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The Random Thoughts Thread


Together forever
Local time
Today 9:43 PM
Mar 6, 2015
our brain
One thing I really regret is not arguing more fervently for controversial subjects/ideas while in school. It's so hilarious to think of teachers constantly being stumped by your logical but "wrong" ideas and being unable to properly argue against you.


Redshirt who doesn't die
Local time
Today 3:43 PM
Jan 3, 2016
Asheville, NC
someone who works at NASA might lie

Or they might even tell you the truth. But how would you verify that it's the truth, or a lie?

You don't seem to want to trust people at NASA. Why do you want to trust people not at NASA? They can lie to you as well.


Local time
Today 8:43 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
I have gained a possible infatuation with space theories and exploration, and I've been looking into space-time continuum, but the thing is, while binge researching I came across the moon landing and mars rover stuff being so called 'bullshit' and I kinda believe it. When NASA releases images on mars they block out the sky and any reflections of it, and NASA will only take pictures with a short horizon line, and maybe they just put a rover in the desert and said its mars... And the moon landing was just propaganda, and people have good reasons why it might be, and also ideas to prove it is. :confused:



I and they might be wrong, but its debatable when into detail if you ask me.

It's a subject which I'm interested in...

Soon I'll be looking into NASA's predecessor NACA, and their secret astronaut program.
There have been many secret astronaut programs, on both sides of the Iron curtain.

NACA was originally attached to Navy legislation, and that's why we find the NAVY so heavily involved in Space Command, running parallel to the Army's programs... Of course NASA eventually evolved to take those programs out of the public eye, and replace them with the farce that we call the Moon Landing (lol)




Redshirt who doesn't die
Local time
Today 3:43 PM
Jan 3, 2016
Asheville, NC
"These are high point assessments, and everybody should do them!", so I asked "What if we don't care about this unit, and will it ever help us in life?"

I am having trouble finding useful info on what a "High Point Assessment" is. It seems to be some kind of testing regime used in K-12 in the USA. The few materials I have found on it, are hopelessly bureaucratic and Dilberty, not saying what it's actually about. I will therefore assume that it is merely "something that the powers-that-be are going to test you on."

One thing to consider when blowing off material for "important" tests, is that it will lower your chances of getting into various colleges. Scores matter. They're not the only thing that matters, but they do matter.

Example: I and my youngest sister are equally smart. We are also 11 years apart. When I went through high school, I was highly competitive, had all kinds of awards and extracurriculars, blew the doors off of any test you could think of, etc. Really my only 'average' area was foreign language, everything else I was pretty darned good at. I got into the college I thought I wanted to go to, Cornell U., and I'm pretty sure I would have been accepted anywhere I wanted to go. I was pretty much a slam dunk.

My sister, in contrast, didn't score so well on some tests IIRC. She wanted to go to Duke. She didn't get in. That really hurt her pride at the time. In the long run it didn't matter, she went to a perfectly good school (American University in Washington D.C.), stayed in the D.C. area, and had a perfectly good life afterwards. Whereas I have bad feeling about Cornell. I got a lot out of it academically but I had no social life because they worked me too hard. Ironically, we both majored in some kind of Anthropology and both did nothing with it career-wise after college. She makes far more money than I do right now, but I suspect one day I'll make far more money than her.

"What college you end up at" is hardly the be-all end-all of your life. But it is something that shapes your choices along the way. It's definitely not a good idea to be such a "rebel without a clue" that you score so low that colleges in general don't want you. Unless you're really, really sure that college is not for you, and you'd rather go straight to work, or a trade school, or the military, or go backpacking for awhile, or some such.


Local time
Today 8:43 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Point of view

In this fight, it is not the sex workers rights that are being fought for; it is the pimps – fighting for the rights to access the woman’s body. Via de-criminalization, it would be made easier for the men who are trafficking, who are profiting from the advertising of women in urban centers. This is because these are the ones whose lives are going to be made better if prostitution is de-criminalized. For women, it becomes an open pit – dumped into it.

The way to end prostitution and the way to advance women’s liberation is to find ways to challenge the patriarchy. De-criminalizing prostitution does nothing to achieve this. It reinforces imperialism, it reinforces the male ownership of women – the male’s right to orgasm over the human rights of any woman or girl.

Should prostitution be a crime? This is not the right question. The right question is; should women be available for sale?


Redshirt who doesn't die
Local time
Today 3:43 PM
Jan 3, 2016
Asheville, NC
Another view on decriminalization, is that it changes supply and demand so that criminals do not have anywhere near as much control over the market. If any woman can sell her body if she wants, then there isn't nearly as much need for pimps, or for hookers in general. If the State regulates the prostitution, as is done in The Netherlands, then that decreases the supply again, but there still may be enough supply that underground sex trafficking is not particularly needed by society. The Netherlands would be a good case study for that actually. I don't know whether they have a human trafficking / sex slave industry or not, or how much of one if they do.

Actually in the case of The Netherlands, I believe prostitution isn't merely decriminalized, it is fully legal.

People often like to moralize and declare "what should be", rather than seek any practical solution to minimizing a societal problem. I personally don't consider sex for money to be a problem. I do consider sex slavery and human trafficking to be a problem, which is what you get when a crime lord is controlling the sex for money exchanges.

Hm. Surprisingly, this article says The Netherlands is a big part of the problem. I haven't bothered to read it deeply or thoroughly; it is a data point. It would seem to indicate that globalism changes the equation quite a bit. Much as it does for terrorism, i.e. radical Muslims hiding out in Belgium to bomb France.


Redshirt who doesn't die
Local time
Today 3:43 PM
Jan 3, 2016
Asheville, NC
How did all the Judger males of the world survive human evolution without killing each other? Did they just use their attitudes and force to build up regimented societies, with bigger and bigger armies, wiping out more and more neighbors, until they controlled very large land areas? I don't see how they survive unless they're on the offense beating the crap out of somebody, with a much better army than their opponents. If you had an equal number of J males within a society, I'd expect them to mostly have "duels of honor" and kill themselves off.

Maybe it's an even/odd number thing. If an odd number remain, 1 becomes the Chief. The rest are dead.


Together forever
Local time
Today 9:43 PM
Mar 6, 2015
our brain
It's amazing how a small difference in weight can make. At 233 lbs I feel super amazing and gain 3 lbs to 236 I start feeling super fat and awful and consequently lose that weight again, but since I am not looking to lose weight atm I gain it back and repeat... amusing if nothing else.

But since I am starting to feel better mentally again and my body has clearly decided that 235 is the limit and no more I guess I will end up making the tiniest effort(which is all I need) soon enough. Then again such things as feeling mentally well are beyond fickle for me but small things like starting to post here again seem to be a solid indication from experience.


Redshirt who doesn't die
Local time
Today 3:43 PM
Jan 3, 2016
Asheville, NC
Try eating more fat, and cutting out as many carbs and sugars as you can stand. Including fruit sugar; sugar is sugar. Fat doesn't make you fat. This may give you either a wilder weight swing for more entertainment value, or great disappointment when you keep the weight off!


Redshirt who doesn't die
Local time
Today 3:43 PM
Jan 3, 2016
Asheville, NC
The public loves my dog. So do I. Most of the time when I'm walking around, I'm glad that the joy of this dog is making other people happy. Sometimes though, I think about how people are only interested in the dog, and never me. Nobody assumes I might be a nice or interesting person to talk to, on the basis that my dog is nice. Perhaps most people don't realize that refraining from ruining a dog, takes a bit of doing. Nah... people just don't care. They like cute things, the dog makes them feel good, and I don't. Maybe it's like being in the Beatles and you're walking around with Paul, "the cute one".

I don't hold it against my dog. I love him. He is the best thing in my life.

I have realized that giving into a mild depressive impulse, is like dieting. In borderline cases, resisting the temptation of being depressed, requires the same mental discipline of cutting off that part of your mind that is saying, "I WANT THAT. I WANT TO GO THERE." I've cut it off many times standing in front of the ice cream freezer at the grocery store. Being poor and having it be relatively expensive, helps. Although, this summer I even managed to cut it off at closeout stores where, say, Haagen Daaz was going for $1/pint. In that case, lack of flavor variety helped. Anyways, it is the same thing to say to a mild depression, "NO. I'M NOT DOING THAT." It is the same kind of desire / reward circuit in the mind. Yes, mild depression is a sort of self-inflicted reward.

Wouldn't presume it helps with a severe depression. Mine are mild.

I also hope that water with a lot of lemon juice, aka lemonade without sugar, changes mild depressive mental state. Whether by actual mechanism, such as stimulating the appetite digestive juices, and neural pathways, or complete placebo. I'd take any.

Heh, acid tongue therapy for mild depression. Who knows? Maybe it invigorates somehow.

I proved a couple of weeks ago that "dark chocolate therapy" definitely doesn't work.


ENTPlease kill me
Local time
Today 8:43 PM
Sep 29, 2016
Jacks Immagination
Me and a friend (Who is an INFP) went out to go a park across the street at 6pm, it ending up being a lot more... We ending up eating in a low budget mexican bar-grill downtown milwaukee at 10. It started at my friends house trying to do laundry with a washing machine that may be broken, then I brought up that we should grab a speaker and food and money and go to the park across the street, so he agreed, so we grabbed a bunch of chip bags and walked to the park, but we started talking about life and emotions, so we walked past the park, then we got lost, but we kept walking and talking, ao around 9ish we got into a dead end, so we snuck past a few houses to find out what was past them, past a few fences we got back onto a street and kept going, we saw a hindu like temple, so I went inside, my friend stayed out, it was creepy, but I looked around, after about 30 minutes of investigating, we started walking again, but when we got hungry we ate all the chips, then about at 10 we ended up in south milwaukee and went into a small mexican restaurant/bar/grille, and ordered the best tacos ever, but thy were really cheaply served on a paper plate with a old ketchup container of tabasco, then my friend fell asleep, then when he woke up we got kicked out and walked home, he walked home, then I got a bike then got home at 12ish.


Local time
Today 8:43 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Cherry Cola, banned for allowing Bronto use of his back doors. (not for the first time)



Redshirt who doesn't die
Local time
Today 3:43 PM
Jan 3, 2016
Asheville, NC
Cherry Cola, banned for allowing Bronto use of his back doors. (not for the first time)


When I reported that guy's post, with the simple reason-for-reporting of "really?", part of me thought it could be Bronto returned. It certainly was a stick-your-middle-finger-at-the-moderators kind of person, and even for a Random Thoughts post, he seemed to come from nowhere all of a sudden. Very childish. I liked Bronto the thinking person; I don't like Bronto the petulant child at all.


Together forever
Local time
Today 9:43 PM
Mar 6, 2015
our brain
It's really funny how I am more tempted to spend 1k$(and a lot of effort to make it happen) on getting a cosplay costume than on say a new high end computer... a novel feeling.


angry insecure male
Local time
Today 9:43 PM
Jul 18, 2015
Every time I look at stuff I did a year ago, everything looks so stupid and ignorant. The only thing that remains valid is the questions I asked.


is escaping
Local time
Today 2:43 PM
Apr 12, 2014
only halfway there
I have become a total teddy bear. conversion complete :cat: also fuck medicine :) rip ps 2014-2016


Redshirt who doesn't die
Local time
Today 3:43 PM
Jan 3, 2016
Asheville, NC
Every time I look at stuff I did a year ago, everything looks so stupid and ignorant. The only thing that remains valid is the questions I asked.

I may look back at the many non-results I obtained as disappointing, but I don't ascribe them to my stupidity or ignorance. Some things are hard to deal with, and some forces are bigger than ourselves. I do keep trying to "fight the fight", whatever I think it is.

I would suggest you not make negative interpretations of your past actions by default.


Redshirt who doesn't die
Local time
Today 3:43 PM
Jan 3, 2016
Asheville, NC
It's really funny how I am more tempted to spend 1k$(and a lot of effort to make it happen) on getting a cosplay costume than on say a new high end computer... a novel feeling.

I'm not convinced that 'high end' computers are worth buying. I've spent less on every successive computer I've bought, and I'm a 3d graphics software developer. Technically I spent $0 on the 2 old laptops I'm using now, as they were given to me, but on the other hand I didn't buy 'em. I've contemplated buying a new laptop when I am at a higher point of the cash flow, but I've never imagined bothering to spend $1k, it just isn't necessary nowadays. Even a decent gaming laptop can be had for less than that. Game developers have to target the machines that the masses can mostly afford, for the most part, so I think the 'high end' has tended to be a bragging rights / status / more money than sense market.

As for cosplay... not my world. Guess it must be valuable to you. I looked at 'CON' tickets awhile ago and saw they were pretty expensive. Not something I was just going to up and go to. Wonder how difficult it would be to sneak in? I sorta did that at a SIGGRAPH one time, just bought the cheapest ticket and snuck into whatever conference proceedings I wanted to hear about. Some doors were guarded, others weren't.


Together forever
Local time
Today 9:43 PM
Mar 6, 2015
our brain
Swedish taxes, 1k$ effectively equals 700 in the states and you need that much to get a computer to play current high end games. That said I have decided to get a new computer every time a new console comes out, that is about as powerful(the last gaming laptop I got was 1.5 years ago and it's just powerful enough that any ps4 level games can be run on it). May change my mind if VR starts kicking off.

Basically if I get a new comp I need it to be able to run next gen console games or VR on decent quality, otherwise it's not worth it. And when I say high end I mean mid-high end(if not just mid), truly high end costs at least 2k$.

Also when it comes to performance you often get value for the more money you spend unlike something like a car which is mostly cosmetic. A 50% increase in cost giving a corresponding performance boost is often what happens.

I don't really want to cosplay for a convention I want to cosplay and pretend to be the cosplayer I am enacting like a story or a good game/book.

Bad Itch

Push to Start
Local time
Today 4:43 PM
Jul 15, 2016
There is room on the floor for EVERYTHING that can't go on a shelf. And most of the stuff that can.

Minute Squirrel

Local time
Today 8:43 PM
Jan 9, 2016
Sometimes, when I get bored I place the edge or tip of my pocket knife to my bare arm, hand, throat, ect. and I just start to press down. Something about the steel being just a simple movement away form slicing my skin open is invigorating. Its like a tiny little adrenaline rush as I begin to press down on my bare flesh harder and harder.

I never actually draw blood, though sometimes I want to, just to test myself, to see how I'd handle the pain.

Is vaginal discharge still vaginal if you put it in your mouth and then spit it out? It's oral discharge now. Right? :confused:


Together forever
Local time
Today 9:43 PM
Mar 6, 2015
our brain
Sometimes, when I get bored I place the edge or tip of my pocket knife to my bare arm, hand, throat, ect. and I just start to press down. Something about the steel being just a simple movement away form slicing my skin open is invigorating. Its like a tiny little adrenaline rush as I begin to press down on my bare flesh harder and harder.

I never actually draw blood, though sometimes I want to, just to test myself, to see how I'd handle the pain.

Is vaginal discharge still vaginal if you put it in your mouth and then spit it out? It's oral discharge now. Right? :confused:

I believe it would count as a mixture of both. Edit: hmm, no, the fluid that is discharged would be a mixture while the discharge itself would be oral.

Also the knife scare trick is nice, I use a much lighter version of it sometimes, has to be the easiest way to earn a "kick". One has to be careful to not abuse such things though, otherwise you can grow desensitized to it in short order(which is why I generally refrain, best save free adrenaline kicks for when needed).

Bad Itch

Push to Start
Local time
Today 4:43 PM
Jul 15, 2016
Is vaginal discharge still vaginal if you put it in your mouth and then spit it out? It's oral discharge now. Right? :confused:

Well... it's a vaginal emission you have stored in your mouth and are discharging orally.

I think technically the fluid being discharged would remain a "vaginal discharge" but the act of discharging it from your mouth would be an oral discharge.

It would be more like... "vagorinal discharge." *vigorous nod*


ENTPlease kill me
Local time
Today 8:43 PM
Sep 29, 2016
Jacks Immagination
I almost drowned in gym class because my friend was flirting. In my gym class we started swimming, (I don't know why when winter is around the corner here in Wisconsin) And I am a horrible swimmer, and I was with my friend, who is a very talented swimmer, and we were in the deep end, so the teacher would call from Sophomores to swim first, then Juniors then Seniors. So when he called Seniors my friend jumped in and I slowly and cautiously got in, (My friend told me he would help me swim) so in the middle of the pool I stopped moving and of course started to sink, and when a Junior helped me surface I saw my friend talking to some girls, I grew very quiet the rest of the class, and when we did another lap, I could barely keep up, and guess who didn't help.

And when men vape fake cigarettes, does that cause vaginal cancer?


Prolific Member
Local time
Tomorrow 7:43 AM
Aug 24, 2008
Old coffee tastes like cockroaches. :)


Local time
Today 8:43 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
This forum's getting weirder, and I'm judging you all.


Together forever
Local time
Today 9:43 PM
Mar 6, 2015
our brain
I fear something and I don't entirely know why. Some sort of combination of change/disappointment fear? Idk. It irks me to no end.


Local time
Today 8:43 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
It's a subject which I'm interested in...

Soon I'll be looking into NASA's predecessor NACA, and their secret astronaut program.
There have been many secret astronaut programs, on both sides of the Iron curtain.

NACA was originally attached to Navy legislation, and that's why we find the NAVY so heavily involved in Space Command, running parallel to the Army's programs... Of course NASA eventually evolved to take those programs out of the public eye, and replace them with the farce that we call the Moon Landing (lol)



I'm listening to Mae Brussell , YouTube "Bill Kaysings book We Never Went to the Moon" (America's 30 Billion Dollar Swindle)

She discusses the book, the use of manchurian candidates, the murder of all Kennedy presidential candidates, the space race, the militarisation of space, Howard Hughes, aerospace lobbying of government, the faking of the moon landings, hypnotised astronauts, moon landing simulation , Aldrin breaks his programming, moon stage set in "Diamonds are forever" Bond, Fleming , and more.

We Never Went to the Moon PDF
http://www.checktheevidence.com/pdf/We Never Went To The Moon - By Bill Kaysing-txt.pdf


Local time
Today 9:43 PM
May 21, 2011
I'm always drunk when I visit this forum, but not today.
I think I'll come back later. :walkout:


Prolific Member
Local time
Tomorrow 7:43 AM
Aug 24, 2008
Full spectrum of emotion or coping/productivity?


Together forever
Local time
Today 9:43 PM
Mar 6, 2015
our brain
Once you read/watch something truly amazing, when you get to the point of ecstasy and it truly looks like it can't get any better, stop. Just leave it be and never touch it again. That way the memory of how amazing it is will remain with you for a long time making you happy, making you dream of it and how it could be over and over.

The only thing that will happen after the climax is that the story ends or it gets worse, both of which ruins the memory of it. The memory, the dream, the image of perfection, of potential is worth far more than what comes next in the story.

I don't dream of stories that ended.


Local time
Today 8:43 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
I do not fucking understand why it is a that some people insist on putting a plastic bowl, inside the metal sink.??!!

!! :@ !!

Every time I want to use the fucking sink, I have to empty the god damn basin first because its no doubt accumulated a whole bunch of unused water from the taps.. and then after its taken me a whole minute to drain the old dirty/stale water I have to actually remove the god damn plastic bowl so it doesn't fill up again whilst I have the bloody tap running.... Even when I wash the dishes, I do it without the fucking additional bowl, why? Because there's more fucking room that way, and less faffing about!

I could fucking shoot who ever started the trend of using an additional plastic bowl in the fucking throat and watch them gag on their blood flow, the fucking irritating, inefficient fucktards.


Local time
Today 8:43 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Funniest thing I've seen on TV all day on Judge Judy


"He sent me threatening messages, he threatened to kill me"

*Guy shrugs*

"What can I say, I was high on meth"

*Wry smile*


Redshirt who doesn't die
Local time
Today 3:43 PM
Jan 3, 2016
Asheville, NC
Once you read/watch something truly amazing, when you get to the point of ecstasy and it truly looks like it can't get any better, stop. Just leave it be and never touch it again. That way the memory of how amazing it is will remain with you for a long time making you happy, making you dream of it and how it could be over and over.

Corollary: reconsider visiting old memories, such as computer games from your childhood / early adulthood. If you replay them now, you may notice their many defects, instead of whatever mystique they had for you back then. Although, deconstructing things can be a useful mental pursuit... but it's like carbon dating a whole object. The object is gone.

Shortly after I woke up this morning, I recalled a pile of episodes from The Brady Bunch. Boy I sure must have watched a lot of that, to have that good a recall of it. I'm a little unclear on whether Alice the housekeeper lived in the house or not.


Redshirt who doesn't die
Local time
Today 3:43 PM
Jan 3, 2016
Asheville, NC
I could fucking shoot who ever started the trend of using an additional plastic bowl in the fucking throat and watch them gag on their blood flow, the fucking irritating, inefficient fucktards.

Move beyond the economic stage of housemates. The feelings of wanting to kill them are not going to go away. Ever.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 8:43 PM
Aug 13, 2009
I didn't imagine, at least after childhood, that there was anything like being outside language. Sure, some things are unexplainable. Perhaps most things are. But they are unexplainable in language. As one enters deeper into the inferno - in the comedy, in life - sense is gradually dissolving until all that is left visible is man as a suffering animal. Having no longer any refuge in the making of symbols, the only signifiers left at her disposal are cries of agony, getting increasingly loud as she descends. The breaking up of language gives way to violence.
No more can the sufferer codify and address her fears through words softly spoken into a trusted ear, and no more can any word reach and comfort her.

“He doth accuse himself. Nimrod is this,
Through whose ill counsel in the world no more
One tongue prevails. But pass we on, nor waste
Our words; for so each language is to him,
As his to others, understood by none.”
Canto XXXI


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Today 2:43 PM
Jan 24, 2013
Funniest thing I've seen on TV all day on Judge Judy


"He sent me threatening messages, he threatened to kill me"

*Guy shrugs*

"What can I say, I was high on meth"

*Wry smile*

You have Judge Judy in the UK? What is this madness?!?!


Local time
Today 8:43 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
You have Judge Judy in the UK? What is this madness?!?!

Yea man! My mom made me watch it over the years..

Gar, Judge bloody Judy..

Youknow I really like her in some regards, but you see when she's trying to enforce that some of that SJ bollox...?!!

Our Jeremy Kyle is the same.

Ugh, we have a new Judge program called, Rinder.. and he's such a smarmy camp bastard, I'd take Judge Judy any day.


Local time
Today 8:43 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
I want to live on a canal boat.

They cost anywhere from £5,000 to £50, 000.

Renovating on one would be cool...


ENTPlease kill me
Local time
Today 8:43 PM
Sep 29, 2016
Jacks Immagination
Does any one start something big and then you forget about it in a few days? Me and a friend were planning to live this house where his uncle used to live, then the idea just kinda died off after a day.


Local time
Today 8:43 PM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
I'm watching a Channel 4 documentary called Your Face Says it All.. the science behind what we find attractive and why...


Together forever
Local time
Today 9:43 PM
Mar 6, 2015
our brain
Eating something after fasting(due to laziness) for 40+ hours is heavenly. Especially when the first thing you taste is candy.
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