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In order to get my bachelor of arts in political science, I am required to learn a 2nd language. I have already tried Spanish with no luck. I can’t learn a language I have no real interest in. At least not right now. I also have to think about the future. My future will involve me hopefully working for one of the intelligence agencies.
So here are the language iam looking in to in terms of inertest and utility
Spanish (Mexican Spanish)/Castilian (Spain Spanish)
I really have no interest in French but a lot of people know it. Spanish would be useful to talk to my family or go to Spain. I have interest in germen but I doubt the government would care about it unless I try to become an ambassador. I have interest in Chinese but I hear it’s a major pain to learn. I have a lot of interest in Japanese but I doubt it will be a pulse in getting a government job. I have interest in Arabic and the government puts out the impression that all arub speakers are terrorists (terrorists are not that big of a threat in my opinion). I am also often approached by people asking if iam Palestinian (iam half Irish and Mexican 0.o). As for Russian, I have the most interest in it and I don’t think its importance has gone down at all fallowing the cold war. I also took one course a year ago and got a C+ in it, yet I feel like I failed.
So here are the language iam looking in to in terms of inertest and utility
Spanish (Mexican Spanish)/Castilian (Spain Spanish)
I really have no interest in French but a lot of people know it. Spanish would be useful to talk to my family or go to Spain. I have interest in germen but I doubt the government would care about it unless I try to become an ambassador. I have interest in Chinese but I hear it’s a major pain to learn. I have a lot of interest in Japanese but I doubt it will be a pulse in getting a government job. I have interest in Arabic and the government puts out the impression that all arub speakers are terrorists (terrorists are not that big of a threat in my opinion). I am also often approached by people asking if iam Palestinian (iam half Irish and Mexican 0.o). As for Russian, I have the most interest in it and I don’t think its importance has gone down at all fallowing the cold war. I also took one course a year ago and got a C+ in it, yet I feel like I failed.