Taxation is theft. Remove the idea that the government is the one doing it, and any time someone compels you to give them your money against your will, it is theft. If you are giving them money by your own choice, then it is charity, not taxation. Someone threatening you with imprisonment or sending people to guns to your house unless you pay them, then giving you something of less value than what you gave them, giving you things you do not want, or giving the money they took to charity does not lessen the fact that you were compelled to do it against your will.
You need to see taxation in its context: it funds the police, courts, legislature, and executive branches of the government, and without these services, contracts would be unenforceable, grievances would have no redress, and law would be impracticable.
The US economy is basically fascist.
Economies cannot be not fascist; Governments, regions, and individual people can be fascist. Economies, on the other hand, can be centrally planned, completely free, or mixed. What you're really arguing is that the US economy is extremely centrally planned, as it would be if the US Government were fascist. The US Government, especially when compared to a real fascist government, e.g., Musollini's Italy, is tiny, well-controlled, and sensitive to the demands of the people.
Not to drag the mass murder feelings that word brings to mind,
Using the word fascist doesn't even imply such things. You're looking for the word "genocidal" or "Nazi". Nevertheless, calling the US economy fascist and then rapidly reducing your claim is poor form at best and an emotional appeal at worst.
but the US Govt and central bank are literally tied into every transaction in the economy.
Could you elaborate on that statement?
The size and scale of the government and banks has created the massive corporatocracy, centralization of wealth to the government and their friends in the banks and corps, etc.
The government made the equally poor move of drastic deregulation and tax reduction during the 1990s and 1980s, respectively: these two combined to create the credit bubble that nearly destroyed the world economy in 2008.
The larger the government gets, the larger the corporations have gotten, and that is not coincidental, it is directly correlated.
Correlation does not imply causation: you know what else got bigger during the same time frame? People's waistlines. Americans have been getting fatter since processed food became cheaply available, and... of course this statement is rubbish. The two values are correlated but only weakly linked if at all. Moreover, have you not considered the fact that both can simply grown in parallel? In other words: the increasing 'size' of the US as a country would increase the 'size' of both its government and corporations.
When exactly were Americans starving to death in the streets? That is completely false.
Many Americans were starving, jobless, and looking for radical change (both through communism and fascism) during the Great Depression. Don't you remember your history lessons in school?
That happened in countries with central planning, not in the US. People were poor in the great depression, but that was caused and extended by attempts at central planning that all failed miserably.
The word that you're looking for is "disaster recovery," not central planning. After the Crash of 1929, the US Treasury drastically constricted the money supply, which caused the market to 'seize up,' if you will. The problem was not that the US Treasury did
something, but that the US Treasury did
that thing. Quantitative Easing and massive stimulus have proven to be the better solution, as evidenced by an unemployment rate of ~9%, rather than ~30% during the Great Depression.
The cause of unemployment is not lack of demand. There is always demand. People always want stuff.
People always want stuff, but they can't pay for it if they don't have a job, as was the case for one in three Americans during the Great Depression.
The problem is when there are limits and price controls that do not allow people to work,
You're ignoring huge swaths of other, more pertinent reasons:
--Employers cannot hire due to lack of demand (see above)
--Employers are overburdened by debt and other expenses that their new, post-crash revenue cannot pay for, and must therefore declare bankruptcy
--Employers are bankrupt due to lack of demand (see above)
--Credit to start a business and become one's own employer is unavailable due to bear market post-crash
do not allow prices to drop to an affordable level, and otherwise distort the market, which doesnt allow for a correction of prices and wage rates. That is why the bailouts only made the problems worse and there hasnt been a recovery, aside from one thats on paper. Look around, the writing is on the wall.
What writing is on what wall? Produce the data that indicate that the US economy is in as dire straits as it was when its insurance and banking sectors were falling apart?
And if you think the poor will not be cut off first you are confused. The government is broke, and the ones that will be cut out first are the weakest and least connected. I mean, thats just obvious. Then there will be rioting in the cities, and that will be used as an excuse to send more police and military in there to settle it. The government will protect itself from the people, turn us against each other, use rioting black people in the inner cities as a propaganda tool to scare the white middle class into voting for more government in the name of security... etc etc etc. All the dominoes are stacked. Patriot act, gun control now.... all this stuff is happening and being passed and will be used against us when they need to.
Are you a Ni-dom, by any chance? These leaps of logic seem unfounded, especially considering that all of them are based on the assumption that the US government is competent and willing enough to conspire as a cohesive unit. It tried doing that under the Nixon Administration, and, unsurprisingly given the adversarial nature of its legislature and separation of its powers, it failed. The only reason that Nixon didn't go to prison was that the next president didn't have time to deal with the impeachment process and offered him a full pardon so that he could focus on running the country. The Nixon presidency is an object lesson is just how hard pulling a conspiracy off is, especially when attempting it in a constitutional republic like the US, France, or Britain.
Furthermore, how on earth have you reasoned out that the government wants "an excuse" to send more police in? Aren't you just assuming that 'they're secretly out to get us,' as many conspiracy theorists do? And how do black people get involved in any of this? Where is your data? I know that you feel very sure about your conclusion, but you need to back it up with data!
The end game of every free (ish) country in history is massive government and collapse of the empire. Happens every single time. Comparative freedom creates wealth, wealth increases public spending, public spending expands and takes over larger parts of the economy, government distorts their currency to pay for what it cant afford, inflation makes prices increase, poor cant afford to eat, revolution, totalitarianism... or some very similar variation on the same theme.
Again, I suspect that you are a Ni-dom with an underdeveloped Se: your arguments are just one leap of logic after another. Why do these steps necessarily happen in this order, if they happen at all?