- you never heard of Myers-Briggs until yesterday, but found this site and read the complete thread within 30 hours of the results of the test - despite going to a baseball game last night and having the parents visit from out of town for 19 of those hours (of which 3 hours were spent on a golf course).
- you're happy to finally find others as weird as yourself, which doesn't make you feel less weird but less alone. (I don't mind feeling alone (I prefer alone), but I do not feel a need to be/feel unique either.)
- can't make a statement without a qualifying remark. Although I probably could, but it would feel incomplete and not totally correct.
- uses the phrase "pretty sure" instead "know" or the implied "know" to come across less arrogant.
- know a total of 9 people's birthdays. (1 of which is my own. 3 share the same birthday as me (1 of which I don't know personally). 3 are my sisters. 2 are not my parents. 1 is my wife's that I remember because it's 122. The last is my daughter's which is 6 months after my anniversary which is part of a password to another site.)
- you can't find your car keys which are in your hands even after transferring the keys between hands to check both pockets.
- you believe that you can own enough pencils so that no matter how many you lose you can still find one within 15 seconds but do not know how many pencils that would be.
- you hate people that spell "loose" when the mean "lose".
- you are "pretty sure" you could do most people's jobs much better than them with little or no training. This doesn't make you feel superior to them as much as it just makes you feel tired, because you don't even want to do the work you have to do let alone do their work the right way also.
- you commonly refer to others sub-par work as "all jacked up", because it would take too long to explain why the way you would do it is so superior.
- you would rather work on what you think is important rather than what your boss thinks is important while knowing that this will hurt you at review time because you feel that how you spend your time is more important than the money.
- you believe that Provigil/Midofinal is a performance enhancing drug.
- you don't listen to the radio in your car on the way to/from work despite enjoying music because you want to maximize time without distractions to think.
- you tell your wife that you can tell she lost 5 pounds. She is so overcome with emotion that you noticed until you further clarify that you don't mean it as a complement. You think it means more because you're making it as a statement of fact instead of just trying to make her feel good. You believe this to be an important distinction which should make her feel even better about herself, but she walks away thinking that you may have insulted her. You walk away with a sigh but still believe it is a valid point. (this happened to me this morning.)
This is the only thread I've read so far, but I noticed many comments which I identify with. The common themes others shared that I see in myself are: absentmindedness, working through complete conversations with other people in my mind, reluctant arrogance, yearning to feel understood as long as there is no time obligation to the person with the understanding. I probably want to be understood so that person can tell me how brilliant I am and then I could be fake humble and think that person is my favorite person ever. I will admit that I tend to make long posts. The most important thing to me is that I find my own posts important and meaningful. If others find them interesting, that might tend to be an unexpected surprise. I rarely expect to be either understood or interesting. Regardless, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the thoughts and amusing anecdotes of others. Thank you for sharing what goes on in your heads.