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Search results

  1. What are you investigating right now?

    I've actually been memorizing pi. It might be useful someday. Probably not though :D Already up to 3.14159265358979323846264338. Chunking is very useful.
  2. Compliments and the INTP

    Usually I just respond with something like, "Oh, huh. Thanks." Either that, or "I know." Close to the same as kubikub, really.

    I've always thought SAT style tests were easy o.O I took the PSAT (pre-SAT) last year, which is the SAT but unofficially scored, and was in the 98th percentile - Out of 100 people, I did better than 98 of them, according to that test. It's all just syntax, taking advantage of the test format...
  4. what is the most useless school subject

    Well, that's the exact opposite of how the school-wide system was for me. They didn't actually notice or care when you left the room. I just left and hung out in the drama room for most of the year. Luckily, this year, I've signed up for an 'AP initiatives' program (read: we feel sorry for...
  5. what is the most useless school subject

    Yes, but BOTH of those were forbidden. They interrupted studying, apparently? If you listened to music, they'd take your IPod/similar. Sleeping, they'd yell at you. Not fun. Having a computer and alt+tabbing whenever one of the wardens walked by, though, worked :)
  6. who are you newbies?!

    Young Male Flip-flops Short fingernails Hair that would have done well in the '70's A cat person Old t-shirts Inexpensive jeans Thinks that the villains have the best songs in musicals Not anti-social so much as socially selective Thinks that people on here are far too similar :)
  7. what is the most useless school subject

    I'm going into my junior year of HS this year, and so far, I'd have to say that forced PE is ridiculously useless. Everything they teach you is all common sense. Health/driver's ed was useful, but only took up about 1/4 of the year. The rest was becoming terribly sweaty right before lunch...
  8. The Two Most Important Mental Conditions to Society...

    Insecurity and narcissism? Neither of those motivate me. I do things because they're good for me, not because they'll make me look good to others.
  9. Visualization

    I can visualize both ways; either in words or visually. Sometimes, both. Like, I can just describe a room in my head, get the words right, and then 'see' it. The other way around works as well. Another thing that (apparently?) isn't common; I can visualize reality being different. There's a...
  10. Changes in appearance

    I don't actually change my appearance a lot. At all. Around the age of 13, I started growing my hair out a bit. Now it's longish - nearly shoulder length - and looks pretty awesome. I've been wearing naught but jeans and cheap t-shirts, with unmodified longish hair for the past few years...
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