My ideal female partner actually exists and actually knew me. Hey, we were besties for a long time.
If there is a such thing as a soulmate, she was most certainly it.
There is a such thing as a hot chick, and she was most certainly it.
Problem is, (kind of odd, to tell you the truth) we were into each other at different times than the other. She liked me first when we were younger (she admitted this to me). I didn't like her then.
We became best friends and I developed a crush on her for years after. I dated a few girls outside of her throughout school and, unfortunately, was with one in my junior year of high school when she started having thoughts about me again. Actually told me in a phone conversation how she once thought I was her "other half".
*This is getting sappy and weird considering I currently have a GF who I love and will probably end up with long term*
Anyhoo, once I heard that, I more or less abandoned my then gf (who was actually good, but no regrets considering what was in front of me at the time) for the hopes of nabbing who, to this day, I still admit to myself would have been my perfect match. The end of high school had me confessing my feelings for her and her thinking it was weird that I felt so strongly, rejecting me, and both of us permanently leaving that territory.
I like to think that it was always a case of my feelings > her feelings, but I don't think that was 100% true. I was just an idiot at making moves on girls that I didn't already basically confirm to like me. Too cerebral, and not even sure if I could have done anything to change the outcome.
In my recollection, she was (is)--in personality--exactly fucking like Zooey Deschanel from
500 Days of Summer. Too goddamn whimsical and I remembered it always kind of pissing me off, while at the same time making me her mental slave as, no matter what I could do, she could snap her fingers and I'd instantly come running. Not that she was that kind of person--she wasn't--but I spent YEARS trying to figure out why she had me so conquered, and probably didn't even realize to what degree.
I also remember her telling me that my rambling could wear down her patience, which actually challenges the notion that she was my soulmate. But our "chemistry", if you will, at its height, was pretty magnetic.
That was a long time ago and I've since found an awesome partner, a girl who is probably a better pure companion than my "Ideal" ever was, if only because she has the patience to deal with all of the very annoying things about me, and still likes being around me. She's a little different in that she doesn't run my brain into a brick wall like my Ideal tended to do, but she's waayyyy more caring, patient, and more than sufficiently fulfills all of my basic needs from a partner. Oh yeah, and we still haven't had an argument yet, which is pretty good considering my personality's usual effect on the opposite gender...and really just other people in general.
I need to go do something manly.
Oh yeah, for the sake of this forum and typology: My "ideal" partner, the one in this anecdote, ..... I'm > 90% sure she's an ENFP.
My current gf and the one that I love, I'm > 90% sure she's INFP.
Little doubt.