The public loves my dog. So do I. Most of the time when I'm walking around, I'm glad that the joy of this dog is making other people happy. Sometimes though, I think about how people are only interested in the dog, and never me. Nobody assumes I might be a nice or interesting person to talk to, on the basis that my dog is nice. Perhaps most people don't realize that refraining from ruining a dog, takes a bit of doing. Nah... people just don't care. They like cute things, the dog makes them feel good, and I don't. Maybe it's like being in the Beatles and you're walking around with Paul, "the cute one".
I don't hold it against my dog. I love him. He is the best thing in my life.
I have realized that giving into a mild depressive impulse, is like dieting. In borderline cases, resisting the temptation of being depressed, requires the same mental discipline of cutting off that part of your mind that is saying, "I WANT THAT. I WANT TO GO THERE." I've cut it off many times standing in front of the ice cream freezer at the grocery store. Being poor and having it be relatively expensive, helps. Although, this summer I even managed to cut it off at closeout stores where, say, Haagen Daaz was going for $1/pint. In that case, lack of flavor variety helped. Anyways, it is the same thing to say to a mild depression, "NO. I'M NOT DOING THAT." It is the same kind of desire / reward circuit in the mind. Yes, mild depression is a sort of self-inflicted reward.
Wouldn't presume it helps with a severe depression. Mine are mild.
I also hope that water with a lot of lemon juice, aka lemonade without sugar, changes mild depressive mental state. Whether by actual mechanism, such as stimulating the appetite digestive juices, and neural pathways, or complete placebo. I'd take any.
Heh, acid tongue therapy for mild depression. Who knows? Maybe it invigorates somehow.
I proved a couple of weeks ago that "dark chocolate therapy" definitely doesn't work.