It was not till I became an adult that I realized that the school system is terrible. The system teaches students to 1. obey authority...and 2. to focus on tests. I had problems in school that I really didn't fathom about, till I was, again, an adult. I have semantic dyscalculia. This means that...any mathematical information goes into my brain, but doesn't stick...if it becomes lost over time. Think of it as filling a glass with water quickly. It makes bubbles which stay for a few seconds, then pop. The bubbles are math, and the pop is the time they stay in my head. I'm 21 and I still don't know the times table, I can't remember how to do division, percentages, or fractions. I have to use my fingers for counting, even with single digits at times. I remember 3 times from 1st to 3rd grade I can remember my math being bad. 1st grade...I couldn't count beyond 10 for some reason, I was stuck on 6+6 and kept thinking...'''s 6!, it HAS to be'', I looked over on someones paper and saw 12, I'm like ''well...ok...I guess that's right''. 2nd grade, I was the only one in my class who did not, and could not memorize the times table. 3rd grade, I could not understand fractions at all...cross multiply and divide what?! It was worse with them being odd numbers at times. All this agony went up till I was home schooled in high school, which did nothing to help either. The schools did nothing, and it seems they didn't notice, I never thought of asking for help either since I'm naturally shy. I'd rather have a 1 on 1 lesson with a teacher anyway.
I agree with some of the posts on this page, the schools don't compensate for the learning style of all the students, especially the introverts, everyone seems to be taught to be extroverted. Update the system to be like Finland's, and make sure the teachers have a higher degree, not just a certificate or bachelors.