If I could draw this, it would look kind of like a cross between illustrations from Shell Silverstein's “A Light in the Attic” and a less colorful “Nightmare Before Christmas”. My head would weigh a ton. And, I would be dragging it on the ground. It would be rectangular for some reason. Music, heat, and blood would be pouring out of my right ear. My left ear would be missing. My body would be long, and too slender, almost half-starved, with defined but minuscule muscular tone. The posture is laterally arched, somewhat impossibly, so that I can use my hands and arm strength to push myself along, while trying to keep as upright a position as possible. All the while, my head is actually being, sort of, pulled along with the body's forced forward progression. I'm barefoot, and my feet appear too big, like the step sisters on Cinderella, but they are size appropriate for the task before them (not unlike my own size 9 feet). I would have on an Italian style black and white striped fitted top (reminiscent of what's-her-name from the Pretenders and Pat Benatar) and plain bikini bottoms. The image is of one who has the potential from the neck down to be attractive, with the right grooming and personal attention, if she just didn't have to spend so much energy on her life's work of pushing that body forward and dragging that head around. I'm not sure why my head is square-ish, but it's heavy, like dead weight (I know I said that, but I guess I'm surprised at how heavy it is), almost as if it is stuck, but it will move if I use all of my strength. I have an ear ache right now, so I think the fire is that, but it seems like I've lost half of my hearing, not physically, and the only thing that's getting through is music and pain. Huh...
This is how I use to see me...before I even knew about the poem by Tennyson. I was just drawn to that image for myself.
And, then I saw Lancelot...hahaha (boohoohoo).
I'm somewhat amused by the image that has come to my mind to describe “me” now. (I wish I could draw it). I prefer to think in terms of journey rather than where I am now. But, this is a great way to keep it real and kind of check on “me”. Great idea for some inspired introspection. I can't help wondering about that square head...