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What's Happening? (Triggers upon Triggers!)
Return of the American Security Council
Rudolph Steiner, The Ahrimanic Deception
Many people have felt something of this sort. But there is not yet courage everywhere to come to an understanding with the historical impulses of the Christ, Lucifer and Ahriman in the urgent way that is necessary and that is emphasized by Anthroposophy.
Even those who have an idea of what is necessary will not go far enough. For instance, look at examples where there arises some knowledge that the secular materialistic science with this Ahrimanic character must be permeated with the Christ Impulse, and how, on the other hand, the Gospel must be illuminated through the explanations of spiritual science.
Consider how many people struggle to the point of really shedding light in either of these directions by means of spiritual-scientific knowledge! Yet humanity will only acquire the right attitude to the earthly incarnation of Ahriman if it sees through these things and has the courage, will and energy to illumine both secular science and the Gospel by the Spirit. Otherwise the result is always superficialities.
Think, for example, of how Cardinal Newman — who, after all, was an enlightened man, one who followed modern religious development — at the time of his investiture as Cardinal in Rome stated openly in his address that if the Christian Catholic teaching was to survive, a new revelation was necessary. We have no need, however, of a new revelation; the time of revelations in the old sense is over.
We need a new science, one that is illumined by the Spirit. But men must have the courage for such a new science.
Think of a literary phenomenon like the Lux Mundi movement that originated with certain eminent theologians, members of the English High Church, at the end of the eighties and beginning of the nineties of the last century. It consisted of a series of studies, imbued throughout with the endeavor to build a bridge from secular science to the contents of dogma. One might call it a floundering hither and thither, never a bold grasping of secular science, never an illumination of it with the spirit.
There was no unprejudiced examination of the Gospel with the knowledge that the Gospel of itself is not enough today, that it must be elucidated and illumined. But mankind must be courageous in both directions and say: secular science by itself leads to illusion, the Gospel by itself leads to hallucination. The middle way between illusion and hallucination is found only by grasping reality through the Spirit. That is the point.
We must see through such things as these today. Purely mundane science would make men entirely subject to illusion; in fact ultimately they would commit only follies. Quite enough folly is perpetuated today already, for surely the World War catastrophe was a great folly! Yet many people were involved in it who were thoroughly saturated with the official secular science of our time.
And if you notice what remarkable psychological phenomena at once crop up when some sect or other places one of the four Gospels in the foreground, then you will more easily understand what I have been saying about the Gospels today. See how strongly inclined to all sorts of hallucinations are sects that pay heed solely to the Gospel of St. John, or solely the Gospel of St. Luke! Fortunately there are four Gospels, which outwardly contradict one another, and this has so far prevented the great harm which such one-sidedness would cause. By being faced with four Gospels people do not go too far in the direction of the one, but have the others beside it.
One Gospel is read aloud on one Sunday and another on another Sunday and so the illusory power of the one is counterbalanced by that of another. A great wisdom lies in the fact that these four Gospels have come down to the civilized world. In this way man is protected from being caught up by some one stream, which will take possession of him — as in the case of so many members of sects — if he is influenced by one Gospel alone. When solely one Gospel works upon him it is particularly clear how this leads at last to hallucination.
In fact, it is essential today to give up much of one's subjective inclination, much of what one is attached to and thinks pious or clever. Mankind must above all seek universality and the courage to look at things from all sides.
Occult Yorkshire: Fabian Family Secrets and Cultural engineering in the UK
Review: The Magical World of the Inklings, Gareth Knight
An informative review by.. err, hem..
Ashtar Command... I've been exploring the occult undertones (over-tones?) of Tolkien and the LoTR.
I think there is evidence enough to suggest that he was promoting Hermetic and Theosophical trains of thought. Which they (the Inklings) promoted, or
justified, as Christian Esoterica... but I think he gives himself away by alluding to Aryan racial supremacy,
amongst many other intriguing things, which are no doubt fun to explore!
Themes embedded in TLoTR: Reincarnation, racial supremacy, spiritual hierarchies, subterranean kingdoms, the white Brotherhood, the black Brotherhood, and Atlantis (Numenor)
The Doors of Durin, Lord of Moria is an Arch with two pillars, enclosing 7 stars, a larger star and a crown.
The arch it's self is composed similarly to the Royal Arch of Freemasonry, and the Crown and the Star are an early emblem of The Fellowship of the Rosy Cross , off-shoot of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, both orders to which Charles Williams (Fellow Inkling ) belonged too.
All 4 of The Inklings claimed to be Christian, but they entertained some rather unconventional and , er.. heretical beliefs , even by Catholic standards.. bearing in mind, the Golden Dawn spawned the likes of Crowley, The Beast, 666.
Although Tolkien never did "fess up" to being an initiate in the Golden Dawn, numerous witnesses have placed him there, and all the circumstantial evidence does seem to point there.
Here John Todd levels the accusation that the Golden Dawn was
the Rothschild Witchcraft church, and the information coming forth was directly from the Book of Shadows...
I'm yet to explore the inception of the Golden Dawn in depth, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was a Rothschild outfit.. just as The Process Church of Final Judgement is a tangible Rothchild asset.. both rumoured to be closely related , if not irretrievably intertwined, with the security/intelligence services... of course Crowley has long been rumoured to be an MI6 agent, and Jimmy Savile (Process Church) is also likely to have been MI6 , as he told Esquire;
"The thing about me is, I get things done, I work deep cover"... "I've known the royal family for a million years"
Of course, our security services have long since the days of John Dee employed magicians as spies.. or spies as magicians... why would today be any different?'s amazing how many seemingly unrelated subjects all lead down the same rabbit holes.
Doreen Valiente and the Hermetic Order of The Golden Dawn
Doreen Valiente is a name that I am sure every reader will have heard of. This inquisitive, intelligent, writer and Witch was born in 1922, in Mitcham, Surrey, but lived for most of her life on the south coast of Britain. She had a keen interest in folklore, the Occult and Witchcraft and wrote several books on the latter subject. Always keen to expand her knowledge, she was involved with various different Witchcraft groups throughout her life, and worked solo magic too.
In 1952, The Illustrated1 printed an article about Witchcraft, based on an interview with Cecil Williamson, then-owner of the Witchcraft Museum on the Isle of Man. Upon reading it, Doreen wrote to Cecil who then referred her to Gerald Gardner who was at that time, the ‘resident Witch’ of the museum. Her subsequent initiation and involvement in the re-working and writing of pieces for the ‘Gardnerian’ Book of Shadows is well-known and something she talks about in her book The Rebirth Of Witchcraft.
In the same book, we also find Doreen stating ‘I had been a student of the Golden Dawn system of magic for years, long before I ever met Gerald Gardner.’2 Intrigued by this statement, I set out to try and find out more about Doreen Valiente and her connection to that premier Magical Order, The Golden Dawn.
The Golden Dawn has arguably been the most influential Magical Order ever to have existed. It was formed in 1887 by three Freemasons, Dr. William Wynn Westcott, Dr. William Robert Woodman and, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers (who was the more magically-inclined of the three). Other well-known members included, ‘the Great Beast’ Aleister Crowley, the mystical A.E. Waite, the creative W.B. Yeats, the magical Israel Regardie and the gifted Dion Fortune.
The Golden Dawn’s grade system is based on Qabalistic structure and consists of an Outer Order composed of five grades; it is this part of the Order that was originally referred to as the ‘Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn’. There is then an intermediary portal grade you have to pass through before moving on to the second, or Inner Order, called the Ordo Roseae Rubeae et Aurae Crucis (R.R. et A.C.) which translates to ‘Order of the Rose of Ruby and the Cross of Gold.’ It is in this Second Order where the real magical work of the Golden Dawn system starts. The First Order, Portal Grade and Second Order could loosely be likened to the three degrees found in Witchcraft with each being analogous to purification, consecration and amalgamation into the whole; although the hermetic nature of the Golden Dawn, tends to make it more cerebral than the Craft. There is a final, theoretical, Third Order that corresponds with the supernal triangle on the Tree of Life and it is said that no living person can enter this Order.
After making some enquiries, I have been unable to find anything to suggest that Doreen was a member of any Golden Dawn temple, or any of the related offshoot groups, that existed in England in the 1940s and 1950s. However, in a letter Doreen wrote to Rev. T. Allen Greenfield in 1986, she mentions that she owned some Golden Dawn notebooks that belonged to Frater Nisi Dominus Frustra. Evidence would seem to suggest that it was these original notebooks, (along with Regardie’s published Golden Dawn works), that she considered herself ‘a student of’. But how did Doreen obtain them? and the GD.htm
Oh, now the stuff Tau Allen Greenfield has come out with is just mind blowing:
Secret Cipher of the UFOnauts
Secret Cipher of The UFOnauts - Biblioteca Pléyades › archivos_pdf
Secret Rituals of the Men in Black
Secret Rituals of The Men in Black › cienciareal