No matter how hard I think, I just can't think of a way for him to do that(at least on this forum), or even what something like "social havoc" would look like here... I mean, have you seen this place? Now I am just curious what supposedly harmful thing he could possibly do.
Hmm, maybe you were referencing IRL situations on your side? Such an occurrence sounds far more plausible.
No matter how hard I think, I just can't think of a way for him to do that(at least on this forum), or even what something like "social havoc" would look like here... I mean, have you seen this place? Now I am just curious what supposedly harmful thing he could possibly do.
Hmm, maybe you were referencing IRL situations on your side? Such an occurrence sounds far more plausible.
But to be more specific, I know a handful of members on a more personal level, and he's got all the goss on them, I wouldn't want him slipping up and dropping anyone in anything... most especially me, lol.
Not to mention he's just dying to congratulate a couple of the members who piss me off the most. .. he's a sarcastic little shit, and I've done enough to him over the years to warrant a little fuckery haha.
Sigh, those kinds of casual interactions seems so meaningless and shallow to me. I really would never be able to put up with them for any length of time.
Sigh, those kinds of casual interactions seems so meaningless and shallow to me. I really would never be able to put up with them for any length of time.
The "fuck you" has risen in me again. I'm gonna ride this as long as I can. (Probably only a few hours. Hahaha. But my abject failure amuses me right now.)
The "fuck you" has risen in me again. I'm gonna ride this as long as I can. (Probably only a few hours. Hahaha. But my abject failure amuses me right now.)
He finds it all rather amusing. He's not accustomed to forums, and he is quite confused by some some of things that we would find the norm... as I say, I'm more concerned about him relaying the things which I think...
Why would someone give you exposure therapy to being touched? someone did this to me and it worked, but only for them touching me. Would one expect this to work universally to being touched by other people? this is bullshit, now i want to hug this person and feel bad when i cant. why do this to someone? is this how normal people are?
I suddenly feel like a dog, as in always going after knowledge/information like a dog. I find the thought itself insulting, but I like dogs. I don't really like cats, though I resemble a cat more than a dog. I feel extremely incapable in terms of relationships in general... My life is fucked.
Ugh, its seems like there isn't a day that goes by without the Taiwanese locals either attacking, murdering, or raping the tourists.. If not all at once.
I lost a Bill Cipher pin I had on my backpack :/
Ver sad.
I like learning alphabets but not languages.
I hate trying to speak in different languages because I'm afraid of messing up and saying something terrible.
Bitter Rival by Sleigh Bells has been playing in my head for over an hour.
I have to draw A LOT by Saturday because I'm seeing my friend and we always show each other what we've drawn since last seeing each other. It's great and actually really motivating. Wish we went to the same school, then we could do something like that with homework? I don't know.
I sort of miss being depressed. I miss the anger and the power that came from that.
"Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leases to hate. Hate leads to suffering."
This quote is so extremely true. Except, in some cases, the 'suffering' part.
Are they saying that hate leads to the hater suffering, or the hater causing suffering to others? Or both, I guess. Just hate leads to suffering in general.
Anyway... I'm currently on the light side I guess. And I don't want to be on the darkside. I'm open to it though. The thing is I want to want to be on the dark side.
If you had asked me last year which side I'd be on, I'd choose the dark side.
I miss that. I miss the motivation and ambition that came with it. It was so great. I don't care how sick I was, but in September I felt like a god. Invincible, powerful, nothing could touch me. I want that back but don't want to go down that road again.
I remember being this way. I didn't much like the cornucopia (lol that word always sounds so ridiculous) of unpleasant emotions, but the suffering made me stronger. What I really liked about the depression/isolation was that I was able to achieve the sorts of insights that people usually have to turn to drugs for. You do go quite a bit mad, yes, being alone.
My advice would be to play to your strengths and to try to channel your energy, whatever it might be, into causes you find worthwhile.
As for the Dark Side bits...I can kinda relate. Kylo Ren is now my favorite character in all of Star Wars. I like the new paradigm they're using for understanding the Dark Side: It is not about evil, per se, but rather about power, about unlocking potential. But I think I would still be a Jedi, given the choice.
I like the new paradigm they're using for understanding the Dark Side: It is not about evil, per se, but rather about power, about unlocking potential.
To be honest, it's what the satanist movement was kind of about too... not evil, just empowerment. Tying it to something that would get a reaction was just a way to get attention.
I remember being this way. I didn't much like the cornucopia (lol that word always sounds so ridiculous) of unpleasant emotions, but the suffering made me stronger. What I really liked about the depression/isolation was that I was able to achieve the sorts of insights that people usually have to turn to drugs for. You do go quite a bit mad, yes, being alone.
My advice would be to play to your strengths and to try to channel your energy, whatever it might be, into causes you find worthwhile.
As for the Dark Side bits...I can kinda relate. Kylo Ren is now my favorite character in all of Star Wars. I like the new paradigm they're using for understanding the Dark Side: It is not about evil, per se, but rather about power, about unlocking potential. But I think I would still be a Jedi, given the choice.
I like the new paradigm they're using for understanding the Dark Side: It is not about evil, per se, but rather about power, about unlocking potential.
'Evil' is so arbitrary...Well, killing people for no reason is evil. That isn't so arbitrary. But to call the Dark Side evil, or to view Light vs Dark as equivalent to Good vs Evil, seems wrong.
If "fear is the path to the Dark Side", or as the saying goes:
Fear --> Anger --> Hate --> Suffering --> Dark Side
This is usually interpreted as the pathway to being evil. But if we try viewing the Dark Side as being in a state of having power as opposed to being evil (although those can definitely overlap!)...
Fear --> Anger --> Hate --> Suffering --> Power
Maybe it's the illusion of power (such as in self harm or eating disorders), maybe you are in a situation where you can control other people... Whichever way, you find something to control and latch onto it; become dependent upon it. You need the highs of power. You have a lot of ambition, yeah, but that ambition is just the addiction to power.
('I can take over the world!' Even if you do, it's just you trying to satisfy your power cravings. This isn't necessarily "bad" but I'll get to that later...)
During my strongest 'power high' ...
(a mixture being half starved to death + being very suicidal + having nothing to lose)
... I genuinely felt like a god.
But are you really in control? Nope. You are being controlled by the desire of control itself.
I guess it's more
Fear --> Anger --> Hate --> Suffering --> Control addiction.
Some people are naturally ambitious. You hear stories of people who've had a dream from a young age and fought throughout their lives to achieve it.
Others don't really work like that. I know I don't. I'll get random, very occasional strikes of ambition, but they usually are completely gone within a few hours.
The only time I've really been able to cling to my ambition was when I had gone down the fear path.
The only time I've made a long term goal and actually stuck to it was when I said "starve yourself."
The Dark Side isn't really that beautiful when you're seeing it in hindsight. But if you're already somewhere on the fear path, it seems so alluring. Their cookies hold promises of power, strength, control, wicked joy.
If you've gotten to the dangerous control addiction stage, you'll see start to see that. It's scary to realize how sick you are. But once you've seen that, and you realize why you're where you are, then you can start to "recover." (That phrase always bothers me... 'I'm recovering from' what ever... Idk. It seems insulting. I don't know why but it just really really irks me. I'm not 'recovering' or 'getting better'. I'd rather say 'I'm less depressed than I once was' than 'I have recovered from depression'.)
I no longer have an eating disorder, I don't want to die, I wouldn't consider myself depressed. (Although I've been a bit gloomy and introspective recently. Writing this out is helping.)
Right now, I'm at a place where I want to get to the "Power" step without having to go through Fear, Anger, and Hate again.
I went to therapy for anxiety because it was causing problems- but now I can't really get to the fear path anymore because now I know how to deal with fear!
This is what is frustrating me. I want power again but I can't get there the same way I did before.
I've been dwelling on the past a lot...
Thoughts like 'I wish I had stayed in my control addiction stage. I wish I could have clung to it. I wish I still had something I could hate strongly enough to keep me there.' have been going through my head ever since I started to become less depressed.
But I know that I don't actually want to be depressed again; depression really sucks. I don't want the depression. But I know that in the past, depression has lead to feeling ambitious and power hungry. I want those feelings again but don't know any ways to get them without depression or 'the fear path.'
So far, my path has been:
Fear --> Anger --> Hate --> Suffering --> Control addiction / 'illusion of power’ cycle --> becoming aware of my flawed coping mechanisms --> recovery process --> stability--> wanting control again
Is this a path to the Light Side? If so, is it also a pathway to feeling ambitious and power hungry?
I'm not sure. But I do know that you can get a healthy sense of control without having to venture down the Dark Side.
Staying on top of your school work. Actively pursuing things you love, such as art, music, a branch of science that fascinates you. Learning a language, traveling the world, starting a business, whatever it is that makes your heart sing. Do it.
Note to self- If you can starve yourself for months, you have a crazy strong willpower. Doing your homework takes less willpower than that! You can do it. Use that crazy strong willpower to achieve healthy goals.
You are capable of so much.
So "power" does not necessarily equal "Dark Side."
This is so cool, I've been down the fear path. I've seen the power of the Dark Side, but it's extremely difficult to get healthy power there.
I'm on my way to the Light, I guess. I've yet to see the true power that it has to offer. So maybe I'll try it out.. Just to see for myself what it's like..
Maybe Kylo will end up on this journey as well
His redemption arc is gonna be amazing and so relatable.
... I could go off on a tangent about how fictional characters can have huge importance in the lives of individuals and how it's important to have complex characters so everyone has someone they can see themselves in but I'm not going to do that because you guys probably get the idea.
Star wars representation of morals annoys me. Made worse by the brainwashing effects of "the force" which seemingly amplifies any emotion to dangerous levels.(And prevents most options but the "light" or "dark" side.).
Funny thing you can easily take the Jedi doctrines of self control and simply give it to a amoral or selfish character and you would have a perfectly fine villain that isn't an emotional wreck. Going to the dark side is simply stupid as it is 1. It is not particularly more powerful than the "light side" in combat potential and 2 it's directly linked to ones emotional state, which I think is far inferior to a doctrine based on self control.
Also, I refuse to acknowledge the good/evil element of this all.
To me light side= A philosphy based on self control and emotional repression, that has the arbitrary and unnecessary addition of a moral doctrine as well.
Dark side = A philosophy based on emotional expressiveness that unfortunately due to the setting has a very strong emotional amplification effect on the user which cycles making the situation worse. It acts very much like a drug.
To me light side= A philosphy based on self control and emotional repression, that has the arbitrary and unnecessary addition of a moral doctrine as well.
Dark side = A philosophy based on emotional expressiveness that unfortunately due to the setting has a very strong emotional amplification effect on the user which cycles making the situation worse. It acts very much like a drug.
In general, it's along those lines. Although you could also summarize it as balance/harmony (all forces in equanimity) versus intensity (where a particular force is being used actively to achieve an ends, perhaps taken to an extremity). Restfulness versus movement/thrust.
It reminds me a bit of Jung's shadow, and the need to integrate the visible and the hidden sides of one's being. Some impulses are labeled as evil by society in order to control them, out of fear of the damage they might do, but without that active power, the visible "civil" side of a person also lacks power to achieve non-destructive ends. If you discard power, you not only lose power to destroy but power to heal; there is no efficacy to the person.
The Light and Dark side seem to try to exclude/dismiss each other rather than realizing they are both part of something bigger, and their staking out territory for themselves so that all the terrain is split fails to acknowledge there is common ground that could be tread on the path to enlightenment.
In general, it's along those lines. Although you could also summarize it as balance/harmony (all forces in equanimity) versus intensity (where a particular force is being used actively to achieve an ends, perhaps taken to an extremity). Restfulness versus movement/thrust.
The Light and Dark side seem to try to exclude/dismiss each other rather than realizing they are both part of something bigger, and their staking out territory for themselves so that all the terrain is split fails to acknowledge there is common ground that could be tread on the path to enlightenment.
I think that explanation is to vague, what is balance/harmony supposed to mean? What forces are you talking about? The intensity of what? What is this "something bigger"?
I prefer reffering to emotional states, actions, ways of thinking and morals because I seek to remove the mysticism and vagueness that permeates dark/light side dichotomy so you can gain a more rational understanding of how it all works(fun to do with many magic systems).
As for the second paragraph.
They do that because by the setting(emotional amplification and feedback loop) the only thing that is practical is one extremity or the other. If you go to far towards the middle in regards to accepting your emotions that will likely end up being exploited by the brainwashing mechanism.
At least that's how I try to rationalise it as the only other explanation is that they forgo logic because movie verse.(Which while true is not really an answer that leads to anything)
^I just wanted to add that, to me, Anakin did bring balance to the Force, and thus was the Chosen One, because he brought down the Jedi, who had gained far too much power by the apex of their Order. In the blindness and self-righteousness characteristic of them, they believed that "to bring balance to the Force" meant to destroy the Dark Side.^
Fear --> Anger --> Hate --> Suffering --> Control addiction / 'illusion of power’ cycle --> becoming aware of my flawed coping mechanisms --> recovery process --> stability--> wanting control again
Is this a path to the Light Side? If so, is it also a pathway to feeling ambitious and power hungry?
Maybe Kylo will end up on this journey as well
His redemption arc is gonna be amazing and so relatable.
Fear --> Anger --> Hate --> Suffering --> Control addiction --> becoming aware of flawed coping mechanisms --> recovery process --> stability--> wanting control again, tempted by the fear path again --> realizing he doesn't want to go down the fear path --> considers that the light side might have power to offer --> gradually, almost reluctantly but with curiosity, goes to the light side
I have no clue tbh
Perhaps we should try to remember these concepts within the Star Wars "bullshit" universe, and not our own. That's the real problem, the extrapolation of emotional fantasyland stuff to a reality where we don't actually have a Force, we can't actually make lightsabers leap into our hands with our minds, and hence there's no euphoria of gratuitous easy power to get addicted to. Basically, to have any power in our universe, most of us have to struggle. We are not wizards, we don't get to use magic to make things happen for us.
Compare religious bullshit. I have an ambition to write a computer RPG that explores the consequences of, what if this bullshit was all real and actually worked? I think human civilization would look a lot different than what we've got.
Compare Star Trek transporter bullshit. I know it was created to solve filming and budget problems, but the sociological consequences of such a technology are profound and never adequately dealt with in the show. They can't afford to do that, because the show has to be about human actors as main characters, rather than energy void weirdos.
Ugh, its seems like there isn't a day that goes by without the Taiwanese locals either attacking, murdering, or raping the tourists.. If not all at once.
*listens to Daddy Issues by the Neighborhood and thinks of Kylo Ren*
*sees a trash can and thinks of Kylo Ren*
*looks in the mirror and thinks of Kylo Ren*
[FONT=Myriad Roman, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif;]Abstract: [/FONT]
[FONT=Myriad Roman, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif;] This article discusses the results of the first empirical study providing evidence of regulatory “chilling effects” of Wikipedia users associated with online government surveillance. The study explores how traffic to Wikipedia articles on topics that raise privacy concerns for Wikipedia users decreased after the widespread publicity about NSA/PRISM surveillance revelations in June 2013. Using an interdisciplinary research design, the study tests the hypothesis, based on chilling effects theory, that traffic to privacy-sensitive Wikipedia articles reduced after the mass surveillance revelations. The Article finds not only a statistically significant immediate decline in traffic for these Wikipedia articles after June 2013, but also a change in the overall secular trend in the view count traffic, suggesting not only immediate but also long-term chilling effects resulting from the NSA/PRISM online surveillance revelations. These, and other results from the case study, not only offer compelling evidence for chilling effects associated with online surveillance, but also offer important insights about how we should understand such chilling effects and their scope, including how they interact with other dramatic or significant events (like war and conflict) and their broader implications for privacy, U.S. constitutional litigation, and the health of democratic society. This study is among the first to demonstrate — using either Wikipedia data or web traffic data more generally — how government surveillance and similar actions may impact online activities, including access to information and knowledge online. [/FONT]
Perhaps we should try to remember these concepts within the Star Wars "bullshit" universe, and not our own. That's the real problem, the extrapolation of emotional fantasyland stuff to a reality where we don't actually have a Force, we can't actually make lightsabers leap into our hands with our minds, and hence there's no euphoria of gratuitous easy power to get addicted to. Basically, to have any power in our universe, most of us have to struggle. We are not wizards, we don't get to use magic to make things happen for us.
Compare religious bullshit. I have an ambition to write a computer RPG that explores the consequences of, what if this bullshit was all real and actually worked? I think human civilization would look a lot different than what we've got.
Compare Star Trek transporter bullshit. I know it was created to solve filming and budget problems, but the sociological consequences of such a technology are profound and never adequately dealt with in the show. They can't afford to do that, because the show has to be about human actors as main characters, rather than energy void weirdos.
I hate my bank. I can't get past their security to move my own god damn money.
And this:
Why I might leave my bank: The NatWest Card Reader
I have received in the post a Card Reader from NatWest.
They have designed this device to beef up the security around the (excellent btw) online banking.
The flaw? The fact that we will eventually have to take the damn thing everywhere you go. And the card of course.
The whole point of online banking is, afaiac, the fact that you can use it anywhere. Now we will only be able to use it IF we have the card reader with us, IF we have the card with us, and IF it actually works. And IF the battery isn’t dead.
I regularly use NWOLB at home and at work, so what do they suggest? “You could use someone else’s.” Well that’s just stupid.
Further issues:
I have two accounts with NatWest, both of which are accessible with the same login credentials. However, only one of those accounts has a card new enough to use this card reader. When will I therefore be forced to start using the card reader? I don’t know, but I expect that they will send me a new card (meaning my saved card details at various sites will have to be updated) and probably another card reader.
It is my joint account which is ready for the card reader, but the other holder (the gf) wasn’t informed, and certainly wasn’t provided with a reader. She has also used NWOLB from work, so that’s four places we already use the service, i.e. three places we now won’t be able unless we carry this thing with us. Which we obviously can’t both do.
I am happy to pay the few extra pennies it would take to cover the fraud that this device might prevent.
I am happy to take the risk that it is my account that is compromised if they just abandon this daft device.
I am genuinely considering moving to another bank if this reader turns out to be compulsory.
I am too bloody knackered for a proper blogpost, so I am just going to relay some of the things I have learned today.
Thomas Edison was an assiduous reader of Michael Faraday's book on electrical experiments. He did not have a proper master under whom to apprentice, and so he used this book as his master. I am attempting to use Robert Greene's books as a master for life matters. I am desperate to avoid past patterns. At almost thirty years of age, I know my chances for anything remotely socially adaptive are running out soon. It makes me profoundly sad. I feel like the last of a dying breed. But damn if I am not going down without putting up a fight.
I assume that you are a member of the same dying breed, unless you are reproductive. We are like the Last Man described by Zarathustra, blinking and becoming ape. The one thing history books show is that at least people in the past knew how to sustain a civilization, even with lots of dying children and wives and husbands around them.
I like roads
Everything is connected
Places are connected by roads
Roads are good
You can look out the window when you are in the bus
The fields are very green
Maybe there are DEER?!?!
Deer are very good
Deer are the best
Watch for deer
It's good to listen to music when you travel
Because then you can think
And it puts you in a good and cool state of mind and energy
You can channel your emotions like the Force
If you want to cry you can do it
I've done it
Put on sad music and cry in the rain
Except you aren't in the rain
Because you're on a bus
But you're still sad
You can also be more positive tho
Like optimistic and happy
Why is the bus going this way
What the fuck
This is not the way to my house
This is what my thoughts look like; am I weird?
I don't want this to be too introspective
When I write things that are meta it gets cringey
Another friend of the family and local community member passed away yesterday. Unexpectedly and far too early; leaving behind her kids ages 19 & 13. She used to baby sit me years ago. She was a lovely lady, awesome. Real popular... She's the sort of person you would pull you by the arm and shove a shot in your hand if you're walking by her at the bar. Professional by day, professional party starter by night.
It was only 6 weeks ago we lost ***, leaving behind her 3 teenagers.
Reminds me of when we lost ****** years ago, and there was ***, and *****, and ****
We're such a close knit community considering .. but it's like everyone in is circle are dropping like flies. That's about 10 deaths since the start of the year. This can't be normal. 2016 is cursed.
Just watched Insidious.. Was creepy af.
Now watching Chapter 2... I'll be para all night.
The ESFP and ESFJ I'm watching it with will not stfu and they keep telling me the plot twists. They seem to think that the plot will be too complex for me, as it was for them the first 3 time's they watched them
So many pain nerves in testicles, and no pain nerves in the brain. Then thoughts of evolution, life purpose, and human behaviour. Thought finally ends with post-mortem erections.
So many pain nerves in testicles, and no pain nerves in the brain. Then thoughts of evolution, life purpose, and human behaviour. Thought finally ends with post-mortem erections.
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