It's serendipitous that I got this in my email the same day that I check the forum after a while...
You should read this article:
How I Went From Dropping Out of College to Freedom in Two Years
I dropped out of high school and college. I basically failed every class in elementary and spent most of my days at home. College wasn't for me.
Go to a community college and take classes that interest you. Follow your passion in life and get a job doing that. College is overrated and not effective for everyone. I feel like I was tricked into thinking college is effective and justifies going into serious debt just to get a degree.
I ended up dropping out around ~7 units short of a degree. Mostly because of one 2 unit class that was a requirement and prerequisite for the remaining classes. And you couldn't take the remaining classes during the same semester so it would take me a year to do. The first time that I took it, it was in a large 100+ person stadium type class. The teacher spent nearly the entire class time messing around with the $80 digital voting tool that she required for the class so that you get credit. I stopped going after about 5 classes.
The second time that I took it, it was pretty much the same thing except you had to buy a $120 voting device. I just showed up a few times and never bought the fucking thing. Again, she spent the entire class period messing with it.
The third time I took the class it was smaller, and with a different professor. If I failed it a third time, I would have to take it at another university and it was a requirement for the final 6 or 7 units that I needed for the degree. On the first day of class, the professor comes in and talks about how it's a 2 unit class, but it's more like a 6 unit class at a "real" university. I was at a state school and was taking 14 units already. I added the two because I had no other choice since every other class is 4 units and I needed a minimum of 12 units to maintain the student loans. So I was taking 16 units, but really I was taking 20 according to this dickhead. I had a "part-time" job at the time that had me working 45 hours a week to even afford to go.
The class was stupid too. You just learn about SWAT analysis (and like 2 other models) and the final project is to do a SWAT on a real business and write a 20 page report about it. I guess 20 pages, instead of the standard ~5-7 made it "real". I've written 3 page papers that required 7-10 and have gotten full credit every time. I even did a 10 minute presentation in 2 minutes so that the class wouldn't have to wait because other groups ran over, and the bell rang when I started. The best presentation of the day would get a bag of pretzels as an award, which I ended up getting.
I dropped out after I missed two classes. The funny thing is, that I ended up with a C- even though I showed up to 1.5 classes (left on a bathroom break, where he chastises you for not peeing before class).
I have only been asked if I had a degree once. I typically get every job that I apply to and have never had trouble finding work. I have only struggled when I try to fit other people's molds. I do extremely well when I am free to do whatever I want.
College wasn't a waste of time because I learned a lot, and I was exposed to many interesting things. I also met a lot of interesting people and several of them have hired me or got me jobs. Definitely a good experience but I would have been way better off dropping out two years earlier and if I traded a few of the required classes for classes that interested me. Community college was taught by more passionate professors and I learned a heck of a lot more there. Also, it's laid back, people like to party, and you can pretty much take whatever you want.
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Student Debt