To understand the male perspective, you have to immagine the gender struggle as men see it. Much of it is like being pummled by a women. Even if you were a jerk, violence against you was unlikely to be called for. Thus men find themselves in the frustraiting possition of being unable to retaliate, or stand up for themselves. They are either going to be emascualted for allowing themselves to stepped on, or demonized for providing even the slightest retaliation.
The check list was full of lulz. I read probably 10 or so before I just assumed that I would take objection, atleast partially, to 2/3s of the statements. It is mostly oppinions based on statistics, if any, that the list itself sometimes admits to being disputed. Unfortunately there is a statistic to support any possition so its hard to make those assertions, though the list presumes to do so anyway.
@ DEY DERRKA DERR, it the specialization of the male gender role. I am all for the laxation of gender roles as I despise limitations on the genuinly competent, but I see alot of argements from feminism that want to have the cake and eat it too. For instance, Its not unfathomable in a custody battle for most people to accept the argument that women are better nurturers simply for being women. It is unfathomable for many to accept that men are better providers simply for being men, even though the arguments of the privledge check list are commonly held. I don't understand if the system is so biased to men being breadwinners, why we can't use that as a basis of argument?
I also postulate that feminism is not about sexual equality, otherwise it would not be called feminism. A post-modern observation, but I think it shows the bias, even if it is level-headed bias.
Essentially I see the subjection of women as a result of them being treated as things to be protected. Unfortunately things like afirmitive action only maintain that notion and prolong inequalities.
As far as women in the work place, I find those that think they need to prove themselves the most detrimental to their position. If there is a bias against women, mere familiarity will cause them not be thought of as women, but the person they are.
32. I can be confident that the ordinary language of day-to-day existence will always include my sex. “All men are created equal,” mailman, chairman, freshman, he.
lol, one of my pet peeves is unnecessary genderization of words. That last sentence was ambiguous, so I will say that "chairman" is not a maculine word, no more than human. Infact, I would argue that men being the subject gender neutral terms is just as derogitory. If you REALLY wanted to over think it, you could say tat XY includes the potential for XX.
You've got some great thoughts here. I agree with a lot of your points, I'm a bit too lazy to type them like yourself.