It depends on the culture I'm living in, the type of butchery, the equipment available, and the state of the local forests, I suppose.
I mean, in some places, a butcher is one rung up the totem pole from the animal he/she is butchering. Also, I'm not strong enough to do the work in the first steps of the butchering process for the larger animals (yes, there are machines, but you have to be strong enough to shove huge hooks into the animals and use the pulleys to haul them up). But say an end-step butcher in a upscale grocery store or deli? That would be a great learning experience and an easy job.
Similarly, if I'm a modern lumberjack, that generally means lugging heavy machinery and dealing with loud noises all day as I take part in overt or disguised clear-cutting. I think I'd last maybe a half hour. Now, sitting in an air-conditions cab of the large work vehicles could be comfortable, but still, there's the forest leveling. If you're talking about old-timey lumberjacks, then that's different. You'd have to spend hours and hours each day hacking away at trees to collect enough timber to make ends meet. Then, you have to be strong enough to do whatever needs to be done with the timber to get it to where it's going. It's not like I can spend two hours swinging an axe (my arms would give out sooner, for sure) and then hang out in my cabin for the rest of the day with a corn-pipe and a big blue ox.
So.. if I could work somewhere modern and fancy as a consumer-end butcher, I choose butcher.