yes I can tell! thats so cute. You know, high estrogen leads to a very feminine build. You probably have big eyes and a very cute face. nurture your nurturing side, its valuable! I also have very strong nurturing instincts, like mom levels. I know, its bad ass
Edit: not sure what the comment about build was about, disregard that
Aww thanks! The pic on my profile is actually my face. Although, it's my face without makeup...and it's not a very good pic. The lighting makes me look like my skin is old/rough, and I'm pretty sure this was taken when I was doing an all-nighter. It's obvious I haven't brushed my hair. I might have had day old mascara on....
Can't remember. can tell that the pic is real, because if you look closely, there is an evil little blonde hair on the lower left-hand corner of my chin, which makes me look like I have a beard or something - and which, now that I'm noticing it, will haunt me until my dying day. At least you'd be able to use it to identify my dead body now. You can be like "Yep, that's her. We talked on a forum for a while and she went on and on about that beard of hers."
I chose this ragged looking picture of myself in a weird attempt to blend with you boys! I didn't want to look too lady-like, lest I contaminate conversations with my feminine profile picture. Oh and...I can't exactly pretend to be a male on forums. It doesn't work. I've tried to not identify my gender, but I get found out in about 2 minutes. Males are uncanny at dissecting text for sex identification!
Also, I've been told my face, and speech, is intimidating. Which is sad ._. cuz I'm genuinely a nice person...I think? I also just barely take photos of my face. I'm not big into social media and I never take selfies. I also barely do anything out of the house...what am I supposed to do, get a selfie of myself strategizing on a whiteboard? How weird would that be. So this pic - it happened to be in my phone. I wish I could remember....why...?
Oh! I did apply a color filter. That's why my eyes look yellowish and the whole picture has a magenta tinge. I like warmer colors. This filter almost makes me look like I'm wearing lipstick. It's prettyish - without being sexy.
I do think I must have very high levels of estrogen, which is really strange to me because I'm also highly solitary, indepdendent, stubborn, and...I'm actually pretty dominant, personality-wise. Not to boyfriends, generally. Unless they are naturally submissive men. I usually date guys I admire, so I act a bit more submissive around them. In the rest of my life, though, I dunno. I don't generally have female friends who are equals, for instance. I have broken people I'm fixing, and I have followers/admirers. I get a lot of interesting information, because people feel feel to spew their deepest darkest secrets to me (even when I don't ask for them), but I don't really get to be in the "inner friend" circle. I never understood that, really. That's just how things are. I can have deep, meaningful, very personal relationships - but women have always acted submissively towards me in weird ways. It's easy to detect submissive behavior.
Maybe this is my shadow function at play? Maybe I come across as a narcissist or something...
The following is a massively long rant about my estrogen-based build, feel free to skip it! The conclusion is that it serious sucks. Very much. It's one of the reasons I was told I might fit in better in Norway or something.
I definitely have a heavily estrogen-based build, but let me tell SUCKS. I can't tell you how many times I've wished from the bottom of my heart that I could be one of those stick-thin coltish looking girls. But no...I have to get the hips and the thighs that come with it - and the weird upper proportions. I can never get smaller than a size 4 in pants - and what sucks about that, is that I can never find pants, because pants that are made for my thighs/hips are not made for my waist. So I just wear leggings and sweats. I can't wear dress shirts, either, because again - dress shirts that are made for my bust are not made for my waist. Can't wear skinny jeans - which is what everyone wears these days. Can't wear chinos or cropped pants because they make me look fat because my legs are thin enough. I can't even wear most dresses. I only fit in vintage dresses (like swing dresses and sun dresses), or real wrap dresses. I've spent hours upon hours searching online for actual, real wrap dresses - but they're not really made anymore. I also can't find bras. When I do, they're usually $80 or more. Every time I go shopping in the mall, I have to fight the urge to cry. Nothing I wear fits me - and everything I try on specifically doesn't fit on my largest parts - particularly my thighs, which I hate with passion. So trying on manufactured clothes is a nightmare for my self-esteem. :/
I definitely think that it's given me some serious body-image issues.
One of the things that also sucks, that I think people never think about, is that by having more curves than other women, I actually feel bigger. It doesn't matter if I'm the same weight, or a bit slimmer, even. She'll be able to fit into a size 2 pants, and I can only manage a size 4. I have to eat like a gazelle to be her weight, and I still look more massive. The media doesn't really portray my body type as feminine. So you end up feeling like you're not very "girly".
The other problem I've encountered is that I seem to generate a lot of stalkers and other undesireable male behavior. Like men who follow you in the supermarket, or follow you when you're walking down the street. I think I also tend to attract men that are just looking for sex much more than other women, because firstly, I've been told that I'm utterly unapproachable, and secondly, I think men that think they have "game" and fancy themselves "players" target women based on their bodies, and have the confidence to try to manipulate them into bed.
Anyways, these days, I just barely ever wear makeup,I dress in sweats and a sweatshirt everywhere I go, and I usually wear a huge pair of headphones, which discourages conversation! Lol. I tried wearing a wedding ring in college, but I got called out on it by a guy that pressured me into saying whether I was married...and since I don't lie I wouldn't do it...and then he said women just wear rings like that to play hard to get
-_- ....
Don't get the wrong idea though. I don't think I'm some incredibly sexy person. Especially now. I'm on diet at the moment, because unfortunately, it's really easy for me to gain weight, and quite difficult to lose it. Another thing I blame on estrogen.
Anyways! Moral of the story - that whole "hourglass figure"'s a CURSE. Absolutely terrible. I know, I know - "the grass is always greener", but in my case, I really do think that women with slender frames have absolutely no idea how much it sucks to have curves. It's much easier to have less of a figure, and these days, it's trendy and socially desirable. Everything is built for women with slender frames. Even what's "in", fashion-wise.
Feels nice to vent though, for once! Especially to a guy. Other ladies feel my pain, but there's something nice about being able to vent to a guy about it! Thanks for the invitation!
intpf has a huge list of emojis when you make a message, nobody uses them tho.
Just found them! Can't believe I didn't actually think of looking for an emoji option. I just assumed the emojis were forced upon me when I try to use old-fashion text-base faces (which I much prefer)! I also finally figured out what intpf means! Lol!