If you know of a good iq test, please post a link.
I also don't think IQ tests are useful once you're an adult. They're supposed to measure an unmet potential, but if you've had the opportunity to meet a potential and not met it, that potential doesn't seem meaningful. Demonstrating your ability is much more valuable than being a certified couldawouldabin.
My professors say that IQ tests don't count unless completed in the presence of a psychologist who's been trained specifically in its administration.
Is that like the Society of Automotive Engineers saying you have to patch a tire in a certain laborious way, rather than just stick a plug in it, in order to avoid perceived issues of liability and protect SAE certified repair shop jobs from $5 worth of DIY?
Probable yes.
Why do people get hung up on IQ? Why don't they look for any other kind of evidence about intelligence? Is it that people fear they're not smart enough? How many people worry that IQ tests might show that they're too smart? That aren't living under something like the Khmer Rouge where the smart people are executed.
If it's 1, it means I'm the best...right???
I just tested as 103 but upon seeing my answers realised that two of the questions I got wrong were actually just me being fucking stupid and clicking the wrong thing 'cause I was rushing through it.
I've previously tested in the 120 and 130 ranges, but honestly? I'd say at my absolute best I'm floating around the 115 mark. A smart man I am not - I just have the odd decent insight. Heh.
If you made it through college level content with an ability to deduce basic information then your IQ is at least 115.
Is that like the Society of Automotive Engineers saying you have to patch a tire in a certain laborious way, rather than just stick a plug in it, in order to avoid perceived issues of liability and protect SAE certified repair shop jobs from $5 worth of DIY?
Probable yes.
Why do people get hung up on IQ? Why don't they look for any other kind of evidence about intelligence? Is it that people fear they're not smart enough? How many people worry that IQ tests might show that they're too smart? That aren't living under something like the Khmer Rouge where the smart people are executed.
146. If only it translated into something practical that pays lots of dollar bills. That'd be nice, but I have plenty of time to capitalize and retire by 45 and become a luthier who builds 1-2 guitars a year mostly for personal use, have the ability to ski whenever I wish, and maintain a relatively healthy MTG collection.
Don't underestimate yourself, I deeply respect luthiers (especially if they could possibly make my new custom guitar... )
123-127 tested by a physcologist. 144 in language capabilities and over 130 in math or something like that, what lowered my results were the work memory and something like that, who cares? I'm more intelligent than every and single "phsycologist" involved in the test, in fact, he was just graduated.
-Besides, it was for a special school and we couldn't afford it, so we believe it may be some kind of excuse for rejecting the ones who couldn't pay them (and a lot of other circumstances not regarding this topic which lead us to think the result was not representative)-
INTP in here.
Could have made this post myself, honestly.
Are you still under the impression that your preferences are for Ti and Se?
Gotta get me some of that sweet, sweet Se. Oh to be grounded in the present![]()
I'd rather jerk off than take an IQ test, although they are approximately the same thing.