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Search results

  1. FireHawk

    Forum Outage and Postdisappearance

    Oh, I have not been on much on account of my computer's death. I hope to be on again around Tuesday.
  2. FireHawk


    I have clinical depression. Basically, I get a sense of hopelessness. It also makes me lash out at people... So it's almost a sub-maniacal depression.
  3. FireHawk

    Simple confirmation that you are an INTP

    Yes, and combine that with the factors of; a. It's 1 A.M b. I'm on a PSP
  4. FireHawk

    Simple confirmation that you are an INTP

    I just make everyone's grammar errors blantantly obvious. Earlier, me and my older sister (16); Her: You don't even know how the clichés at school work! Me: You mean "Cliqùe" right? Her: No! l dont mean "Click"! Imbecilic 16 year-olds...
  5. FireHawk

    The INTP XBL Gamertag Thread

    firehawk122094 I'm hardly ever on though...
  6. FireHawk


    Awesome. I don't think that the "Purina Diet" stuff works... He loses weight on the stairs l'm sure.
  7. FireHawk

    You know you're an Intp when...

    Well it's true! Thanks for the welcoming though. :D "When someone of lesser intelligence tries to harass you and you verbally rip them apart" - Well this could just be me. I know... I'm a cynist
  8. FireHawk


    Nope, was it about abnormally heavy-set felines? If it was, why didn't they visit my kitty? :(
  9. FireHawk


    I have 2 cats and one of them weighs almost 40 pounds. My room is under the stairs... so, yeah, it's loud at night.
  10. FireHawk

    Who are we?

    I feel the same way. It's nice to be around people who are actually articulate!
  11. FireHawk

    You know you're an Intp when...

    I'm stunned at how many of these apply to me...
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