A-Where are you from..
I hail from an industrial city called Monterrey, in Nuevo León. That's a northeastern state in Mexico, couple of hours drive from the closest US/Mexico border (At the speed I drive). It was founded by Crypto-Jews fleeing from the Spanish Inquisition and latter inhabited by New Spaniards from Galicia, Asturias, Basque Country and Andalucia. The state itself is relatively well off, local lore has it that had we obtained our independence from Mexico (As it was planned in the 1800's) we would be a a small first world country, but I really don't know, nor care.
B-Do you enjoy living there/ have a sense of identity due to it?
No, I don't and I'm actually thinking about moving out for good. I have lived in Europe; in Barcelona, Madrid, Paris and Berlin. I love Europe and the culture, there's no such thing here. The level of culture is downright depressive. The average number of books read here per year is of half a book (no kidding) by most of the population who prefer to waste the day away cheering at some soccer game. And besides there's also a horrible weather, it's a god damn BITCH, some days it's hot as all hell, some days it's raining, every day is a mess. There are some really nice girls here, though.
C- What traits/stereotypes do you beleive you are cursed/blessed with?
From the region, you mean? hmmm, I sometimes have a somewhat cowboysih accent, which is typical of men up here. I have been told that most of the "white people" in Mexico live in the north, and I am white, so I guess that's another stereotype. Can't think of anything else at the moment.