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Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:23 PM
Jun 4, 2008
Dundee, Scotland
I associate conversations with scenes, but only ones that didn't happen. I have a tendency to think in dialogue, and when it's with someone else, it'll be happening somewhere. I can't see it, but I "know" I'm there. Like, I know there are trees around me, I know where the Courier building is, I know where the railings and pillars of the school are, and I know it's all there, but I can't see any of it. It's the same for most things. A good way of putting the drawing thing is that I know a certain imaginary tower, and then I draw it.

James Black

Active Member
Local time
Today 12:23 PM
Sep 7, 2008
I've always been unable to visualize, and I'm horrible with visual-spatial portions of tests. I notice some patterns, but the simpler logical ones. As far as math and logic goes, I do amazing, and I'm not too bad with memorization, either. But unlike others who I talk to that memorize things by visualization or have memory aids like smells and sounds, all my memory is fact-based. I can barely remember events of my childhood, but anything thats a fact I can easily remember. I can't see a green pickle when I close my eyes but I know that a pickle is green because this is a fact. There might also be a bit of intuition at play: I know a pickle is green, and there is nothing more needed to be said/thought on the matter.

This is actually a part of my mind I'd like to exercise more for many reasons. I think this skill would help me jump much further ahead than where I am in many ways. I imagine it'd make enjoyable activities such as drawing tons easier for me, as well.


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 3:23 AM
Jan 26, 2009
I think I can visualise, but I'm not entirely sure if what I do is visualising.

Is imagining the same as visualising?
Local time
Today 12:23 PM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
Hard to imagine but I guess not everyone things in visuals. I am kind of confused though, are you actually supposed to be able to see what you are envisioning with your eyes closed like you are looking right at it or like you are thinking of the image and can see it with the mind? If that sounded confusing, maybe this helps. Are you supposed to be able to see it both downstairs(in front of your eyes) and up or just upstairs(in the mind)? There was one or 2 times where I actually had the closed but right in front of my eyes visualizations but as far as upstairs goes I can see quite clearly. Mostly all I see downstairs are colors with undefined shapes. It usually takes some kind of catalyst for the downstairs visualization. Hope I wasn't too confusing here. I think I just asked the same question as nemo in a more complicated and elaborate way.


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 3:23 AM
Jan 26, 2009
I get what you mean. For me, I can visualise but it's in my mind. I don't see it with my eyes. Sometimes I get really into what I'm seeing in my mind and my eyes don't focus on the reality around me. Sounds a bit like daydreaming actually. =]


Local time
Today 9:23 AM
Aug 13, 2009
huh? this is a skill?

i thought everyone could do this

That is what i thought also, it has always come easy to me, though it is frustrating when I think of a great image, but do not have the skills to replicate it on Photoshop or any other type of medium


Local time
Tomorrow 12:23 AM
Mar 3, 2008
Pershire said:
That is what i thought also, it has always come easy to me, though it is frustrating when I think of a great image, but do not have the skills to replicate it on Photoshop or any other type of medium

Umhm. Same. I thought the exercises given in the OP were kind of silly. I was looking at the screen and I could see the apple/whatever in my head at the same time.

There might be a downside to being able to visualise fast, though. I find it hard to communicate my thoughts verbally much of the time (writing is kind of different) because I think in terms of pictures.

How about music? Anyone here hear random music in their heads? Sometimes I do that and find I can't write the notes down fast enough.:(


(mono no aware)
Local time
Today 1:53 PM
Aug 12, 2009
Lost in my thoughts
Umhm. Same. I thought the exercises given in the OP were kind of silly. I was looking at the screen and I could see the apple/whatever in my head at the same time.

There might be a downside to being able to visualise fast, though. I find it hard to communicate my thoughts verbally much of the time (writing is kind of different) because I think in terms of pictures.

How about music? Anyone here hear random music in their heads? Sometimes I do that and find I can't write the notes down fast enough.:(

Ditto, walfin. The only reason I can find my way around my city is because I keep a visual map in my head, and I 'fly' around to find a path (I swear I'm not crazy! :p) I didn't even realize that some people couldn't do it; I thought it was a universal skill. Guess you learn something new every day...

With music, too, walfin, I know where you're coming from. I usually hear music the way I want to play it, but when I get to actually playing it, I have to work a lot to sound the way I want it to (it's quite annoying sometimes, too...) I think there's a term for it - audiation, I do believe (so says Yo-Yo Ma...;)).
Last edited:


When in the course of inhuman events....
Local time
Today 12:23 PM
Jan 27, 2009
Spacetime Continuum
Wait... should I actually be able to see stuff or is it just "imagination sight"? If its the former I suck at it and if its the latter I'm pretty good actually.
Local time
Today 12:23 PM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
Just a complete guess here but I am guessing SJ types would struggle with this ability/ type of thinking. I wouldn't know though, since I can only be in my own head.


Local time
Tomorrow 12:23 AM
Mar 3, 2008
Invoke Ninja's True Power said:
Just a complete guess here but I am guessing SJ types would struggle with this ability/ type of thinking.

Perhaps not. As we've seen several INTPs struggle with it as well. Some SJ types might be good at it.

Anyway I don't think visual-spatial intelligence is highly correlated with any dimension of MBTI (maybe very slightly correlated with N since N is correlated with IQ and IQ, in part, measures visual-spatial intelligence).

Jaico said:
Good, I've learnt something new. :)

And I realise that I do try to predict the next note when I listen to music.
Local time
Today 12:23 PM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
Never realized I was actually so imaginative/visual with my thinking until I actually thought about it.


Local time
Today 12:23 PM
Aug 13, 2009
I can visualize both ways; either in words or visually. Sometimes, both. Like, I can just describe a room in my head, get the words right, and then 'see' it. The other way around works as well.

Another thing that (apparently?) isn't common; I can visualize reality being different. There's a picture on the wall to the right of my TV; I can see that picture sideways on another wall, or hanging from the ceiling.

Apparently, this isn't normal?
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