BG said:
I wish I could lighten the mood and say that a bunch of INTPs having a serious talk is a bit like an Entmoot. Hmmmmm..... we have decided, that you are not Orcs. Six hours later...
You hit the nail on the head. INTPs are exactly like Ents -- and this also happens in the mod box, surprise, surprise...
So here is my humble input:
^ I would recommend reading this.
The way the forum operates now is probably as good as it's ever going to be. But that is not to say there are some things that can be improved, as I will get to eventually after some Entish rambling....
Things have not really changed that much if one takes care to pick up on the vibe in the link posted above.
Mods are not super-human, nor can they be expected to be.
But, it is our duty is to make sure the forum is run as smoothly as possible without any major detrimental hiccups. As RB pointed out, it is up to members as much as moderators to conduct themselves in a way that is beneficial for community growth.
Moderators have guidelines to follow, and thanks to the team being a composition of individuals with their own highly unique perspective on things, decisions are discussed in length and sometimes, as is pointed out: a decision is made to not make a decision -- for the time being until action becomes necessary
So one could say the moderation style is mimicking that of many progressive institutions now; it is an adaptive style, which actually befits an INTP forum
As usual, many people will refrain from making comments while the more outspoken tend to let themselves be heard, so it is difficult to measure the atmosphere based on what just a few people are saying. Which is why I welcome this thread; it is a constructive and enlightening discussion which impresses me as it reflects a community care for this place -- and here I had nearly given up.
So moderators sit back and observe and take notes. Patterns emerge over time, and when the patterns become aligned with what seems to be a detriment to the community as a whole, a moderator, or several will usually voice their concern in the modbox.
The issue is then discussed back and forth, but sometimes this does not happen, as the mods are separated by time zones. I find it particularly frustrating being in Australia, as I tend to wake up to something that has occurred over night. There will be a tentative conclusion -- yes this is a problem, but let's not jump to conclusions just yet. And then the proverbial shit hits the fan and someone will take decisive action based on the tentative consensus of the mod's overall intuitions.
I don't know what the solution is apart from running it the way it is currently run. Personally, I do not like to be rushed into decisions, and prefer other mods input. Sometimes this is difficult for the time reason I mentioned.
The mods are not a clique. We hardly interact out of the forum, although a couple hang on IRC, which is natural; some people develop closer connections.
Most members on here appear to be wanting to learn and exchange knowledge with other INTPs or other members of rational temperaments. Of course, all temperaments are welcome; they add a nice twist to discussions.
I think this is a general forum goal which is aligned with the founder's visions; a safe-haven for INTPs where discussions about controversial and sometimes difficult topics are open to all -- as long as the discussions don't become flame-wars which discourages other posters from participating.
Obviously, discussions that turn into aggressive one-upmanship-type interaction, and personal attacks are discouraged. People who engage in this type of interaction will receive warnings up to three times. Then it's up to them.
If such a competitive atmosphere does not reveal any pattern of illumination for the benefit of the forum, it best to stop them from becoming circle-jerks that lead nowhere fast. If similar threads pop up, they will be shut for the same reason and the reason is usually explained some place or another. Some members who have been absent for a while and not read carefully through these threads may then think there is an absence of information.
So this is a potential problem I see here, as of recently.
The information about forum happenings is spread over numerous threads and is thus difficult to find for some.
So, as mods, perhaps we have to sit down and see if we can somehow compile information more effectively, although considering the way things pan out during events, it can sometimes be a bit of a major task.
But, it is also recommended that each individual member do as much research as they are capable of themselves, particularly if they have been absent for a while. The information about someone's demise is usually easy to find if one goes back to the last post they made. It is also recommended to read their user history before jumping to conclusions. Click on the username drop-down menu and one will find more posts by this user.
Hmmm...I haven't finished this line of thought yet.
I will drop this here for now.