENFJ, and an ENTP. I can't stand anything the ESFJ says, but he's usually just on a new conquest to get laid and I can easily write him off as pointless to talk to. I've never once gotten mad at my ENFJ roommate, we've lived together for 2 years now and he's seriously the best roommate I could ever ask for. My ENTP roommate annoys me with his extrovertedness, sometimes it's just overwhelming and I really can't stand how much he tries to get a rise out of me. Still, he's thoughtful and I appreciate his intelligence.. It helps that my roommates love the same music that I love and so whenever I introduce them to new bands they're usually eager to hear it. If they didn't like good music I'd probably hate them a lot more easily.

Living Tribunal

Local time
Today 7:36 PM
Apr 17, 2009
U.S. Midwest-
I absolutely hate the people i live with now. Six month period sounds about right too.

Probably living alone in a few months.


True King of Mushroomland!!!
Local time
Today 11:36 AM
Apr 7, 2009
When I lived with people, I even held my pee just cause I didn't want to cross them in the hallway (not family, roomates). It was hell.

OMG when I read this I almost pissed from laughing so hard. I do the exact same thing too! I actually keep an empty bottle in my room in case I really can't hold it.

I'm not sure if i'm being paranoid, but I feel that they talk about me behind my back when i'm in my room.


Ryuusa bakuryuu
Local time
Today 8:36 PM
Apr 22, 2009
I live alone. It's so much easier than dealing with other people and their schedules.


Active Member
Local time
Today 7:36 PM
Apr 12, 2009
OMG when I read this I almost pissed from laughing so hard. I do the exact same thing too! I actually keep an empty bottle in my room in case I really can't hold it.

I'm not sure if i'm being paranoid, but I feel that they talk about me behind my back when i'm in my room.

I'll clear something up for you. You piss in a bottle to avoid contact with them, they DO talk about you. No need to feel, now you know. ;)


Ryuusa bakuryuu
Local time
Today 8:36 PM
Apr 22, 2009
There's always space for you glovehead if you can put up with me :D


Active Member
Local time
Today 11:36 PM
Feb 9, 2009
The United States.
i get tired of people very easily. went back home for spring break and after visiting people everyday i returned to my dowm and isolated my self for several days to recuperate.

mistress web

Local time
Today 7:36 PM
May 21, 2009
I've been living with a friend of mine for around three months now (it feels alot longer then that). My friend isn't the problem I could live with him no worries. The issue is his bloody girlfriend. We lost our house as we couldn't afford to stay there and had a wedding booked, which needed paying for so the plan was to stay with them for around 8 months to save for the wedding and then get our own place again.
She is just sooooo argumentative and constantly (and I mean constantly) picks on everything my fiance says. If he said the sky is blue, her reaction would be "yeah, but the cloads are white!" She actually used to be an alright girl, but now I really can't stand her! Anything he says she seeme to have an opinion about it. And no-one wants to here her bloody opinions least of all us!
I don't want to fall out with my friend of ten years because of her, as I know she'd prob love that! But I don't want to live here any longer and we cant afford our own place either, with saving for the wedding. We cant cancel the wedding as deposits have been paid and dress is being made etc..... So it would be more hassle to cancel to free up money for a flat etc....

I have spoken to my friend for what it was worth!
Not sure were to go from here really, any suggestions...... :(


Ryuusa bakuryuu
Local time
Today 8:36 PM
Apr 22, 2009
It depends on the person. Even if you really like someone, getting used to living with someone else (and surviving) can take time (and can turn sour). I have lived with others before, and it wasn't so bad (but I had an awesome roommate!)

It also depends on what you want the relationship to be. You could always be just 2 people who are living in the same space; you don't have to be close to do that.

mistress web

Local time
Today 7:36 PM
May 21, 2009
thanks for replying :-) I don't want to be her new best friend, I've long gone past any interest in doing that.... I'm just fed up with the prospect of being stuck here as we cant go anywhere else and there fuck all we can do about it.........that how it feels........ even if we could move out if i wanted to see my mate then i have to put up with her too........it sucks........


Consistently Inconsistent
Local time
Today 7:36 PM
May 18, 2009
I'm wondering if this is just me or if it is all INTP's. I tend to really start hating people I live with after about 6 months or so. I get along with them really well in the beginning but than the relationship turns from friendly, to awkward, to hate...

For example I've been living with my cousin for about 5 months. He was like my big brother before. We used to go drink and stuff all the time. But now for some reason I can't even talk to him...and I think I'm really starting to dislike him.

Maybe it's because I got bored of him? When I first moved in I used to hang out in the living room a lot, but lately I just stay in my room.

It's the same when I lived with a buddy of mine before. Weird...O wellzzz

Maybe this should be in the Human Relationship thread...

Wow, you are PATIENT. It usually takes me about (two?) to three months. I think the combination for me is usually a mixture of people who take my easy going nature for granted, and then start to get flippant/rude, coupled with the fact that a lot of people (to me) seem interesting at first, only for me to discover that their initial 'allure' was all they had going for them. = /

The only other thing I hate is the fact that at school, I always get stuck with someone who a) wants to have people over all hours of the fucking day, and b) always ALWAYS needs to have some live-in significant other (sister/friend/girlfriend/boyfriend) , without the consult of other people who just HAPPEN to live there and just HAPPEN to pay as much for that space.

So yeah, if I ever live with people who are cool AND considerate, I might NOT want to grab them firmly by the cranium and ram their heads through something after just two weeks.


I mean two months. :)

...how the hell am I gonna do marriage... :confused:


Local time
Today 2:36 PM
May 1, 2009
Sunnyvale, CA
thanks for replying :-) I don't want to be her new best friend, I've long gone past any interest in doing that.... I'm just fed up with the prospect of being stuck here as we cant go anywhere else and there fuck all we can do about it.........that how it feels........ even if we could move out if i wanted to see my mate then i have to put up with her too........it sucks........

I had a similar experience in college. My roommate was a really good friend from high school and his GF/fiancee was a total bitch. I tried to be her friend at first, but eventually her constant nagging drove me to hate. Every night they'd be on the phone and she'd be bitching him out for some retarded reason. I switched to open hostility eventually, when I couldn't stand it anymore. Naturally said friend was on the fiancee's side and I didn't talk to him at all for a year or two after this. Even told him that I am not going to his wedding because she is "a total bitch". They divorced eventually and we went back to talking. You are lucky that you can put up with it so far!
Local time
Tomorrow 2:36 AM
May 28, 2009
The land where a merlion is the country's official
Happens to (almost) everyone dearie. I believe the phrase is "familiarity breeds contempt".


If it doesn't happen... then someone (somewhere) is a real pro at acting.
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