What do you expect from INTJs?
every INTJ I've ever met seems to have popped out of a TV show. Some examples :
#1 : she likes to observe the traffic and then predict the amount of cars, the correct time to cross the road and the patterns occuring ie the number of traffic police in that particular area, etcetera. She's extremely blunt and once she hit her dad for being too rude to her.
She called one of my friends, who acts a little bit eccentric and ponce-y a transgender in his face.
#2 : Insomniac. Is the 2nd best improviser on the keyboard in my city. Never sleeps at night and practises music for 8-10 hours a day without sleeping. Has superior working memory and a supercilious personality.
#3 : Has an extremely organized routine. He peruses the newspaper at a microscopic level ie reads the newspaper for around 2 hours or something (I read the newspaper within 10 minutes, mostly, skipping the sports section). Apparently if you want to talk to him, you need to walk at the same speed as he, when he goes for a promenade. He laughs at math jokes (has a book full of them), scorns at everyone and has a repute of being way too enigmatic.
#4 : Is obsessed with perfection. Perfection at such a level that he hates and scorns at everyone who doesn't do things the right way. His conscientiousness is way beyond average (and my C is way lower than average) He scores grades too good plays the guitar and the keyboard. Is very eager to be the best for everything in every situation.
Common observation :
1. Apparently high IQs
2. Too organised
3. Arrogant. Often at an incredible level
4. Achievements, a lot of them
5. Equally ambitious parents.
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